The warm bath was really helpful and relaxing for the boys as they felt they had enough they decided to get back into their clothes because soon the others will be joining but speak of the devil they were already here "so you all were here all along?" Asked Taemin as they gave him a boring look "I'm the one in charge here so if you guys want to go anywhere you have to report and ask permission from me whether you like it or not" he barked "jeez here he goes again" Jin groaned as the rest rolled their eyes in discomfort "I see you've been having fun yeah?" Taemin asked or rather said looking at steamy lagoon having so much restraint from jumping in "fuck it" he grumbled as he looked at the rest having hungry eyes for the lagoon they wanted it but Taemin wouldn't dare allow it "forget it we are moving already" he announced leaving the rest groan in disbelief he liked to see faces of disappointment it made him feel superior over others "sorry guys guess no lagoon for you" Tae shruged.

Someone had their eyes set onto something rather someone sure to be getting hard anytime soon, turns out Jimin was still fumbling with his shirt buttons leaving his chest all bare unintentionally not realizing someone has been staring. Jungkook was minding his own business when he realized Jimin beside him still fidgeting with his shirt and had to see that milky chest and those pink buds slapping him in the face so hard oh no he was gonna loose it if he continues to stare so he looked else where only to see a pair of dark eyes starring where he shouldn't, Jungkook doesn't know what came over him and stood in front of Jimin completely covering him out of sight 'Damn Jeon' he was angry.

Jungkook took Jimin's shirt buttons and helped him cover up without a word getting Jimin completely off guard "your so slow" is all Jungkook could say trying to hide his feelings and that action made Jimin blush as he looked down.

After that lil drama Taemin led them on his own maybe they would be faster that way "he's completely lost it" Taehyung whispered to Jimin who nodded in agreement "am even sure we aren't half way yet" he whispered back as the two snickered Taemin just walking away casually.

"Hey Kai?" Jimin called him as he walked towards his side, after all this drama going on he was thankful Kai and his group never left them after all Mr Min was such a good person "well we are pretty sorry for getting you guys into this mess" he said apologetically looking at the rest of his group not even complaining even once "uncle said the most important thing is to stick to each other even though everyone looks at the other differently but look at us still in the same position isn't that better than fighting?" Kai explained to Jimin who looked at him with so much adoration "wow" is all Jimin could say Kai must have been younger than him but boy knew the right words to use and how to act in any of situations "please tell me if anything troubles you" Jimin insisted "of course" Kai smiled "by the way since I figured you like to deal in medicines and research this might help you" Jimin dug his hand into his jacket pockets and took out that green substance "we've tried it with Jungkook it actually works on any wound and completely heals it" Jimin said excitedly handing the med to Kai who took it with so much care "OMG hyung you know what this means we can literally heal anything we can over come pain and so much diseases this is a true Miracle" Kai almost shouted in pure excitement he truly had dreams to fill "you deserve it" Jimin pat his shoulder "I know you can" he was caught off guard when he was pulled into a hug Kai seemed so excited.

The walk was surprisingly quite no yelling, no questions no outburst just quite and peaceful or perhaps it was the hunger kicking in I mean they haven't eaten since the night and someone keeps them walking like donkeys of-course they have to worn out besides they were now taking even slower steps they were getting weak but they know they can't stop yet but suddenly rustling of rocks further away made their sense of hearing perk up "did you hear something?" Jimin asked Kai who immediately nodded "it can't be an animal can it?" Jin asked too everyone had come to a halt listening more to the voice.

From rustling went to groans and whimpers whatever it was seemed to be in pain but they still haven't seen it come out. They all stood in the center everyone getting out their weapons Taemin and his men pointing the guns and Taehyung getting Jimin behind him while Namjoon and Jungkook stood stood in front of them and the rest.

They carefully waited until a figure or someone in kind of familiar torn clothes limped towards them he was looking so dirty and sweaty all over himself and groaning every now and then for a moment they thought it was a zombie "who are you?" Taemin asked pointing a gun to it's head he had stopped limping and halted his steps.

Namjoon Jin Hobi and Jungkook had already figured him he was one of Jungkook's men "b..boss" the man called barely able to talk and so Jungkook walked closer but at a safe distance and studied his posture, he was trembling, sweating and limping what happened to his leg? He wondered "what happened?" Jungkook asked and Taemin stood aside "the o..others..." "Yes" "st... statues" he tried but looking closely you could tell his tongue was not moving normally he was already loosing it "he might be sick let's help him" Kai said standing next to Jungkook "I...I..." before he could say more he fell down no one touching him yet they still haven't figured what is wrong with him.

Kai took his man made gloves and scout down to have to check his pulse "unfortunately he's dead" he announced and everyone gasped "what is wrong with him?" Jimin asked coming closer to have a look "am not sure" Kai was curious too "you and you open his clothes" Taemin ordered his two men who immediately did as told opening the man's clothes and the next thing everyone knew was widening their eyes in utter shock "what in the world..." Taemin fell speechless as he looked at what was supposed to be a body of someone completely turning to a golden statue.

He was limping because his one leg became numb as it completely turned and before he could be questioned any further they were too late it had already spread through his whole system and this was so new.

"Something is definitely up there" they all turned to the darker side of the cave this wasn't the rocky path they were walking into they had covered the distance and now they are standing in front of what is supposed to be defined as lord of darkness itself.




Waaa look at me getting all serious....