"What is the meaning of this?" Mr.Bang shouts from across one room when they weren't letting him in he was very pissed off that he wanted to break the door down, first waking up with a lot of annoying calls, second not able to access the entrance to the mountain only to find his men missing thirdly he wanted an explanation for the shit happening and then again these bastards weren't letting him have in his way and on top of it he is so goddamn worried for his boys that he lost connection with a week ago he doesn't even know if they are OK. Mr.Bang had decided today to send in more but everything took a turn without his say so he wanted to meet the bastard behind all his shit happening, he had some explanations to give him.

"who is it shouting like a maniac?" an angry voice behind Mr.Bang says making him turn to look at him "Mr.Jeon" he wasn't expecting him "oh Mr.Bang sorry for the inconvenience" he chuckled what was even funny...

Mr.Bang was still processing what was this person talking about, taking his time to think he widen his eyes, he placed the puzzles together and he had no doubt anymore "what do you think you are doing?" he asked his voice with a hint of annoyance he couldn't believe this man was in his business "follow if you want to know" the door that Mr.Bang wanted to open so bad was finally opened and he followed this man inside.

'what does he think he's doing did he find out i was working with his brother before speak of that i haven't heard from Jungkook either what is this man plotting' Mr.Bang had a lot of questions "well you must be surprised why am here" Mr.Jeon yet again chuckle Mr.Bang couldn't understand what was funny again.....

As he awaited him to say more, a man came in "yes boss" he said, Mr.Bang found the voice a bit familiar to his curiosity he turned to him only to be confused "what....Taemin" he called, he was in-charge of the security making sure no one gets access in the mountain, whatever Mr.Bang had been doing was legal and the mountain was put in his care to study and explore more but what was this man going to threaten him with....

"Boss" Taemin yet again said and Mr.Bang wasn't sure if the boy was addressing him the boss or the other person he was going to get his answers soon. Teamin obediently strode towards Mr.Jeon and stood beside him "sit Mr.Bang" he more like ordered. "you, what did you do to my boys?" he wanted to know "oh that, they weren't cooperating i had to teach them a lesson don't worry you can see them later on your way out" he smirked. "get to the point" Mr.Bang wasn't going to have any more of this talk "impatient aren't we" he mocked "oh well i don't have time for this either" he scoffed.

"I have took over the exploration, you didn't seem to be doing much weren't you but don't worry we don't need to fight over this, i have more men you probably can't fight me" he mocked "anyway as i said we can still cooperate you probably dint have an idea how the boys are" this made Mr.Bang narrow his eyes "what do you mean, how would you know?" he asked "well you probably didn't even know my men were the first to go in lead by Jungkook did you?" well.....he was right, Mr.Bang thought he didn't know much he didn't like the feeling, it was also true he didn't have much men to his side so things were being much difficult with his best students not around.

"well Thanks to Taemin we have gained access from within we can fight later but right now don't you think you should worry about the boys" "how would you know" he asked "well one Jungkook's men came back half dead he looked worse than a dead animal we only got a few information before his demise" he explains "i had to force my way in here, but as i said let's fight later ok" Mr.Bang didn't trust this man at all 'well he doesn't even know what his brother used to explore this mountain before does he?' he thought 'well my boys need help i have to do something' he made up his mind "ok let's leave our fights behind first and see the updates, what is your plan?" he asked not forgetting to send a glare at Taemin who looked down in shame. "we have to send more men since we have a few leads this will be easier" he suggested and the older found it meaningful "ok i will add in more who are experienced enough" he stood up "nice working with you mr.Bang" he held out his hand and the older looked at it uninterested "we only got a deal nothing else" he shook his hand "we start today night" Mr.Jeon says and Mr.Bang nods and heads out missing the smirk the other had 'i got you' he grinned seeing his plans work.

Mr.Bang knew pretty well what this man was up to "too greedy right?" he mumbled as he chuckled "well see about that not on my watch" he too had his plans his boys needed to be fine he wanted to make sure of it. Status didn't matter after all he knows he had an upper hand but knowing how his best-friends brother was too naive and greedy he had to play to his side in support he had to gain his side to and study his moves "don't worry boys i will make sure you come back safely" he sighs..... "oh i almost forgot i want to meet the others i wonder what the bastard did to them"