I stay still in my position as Jungkook hovers over me going around in turns checking me out? What does he think he's doing I can't believe I'm blushing right now shouldn't I be fighting or something? I even forgot how to breathe and then I realize that actually we have been surrounded and not friendly surroundings.

I have many questions in my mind like, what is he doing here? why are they trying to surround us? what do they want? sighing in frustration I gaze at him "what are you doing here Jungkook?" I ask and he grins "is my doll eager to know?" he smirks, his husky voice which carries a dark aura could be noticed it seem so different but I shrugged it off as am getting impatient.

"How about we make a deal"? he faces me directly into my eyes he really carries that alpha aura dominance that keeping eye contact is very hard it makes me weak in the knees but I dared to look at him which I know I will regret later.

"I will go straight to the point we are interested in the treasure too and you guys have no choice than to work for us like it or not" like really the nerve of him I grit my teeth in anger what does he think of himself to order us around, without thinking twice I reject his deal it's not like I'm even benefiting in it, am I?

Before I knew it his palm made contact with my cheek creating a stinging pain and fell down due to the force I hold my now red cheek tasting the iron in my mouth,"Jimin!!" Tae screams as he struggles to get of their hold, I look up to Jungkook in disbelief just what the heck is wrong with him? he squarts near me "See what you made me do" he tries to touch my cheek but I push it away in annoyance "I told you, you have no choice since you don't want to cooperate on your own I will make you to" he smirks, oh how I want to punch that smirk off his face right now.

He stands up walking towards Tae, I'm confused what he wants to do cuz there's no way he can convince me just by words.

Him and Tae face each other I gasp when Tae groans in pain he punched him, I could see blood at the corner of his lips "no stop" I tried to shout but he continues to punch him as the two held both Tae's hands "tell me do you agree?the longer you take the more I punch him" he continues to punch him as if he were a punching bag, Tae groans in pain "Jimin don't agree" I could see him spit blood and I had enough "I agree now stop hitting him"I shout-out and he stops and then turns to me bending down to my level "ok doll we are moving starting this minute" he gets up and approaches Namjoon and Hobi, seeming to be in a deep conversation as if they knew....Wait a godamn minute of-course they know each other how did he know about such a thing if he wasn't told, I grit my teeth in anger, this was supposed to be a secret mission and now look.

I run to Tae and help him up, he caress my cheek "you ok?" he asks concerned "doesn't matter you ok, tell me where does it hurt" I become paranoid "hey am not weak I do workout just a little pain but am all ok" he smiles "am sorry" I hug him tight "that bastard is the one to be sorry" he clenched his jaw but I try to calm him down "they outnumbered us we can't fight them, we can't just die here without even reaching half way, besides aren't we all after the same thing now think about it?" I try to make him understand as I had also thought about it. He nods "everyone we start the journey, Hobi you lead since you have the map" he orders and Hobi does the Same, I trusted him but only to be disappointed but am not angry perhaps I could try to understand his pov but for now I can't look into their eyes am so angry.

Tae's arm was around my neck as I was supporting him "oww" he says in pain but slowly we could walk "so dramatic" Jungkook scoffed as Tae rolled his eyes at him, I couldn't bring myself to talk to this handsome dare devil 'fuck stop it you idiot' I scold myself as we walk with Jungkook and his men behind us all armed looking like terrorists.


Am shocked when I see Jungkook hit Jimin this is exactly what I was scared of, Jungkook's monster side isn't patient at all he has already hurt him what will he do later, i look down hopeless as I can't do anything about it, I already feel guilty for lying to him I can't look up to him to meet his innocent and angelic face, am such a bad person.


The moment Namjoon had walked out, Jin had his bag pack already prepared all he had to do is .....just pick it up and vanish from the face of earth to 'the wunu' there was no way he was missing such a big adventure "Sorry Joonie you can't force me to remain here am a compass reader for a reason" he tells himself while putting on the required clothes.

"How dare he hit my baby?" Jin gasp in shock when he saw Jungkook hit Jimin, all this time he's been following them from behind not yet to reveal himself as they haven't even gone that far.

He held himself with all the fibers in his body not to jump on Jungkook and beat the shit out of him, he wanted to already reveal himself but he got another idea "Jungkook am not going away without a fight" he smirked getting back in his hideout.....

[A/M:Jin, am gonna jump on his back and you grab his legs and take him down *smirks* JN:No.....*gasp* A/M:eeh why no? JN:*evil smirk* I will just stab him with this dagger *holds it out* A/M:Uhmmm....uh.....*speechless*