In ancient history it is studied that there used to exist a Golden Palace no it wasn't just called the Golden Palace because it was made of gold it was neutralized through gold everything to its nature is defined by the gold it's made of it's a miracle that it was something natural decades ago there once used to exist a small village it wasn't that special to talk about nothing really interesting about it but a miracle had happened to it, it was actually known for its pure poverty up to its roots there was suffering from drought lack a food they didn't even have clothes to start with but the people never gave up they prayed to their god of nature that they believed heard their sorrows and pleads they made a few sacrifices here and there and after years of trying a miracle finally happened and just a small pond was found behind that small village not even far from it, it wasn't really used because no one knew it existed in the first place but it wasn't just any pond because the water of gold might have looked colorless but anything that comes to contact with it completely shines to gold when the leader of the village found about it they didn't know actually it was that kind of a pond until one of his men touched that water accidentally and turned into a statue only the chief and his officials were present there and watched the scene unveil that was another sacrifice made directly at the pond You might have think it may be an accident but the chief decided on another thing the people would freak out if they found out someone died just through water so they kept the statue because they couldn't have discarded it like that they're not sure If they should have considered that a curse or a blessing by that but at that time they knew this was a miracle since then, the gods have finally heard their prayers so they shift did what he thought was best for the village and in no time a few months it became one of the richest village that everyone got talking about it was no longer a village and now it was a palace led by kings and high officials.

But just like I said where there is good there's bad, greed had started growing amongst them they did not take care properly of the miracle given to them unfortunately what was believed to be a miracle turned into a curse the old Palace in fact became a curse it was given too much sacrifices that it was no longer a good thing again rather that if one comes in contact with it would immediately perish to its shiny gold and that's how it came to having many statues.



"What kind of bullshit is that?" Taehyung Yet again gave this reaction he always gives to be honest he hated history it sounded so much lies to him but trust me he knows where to apply it but it doesn't mean he believes history how odd of him.

Jimin was reading out loud the book he was holding in his hands come to think of it his bag pack consisted of books of the ancient history and that's how he gets to know more information about the case interesting how did he manage to carry big books but that doesn't matter the Palace of Gold in front of them is what mattered "Oh My God" pairs of wide eyes and surprised ones where glued to what was supposed to look like a palace before them and indeed it was gold to its purest.


A mint haired man could be seen snooping already inside the Golden Palace a step ahead from everyone he got to look at the gold first before everyone else what an achievement he was very proud of himself "wow a beauty to be hold" he appreciated looking at the Golden walls with so much enthusiasm he was moved "indeed it exists" he nodded like a kid taking careful steps towards it. This man had a bad pack He had worn black cargo pants with black boots and a grey shirt He seemed to be a tourist or something like that or just fashion.

This palace was indeed a beauty, it had golden chandeliers hanging to it, beautiful furnitured table designs and surprisingly a throne "bingo" the mint haired man smirked walking closer before that he noticed how weird he's seeing more human like statues "that can't be a human right the story can't be right but I will be careful In case" he told himself staying away further from the statues his only main was the crown further away from his eyes "I knew it exists those bastards were even betting on this pathetic" he snickered and took more two steps ahead only to feel the ground grumbling beneath him "what the-" he took two steps back and taking out his hand gun immediately since the sounds were getting closer now, he was on stand guard looking everywhere possible but didn't see anything "show yourself creature" he more like whispered to himself but surprisingly getting an answer back "well we'll look at that isn't that a good meal for us" a deep hoarse voice said in return sounding like a total beast nothing like human and the mint haired man knew "show yourself" he demanded.

"ke ke ke someone is inpatient to be devoured I must be lucky to get a meal today" the voice said again, the man with a gun trying his best to know where it came from exactly before the voice was coming from every corner of the room making it hard for him and before he knew it he felt himself falling into a dark pit having no time to react.

Exactly when the others walked into the Palace with careful steps and looking around in astonishment "is there anything else about this palace in the book it feels kinda odd" Taehyung pointed out in a whisper while Jimin looked at him "and here I thought you believed history was bullshit" Jimin mocked and one hard stare from Taehyung made him shut up "of-course not, nothing more is mentioned in the book" Jimin replied finally. And just like the others they found the exact statues scattered all over the ground just standing there looking completely caught off guard but it didn't take them long to detect something was already here "show yourself!" Taemin screamed him and his men already got out their guns "oh my I guess I wasn't quick enough" the voice replied back instantly getting everyone stand on guard with different weapons with them "am tired of this hide and seek game anyway now that I have to hold a feast later" the voice mocked and it came out from it's dark chamber everyone gasping at the sight of it, but that was not all it hand something in it's hand or rather someone looking completely passed out or maybe dead "Jimin are you really sure the ancient people prayed to their god because this is way more a beats from hell" Taehyung pointed out the obvious now how to deal with this one........