Jimin and Tae walk hand in hand as someone with a sharp gaze can't stop shooting daggers across their intertwined hands, he had a tight hold on his pistol he could shoot anyone at the moment but someone else was concerned. "excuse me boss...with that hold you could shoot someone…." The one person that dared to question the Jeon Jungkook was he asking for a death wish? "oh maybe I should just shoot you..." he smirked as the other gulp hard when the pistol was pointed to his head "a…am sorry …sir" he said with trembling voice, he could have sworn he had already regretted his life decisions already.

The walk in the dark mountain was so far so good, they covered a minimum distance and Jungkook decided they should rest, according to his time it was already night, but in the mountain you couldn't tell what time is it….day…or night…. With all the drama everyone had earlier he decided they should eat something and then the next journey would be no joke.

Everyone got a spot to sit, Jimin and Tae clinging to each other as if they would let go of each other they wouldn't survive. The rest too did the same with Hobi starting a fire. The ones that had food decided to dig in already..."aren't you going to eat?" Tae ask Jimin who had his arm entangled with his "I don't think so, but you should eat.." he got his bag ready to take out when Tae stops him. "Am not hungry too" he says and Jimin nods he can't force him.

An hour of looking around they concluded it was a safe spot to sleep in the night, Jimin looks up only to be met with Jungkook's gaze across him, 'Geez what does he think looking at me like a creep?'....Jimin thought to himself looking aside hiding the blush that had crept onto his cheeks 'I make him blush' Jungkook thought to himself as he smirk. Jungkook had sat alone opposite Jimin and Tae, not because he's a loner but who has the guts to to be near the ruthless mafia Jungkook, no one even dared to look straight in his eyes let alone sitting.

Namjoon and Hobi too had sat across him, these five men didn't touch their food as the rest were digging in, suddenly there was a movement more like a person creeping in quietly and careful being un noticed by anyone, the last thing everyone heard was a scream.

"Ahhhh" someone jumped onto Jungkook's back holding his neck tightly wanting to choke him, "how dare you hit my baby you idiot" Jin scolded Jungkook on top of his back trying hard to choke him, Jungkook not being himself got irritated and held his arms tightly but Jin being stubborn refused to let go of his legs around thighs.

Namjoon, Hobi, Tae and Jimin gasps in shock but Namjoon's jaw almost dropped 'I left him at home' is what he was telling himself as he hurriedly stood seeing how Jungkook held his boyfriend's arms tightly, he was scared he might do something "ahhhhh" Jin scream in pain after his back collided with the stone like ground "Jungkook stop" Namjoon held Jungkook's fist which was about to hit Jin, he shook his head in no and angry Jungkook with his sharp gaze finally looks away and walks back to where he was sitting, holding back his gun and start to caress it fondly.

"Are you ok honey?" Namjoon asks wanting to help Jin but he push away his hands "and you stood there doing nothing…" he said angrily "and what do you think your doing here huh?" he snaps back and Hobi interrupts, he pulls away Namjoon "calm down" he says "ahh my back.." Jin groans, Jimin having seen all this came near and knelt before him "Hyung are you ok?" Jimin asked concerned as Jin just stare at him scanning his whole face "just my back" Jimin chuckled helping him up "you should have thought twice attacking him" he said as Jin sat where Jimin was earlier.

"Let me see" he scanned Jimin's face and he could still see finger prints on his beautiful cheek "that bastard" he said while wanting to get up but Jimin and Tae held him back "do you want to get your whole body broken too?" Tae says holding him back, Jin turns to Tae and cups his face "are you ok, I saw them hurting you" Jin really was a softie "not to worry I will be fine, but how did you end up here?" Tae finishes off with a question as Jin scratch his neck nervously "long story, for now lets rest" they didn't argue knowing pretty well they cant win against him so without complaining they listened to him.


At this point everyone was fast asleep, Jimin and Tae had laid their heads on their eomma's abdomen as a pillow and he didn't mind at all. But Jimin was shifting sides to sides he was having a nightmare again and maybe…just maybe coming in here made it worse, he slowly woke up and sat, looking at everyone who was sleeping, he stood up and sat near the fire 'so he still has nightmares?' Jungkook thought as he stood up to sit near Jimin. He actually cant also sleep, thanks to his demons.

"Cant fall asleep?" he coldly asks but when Jimin looks into his eyes he could tell his eyes shows another expression, remembering what happened earlier he turns to what he was doing "none of your business" he too coldly says 'I will play it the way you want' he thought to himself, Jungkook didn't say anything as he too just shrugged it off and continued to devour the warmth from the heat...…..

Jimin couldn't help than stare at him again, his biceps were definitely going to rip the poor shirt, he licked his lips seeing how protruding they were whenever Jungkook moves 'so cold yet so sexy' he thought feeling the heat "you sure like to stare" Jungkook broke his unholy thoughts without glancing at him at all, he was caught starring "you did too earlier" he defend himself as Jungkook chuckle.....

"Clever as the devil and twice as pretty...."