It was after a few... Could be hours when they decided it was enough of the collection of the stones besides lots of them would only weigh them down and slow their movements they can't take that now when they knew their next destination was the toughest, yes you heard it right, according to the map they are almost there but they knew better than celebrating early it was even obvious how the others tensed up it wasn't going to be easy, so to have a better journey Jungkook decided to rest it for the day and the next thing tomorrow was keep walking to the ends.

In a most suitable place they made three camp fires themselves weren't that much to begin with so basically three was just enough. Jungkook and the five sat to one of the fires Jimin behind him at the far corner getting his much needed rest 'when he wakes up he will be completely fine' Kai had promised Jungkook and so he stuck to that little hope. He wanted to wait for him as he rested but the hyungs wouldn't let him ushering him to first eat then cuddle later.

That evening was peaceful and quiet nothing rumbling no creatures sneaking out for a hunt this being was the perfect spot, and after a few hours of their moderate meal everyone had to rest it for the day they had something bigger for them and nervously sure they are so ready.

Jungkook had yet to sleep as he was in a corner glaring at a certain direction you can call it jeonlous and he won't even deny it. He really wanted to sleep close to his boyfriend but a certain someone was faster he knows he is his best friend but that same friend wanted a competition like this, Jungkook could feel it and he wanted so much to punch him in the face but he can't do anything about it now that the two were sleeping together he really wanted to be there him only but I guess he'll have to sleep to the side all alone and call him being dramatic he doesn't care next time he'll be fast I guess, in fact he promises for now he was going to let it pass.



Taehyung was sound asleep when suddenly he felt his hand being gripped like really hard, he was still sleepy so he didn't think about it but got him to groan to the hard grip, he snapped his eyes open when he felt something dig deep to his hand flesh "urgh" it was awfully painful, looking down to his hand he saw it was Jimin's hand literally digging in his flesh "uhmm Jimin I know I did wrong I apologized, but..hurts" he complained and looked up to Jimin thinking he would come face to face with a cute glare only to see the opposite.

Jimin was sweating porously, teeth grinding against each other body trembling and forming incoherent words "w.. what's wrong jimin" the next thing he knew he fell into panic mode not because he was surprised by the scene but because it was the same way Jimin reacted that one time that he had to rush him to the hospital it was pretty serious to go through again and that panicked him and looked around for anything that could help out and that's when his eyes fell to Jungkook who was sleeping almost far from them.

Breathing in and out Taehyung tried to think fast, if he called out Jungkook loudly it would startle the others and see what's happening, Jimin wouldn't want anyone to see his state because they will take advantage of it he would be embarrassed, Since his hand was held tight he couldn't move so he picked up a small rock and targeted it towards Jungkook's face and miraculously he hit on point "thank heavens I usually practiced shooting".

Jungkook was the one always on guard a small noise and he would be up instantly so he was already up and looking around tentatively like he wasn't sleeping earlier, no signs of being sleepy at all.

"Pshh, over here" Taehyung called him In a whisper and Jungkook quickly came to his aid "what happened?" The first thing he asked when he glanced down at Jimin who was fighting his own sleep demons "h..hot....hoot... No..... Don't...it's... dangerous..." he kept on chanting incoherent words that the two couldn't figure it out "no no, not again Jimin please wake up" Taehyung was on a verge of crying "Jungkook do something please I can't see him in that state again no, he's been through a lot...please, Jungkook he will only listen to you" he kept saying and Jungkook pat his shoulder assuring him he was still here.

Jungkook leaned down to Jimin and the first thing he did was insert two of his fingers in Jimin's mouth the other biting him in the process with how hard he was grinding them but he didn't even flinch, he had to make sure he didn't bite his tongue that's even more dangerous.

"Jimin baby do you hear me?" Jungkook started calmly as he leaned down to his ear nibbling on it, Jungkook whispered sweet nothing into Jimin's ears as Taehyung was just there staring not sure what he should even do.

"It's okay it's your Kookie you can look at me now" Jungkook continued seeming that this wasn't new to him at all, Taehyung felt his hand slowly being let go off, Jimin was calming down and when it went entirely silent sobs followed as he opened his soaked eyes, meeting with Jungkook's eyes first made him to sob more.

Since Jimin needed a little more time to clear his mind, Teahyung gave them privacy and headed to the other way.

Jungkook quickly pulled Jimin to his lap and hugged him tightly "shss it's okay baby your doing just great it's gone now" Jungkook continued to comfort him as he kissed his forehead lovingly "Jungkook. .." Jimin managed to call out as he sat up and looked at Jungkook with glossy eyes "yes baby" he tucked his hair behind his ear that definitely brought a pink shade to his cheeks somethings never change "it...it was so scary....I am scared" he said while sniffing, the way he said it was a way to tell Jungkook he was okay to confide in him and he felt safe to share his vulnerability with him it made Jungkook proud that's a big first step after they are back together.

"You don't need to be scared am here with you, I won't let anything come to you nor even touch you I will beat the hell out it okay" he promised and Jimin managed to pull a smile as Jungkook wiped his tears away "my boyfriend is so strong" Jimin said proudly as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook and pulled him to his embrace "I feel safe" he confessed "of course baby I will always be here for ya" they both broke the hug and looked at each other not taking a second back before connecting their lips together.

It was a slow assuring kiss, full of love and comfort promising to be there for each other in anything and never letting go of their hands "I love you" Jungkook said after their broke the kiss "and I love you more" Jimin replied with a smile "yes smile more you look more pretty that way, though I love your feisty side too" was that a tease, Jungkook was doing it again just like he usually does always teasing Jimin who was now beet red "stop it" he hit him playfully "never," Jungkook admitted "let's sleep okay, we have a long way" he suggested and Jimin paled instantly that is something he doesn't want to do again, sleep. All his demons hunt him at that time when he is asleep and almost lifeless he hated it but.....

Jungkook had noticed the sudden change and pulled Jimin to his chest "you don't need to worry am here with you okay, just listen to our heart beats can you do that pretty?" He asked and Jimin instantly nodded and followed what Jungkook told him to do, relaxing to that broad chest Jimin was able to sigh in relief as he listen to the music their heartbeats made it calm him down "it's beautiful sound" he whispered but Jungkook heard him "now don't be afraid okay you can do it I will be here in case of anything" he received a nod in return and it went silent again before Jimin said something again "am sorry" he apologized as he took Jungkook's fingers and caressed them a bit, Jungkook only chuckled "it's pretty bite" he joked and Jimin looked at him up with a pout making Jungkook just want to hug him tight and hide him away from everything.

"It's okay baby, I will take any hit from you, now sleep don't say a word ok pretty" Jimin nodded and relaxed once again and when the silence filled it the two were already in a deep slumber, two heartbeats in rythm was just enough to fight their inner devils all they needed is each other.


