It was early in the morning when Jungkook woke up to tiny pokes onto his cheek, very much aware of who is interrupting his sleep he would have snapped the moment he felt it but hearing those giggles whenever he poked was all he had to hold for so he could hear it again "hmm someone's being a bad boy huh?" Jungkook slowly opened his eyes only to be met with cute little wide eyes like he was caught doing something bad, Jimin pretended he wasn't doing anything and tried standing up from Jungkook's lap to probably run away only for Jungkook to hold him back and pull him back to his lap "not so fast baby where are you going huh?" Jungkook asked teasingly as Jimin looked down with tinted cheeks,

"Look at me" Jungkook said as Jimin first went eyed wide thinking Jungkook wanted to embarrass him, but Jungkook didn't do any of that rather he softly cupped Jimin's face and studied it for a while and checked his temperature "how are you feeling?" Jungkook asked as Jimin only tilted his head in pure confusion "am perfectly fine what could possibly happen to me when my boyfriend is here" Jimin giggled as Jungkook smiled and pulled him into a hug 'doesnt he remember?' Jungkook wondered but shrugged it off for later I guess.. "the fever is nolonger there am glad you are ok" Jungkook said after he broke the hug and looked at Jimin keenly, he was nolonger pale he was super brightened up and really active nothing like happened to him the night before "let's freshen up we are soon moving" Jungkook said as Jimin nodded and stood up waiting for Jungkook to do too as they still held their hands together, they walked to the wet wall that probably dripped water and used it to refresh and get rid of the sleep off their face.

Jungkook got his hands wet and turned to Jimin who was still staring at him and cleaned up his face as the other giggled to the massage he was getting "oh over here there is dried drool" ofcourse Jungkook wouldn't let a chance to tease his boyfriend slip not on his watch, Jimin huffed up and hit his hand away and himself got water to his hands and hitting Jungkook with the water drops "hey stop" Jungkook tried as he chuckled the whole situation seemed funny to him while Jimin was just trying to get his revenge "ok ok am kidding spare me" he stopped as Jungkook walked back to him and finished up cleaning his face and wiping him dry with his own shirt "you might get a cold" he reasoned as Jimin only smiled finding that little gesture cute "let me fix your hair" he suggested and who was Jungkook to refuse.

Of course his Tokyo tower height had to interrupt the sweet moment "get down" Jimin complained as Jungkook tried a lot in him not to burst out laughing while he bent to Jimin's height "what?" Jimin asked in annoyance "nothing,,, just my short boyfriend looking cute" a hit to the shoulder got him to shut up instantly he almost forgot his boyfriend was the Feisty one.

Jimin made Jungkook's hair wet and made a style that he always drooled on Jungkook, that few stray hair covering up his one eye and the rest just resting down comfortably simple yet sexy "there looking perfect" Jimin admired his work "a reward?" he asked and Jungkook smirked "ye_" even before Jimin could finish the word he felt his body pulled up and instantly lips connected "yay" he complained as he hit Jungkook's broad shoulders who was only grinning like a bunny boy he was "love my reward" Jimin even couldn't help than chuckle to his boyfriend's childish tactics "your so silly" he said with a smile "only for you"

"Urghh what's wrong with this scene?" Hobi complained from across as he fanned his eyes to what he was watching for over the past few heavy minutes never had he ever felt distressed with the romance Infront of him "what's wrong with two people showing love to each other it's you who's over looking" Yoongi said as he looked at Hobi like the dumb ass he was right now "shut up that's the point some of us can't take it" he complained with a pout as he looked at Yoongi who at the same time was looking at him, a few more intense starring and the two broke the stare looking else where awkwardly.

"JIMIN!!" Taehyung called like the excited kid he always have when he saw his soulmate "Tae Tae" Jimin called back as he looked at his best friend who was panting from running all the way to where he was with bags in both his hands, Jungkook placed Jimin down and with a last peck he told him he was going to talk to the hyungs before they set off and left the two reconnect "won't you hug your bear?" Taehyung pout as Jimin literally jumped into his arms for dear life almost tripping them down "I missed this I missed you, thought I would never hug you again" Jimin confessed as Taehyung hugged him equally tight "missed you too soulmate glad you are back on your feet" he almost sobbed "nothing would happen to me when I have the most caring people to my side" it was an emotional reconnection they were scared shitless and literally panic

The two took a seat and Jimin was awfully quiet of course Taehyung saw that "what's it, and don't lie about it" he asked sternly as Jimin sighed there he goes again with his soulmate connection "you do know I came here with appa years back..." Taehyung nodded of course how could he not know "it's all starting to feel familiar" he said with a lower voice as Taehyung tried to understand from that small information only to figure it later "oh no Jimin you don't need to feel scared" he quickly said, thats exactly the point "Tae it's all familiar it might be years back but it's all the same I vividly remember it all it was exactly from this point where it all went down" the atmosphere was dropping down as it was filled with sadness "You said it yourself it was years back, look at you now, you have me, you have Jungkook and the hyungs your not alone let's change the future yeah?" Taehyung always has this thing of changing the mood completely "am feeling very lucky we can do this right?" He was looking for assurance "we can always do it" Taehyung pulled him in a hug and it felt better than before "thanks for always being here" "we are always here for each other" and it was when it was announced that they had to move.

"Baby..." It was Jungkook's voice that interrupted their hug "guess your muscle boyfriend is here" Taehyung whispered to Jimin's ears who burst out in a laugh before they broke the hug and looking up to Jungkook who had a bag to his backprobably Jimin's and hand for him to take, Jimin smiled as he took Jungkook's hand who pulled him up with so much ease and their hands tightly "ready?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded and a peck following to his lips.

"Hey" Hobi called as he stood Infront of Taehyung offering him a hand but Taehyung only stared at him with confused eyes not because if Hobi but because of a certain another hand offered to him by none other than Yoongi "you again" Hobi wasn't pleased "yes me" Yoongi fired back as Taehyung only shook his head he doesn't know what's wrong with the two but he knows the next minute only they gonna do is bicker and that wasn't in his plans "stop it you two" he held both their hands and surprisingly in sync he was pulled up and remained only starring at them with weird eyes before walking away the two throwing daggers at eachother but atleast glad they were chosen so childish of them.