It was a weekend, the park was filled with a lot of people adults, kids, the elderly, jikook, it was always a fun day during weekends but today it was oddly packed its like everyone had the same thought for the day."i want ice cream" Jimin whine when they were almost near the ice cream shop "does my baby want to eat something now?" Jungkook ask teasingly because a while go the younger had become grumpy after loosing into the earlier game "yes i want to eat" he whine again as their intertwined hands swung while they walked "ok baby let's get you ice cream then" he flashes him his bunny smile, even under the hot sun under a black bucket hat the younger could still see his smile "yaay" he jumped in joy making Jungkook chuckle.

"hmmmmm...." Jimin moan to the cold sweet chocolate ice cream making Jungkook gulp hard the younger looked sexy while doing that which made him look around "what are you looking for?" Jimin ask "making sure no one heard that sinful sound" this made Jimin chuckle "why" he giggles "because it's meant for me only..." he confidently said "this bunny sure doesn't like to share" he teased but he knew his bunny was the possessive type i mean how many people was he almost about to kill for looking at his doll, if looks could kill they would have been six feet under, his glare can tear your soul.

"now look who is being grumpy and jealous..tsk tsk" Jimin shook his head his boyfriend was really the tempered one so how about teasing him a little "hmmm" he moaned again this time loudly making Junkook widen his eyes in surprise "huh!" he was confused "hey what did i say you belonging to me?" he asked in horror 'this bunny' Jimin smirked as he continued to do so "stop" Jungkook whispered scream "make me" Jimin was really getting onto him "really..." Jungkook sigh as Jimin still had his eyes closed moaning to the taste, the moment he opened his eyes he was met with Jungkook's lips right to his face since because of their height difference "mhhhhmmm" he moans died down in the kiss when Jungkook suddenly decided to do so i public! Jimin's eyes widen but didn't break away "now...." it was Jungkook's turn to tease him when he saw his cute boyfriend a blushing mess he loved this sight "you win ok....huh" Jimin was startled when some people ran into him pushing him in the crowd, recovering from the push he realized he couldn't see Jungkook and he became a bit scared scratch that he became scared when the Jungkook wasn't by his side.

"babe...babe"he called looking around but the crowd was big he couldn't see and he became anxious, on the other hand Jungkook became worried when he couldn't see his doll yet a second earlier he was smiling at him "doll.....doll" he called looking around. Jimin accidentally fell big mistake and it was goddamned hard to move up as a stubborn tear made his way down to his chin he was literally suffocating "kook" it was almost like a whisper before he knew it he saw a hand that had stretched out to help him, looking at who was the owner he couldn't help than smile in happiness the older found him "i got you...." he smiled as Jimin held his hand for dear life while Jungkook gave him a satisfied smile that he found him he was happy for that.



"urghh" Jimin groaned to the pain he felt on his forehead, slowly opening his eyes he was met with the face of the dark as he tried to look further, but the only thing he could think about was...."Jungkook" he tried to shout but his weak voice came out as a whisper "where are you" he called again but no response which made him panic "ha!!" he huffed as he tried everything in him to stand his leg was cramped up and don't me started with the heavy headache he felt.

Luckily he stepped on a torch which instantly beamed showing him the rocks that lay across "urggh" he groaned again when he was about to stumble but he managed to balance himself as he tried to recall what happened before. Bending down he got a hold of the torch as he scanned the area with his blurry vision, he couldn't see a thing at all but he didn't stop to call "kook, say something" he stumbled upon the rocks making him fall "ahh" he cry in pain when a stone scrapped his palm but he felt something soft "Ju..Jungkook" he hopefully calls as he crawled towards him but his body was giving upon him already "no..no" he pants as he struggles to reach his face.

Just before he could touch him his body gave up on him "no no"he pants but he cant do anything about it he was severely injured and bleeding and before he could blink again he entirely fell to the ground as his teary eyes closed but he heard voices from afar.......

"boss i think i heard someone" one of the men shouted from across them carrying a lamp "huh what do you mean?" the said boss asked in surprise "everyone quick" he orders the five men who headed to the direction.

"hmm what do we have here" he held his chin as he scout down looking at the severely injured men, "what should we do?" one of them asked "let's take them" he clears his throat "you sure?" he wasn't sure about it "yeah,now hurry" he said looking around and spotting some few things "take that too" he said while pointing at the black bag that lay near the water..... "where did they come from?" he asked as he looked around the rocks but to his dismay he didn't find any clue "damn it" he clutched onto his long hair and then suddenly had the thought of looking up "well...well" he said looking at the cliff above which made him smirk "finally" he huffed looking excited "there is something above" he took notes "boss" the boy called "coming" he said heading over...