As the group kept on walking further Kai couldn't help and stared at Yoongi for a very long time to be honest he's been staring at him since the first day he came out of his hiding there was something awfully too familiar in his memories.

Yoongi was walking in front of him as he was behind with the other members but curiosity took over him and kept on studying the other.

'I have seen him smile a few times, the smile is definitely the same, his behavior too, his mint hair is similar does family always discuss about hair color I don't know but that doesn't matter right now, but he is too awfully familiar to... Mister Min....' just thought of the older male brought sadness to his eyes, it's only been a few days they buried him but it feels so fresh like it was yesterday it really hurt him that he cant meet him again but he's also grateful that he's reached at this point the final point, before anything happens to him he really wants to confirm something and nothing is going to hold him back from doing so 'okay let me try my luck' he told himself because of the attitude Yoongi always held.

But before Kai could say anything he was interrupted "uhmm..." Yoongi turned to him as Kai was surprised and halted his steps "hmm I feel you've been staring way too long you got a problem with me" as expected that attitude was no surprise "I..I" Kai didn't know he was soon going to lose his words just when he faced Yoongi he thought it was easy peasy but now facing him he couldn't grasp his words.

Yoongi waited but nothing came to him and I tell you he wasn't the patient type at all "jezz whatever if you don't want to talk" he shrugged it off and was ready to walk off when suddenly Kai asked his itching question "what is your full name?" he asked in a heartbeat and Yoongi at first looked confused by the question he wasn't expecting anything like it "uhmm....not what I expected but am Min Yoongi nothing to hide about it" he simply answered and looking back at Kai he had his jaw dropped to the floor like he heard the most surprising thing on earth "what the hell is wrong with you" he was talking to a statue Kai couldn't even breathe for a second


'he's a Min too'

'same name'

'they are related'

'is he his son?' he was beyond shook how is knowing that just now.

Yoongi who was really left speechless but he heard some weird hissing sound he didn't know where it was coming from so he looked back from Kai to see if he can hear it again but instead of hearing he saw something dark crawling from where they came from he could see them from afar they look like some kind of big black bugs crawling into the ground he couldn't tell what it was or if it was dangerous but the way they were literally running to their side he could already tell one thing "uhmm guys I think we should make a run for this one" he announced as the rest looked at him questioningly but the sounds got them running without a second thought.

Yoongi grabbed Kai's hand and took the run "What the hell are those?" Hobi asked while they ran to specifically nowhere "I don't know" Yoongi screamed back at him of course the weird things were creping closer "and why the fuck are they fast?" Taehyung pointed out but they couldn't think straight as they ran.

Because a few of them were left behind running two tripped as they asked for help making the others stop running and look back but the next thing they saw just shook them to the core "oh my goodness" Hobi screamed as he lost balance and sat to the floor.

What they thought were bugs crept onto the two people who had fallen and they don't know what happened but the next thing they knew only skeletons were replaced they had literally been eaten alive "shit everyone run!!" Yoongi screamed again Kai this time running even faster, Taehyung took a hold of Hobi's hand knowing pretty well he was a scared cat because he looked so scared right now while onto the ground "you better run faster or you die here" Taehyung threatened so he could get Hobi back to reality and start running faster.

Jin and Namjoon were to the front line as the Jikook couple were behind "uhmm think...think...." Jungkook tried to think of something quick because at the speed of bugs at that moment could catch up to them, they are really gonna die from them he needed to find something that could slow them down "Jungkookie!!! Fire" he heard Jimin suggest to him

"huh" he looked at Jimin who seemed to be looking for something too "fire!! Fire will chase them away" talking like this a few of four were already down "Jin hyung a piece of clothe" Jungkook shouted to Jin who quickly just took off his jacket because it was the only option instead of getting the bag down, Namjoon was quick to get out his lighter he always walks with it's because he's too obsessed with dynamites, throwing the cloth and stick to Jungkook he quickly wrapped the two together as the lighter was thrown to him, but there was a problem the lighter can't just turn on while running and it will also take time to light up "uhmm ha...the spirit" Kai tried to say as Yoongi looked at him fumbling with his jacket pockets and taking out a small bottle seemed like some natural herbal med, Yoongi took it asking no further questions and tried giving to Jungkook which unfortunately dropped at this point they were fucked, Jungkook did what came to his mind he halted as the rest ran behind to him while he headed back to where the bottle dropped trying as quick as possible because one sec late he'll be dead for sure, "Jungkook hurry" he heard Jimin's voice as the rest supported him, and with quick reflexes he opened the herbal bottle pouring the contents to the cloth on the stick and lighting the fire up just when they were closer the fire sprout out instantly scaring them off guess it was nick of time.

The annoying bugs almost flew off seeing the harsh fire and hid but never going away just hissing more to the heat "y'all run" Jungkook suggested as they all took off "I see an opening" Hobi gave them some hope they could finally get away from the cave, Jungkook chased away the bugs as himself tried walking back the fire was almost out but he was glad the rest made it out "Jungkookie!!" he heard Jimin call him from afar "get your ass here or I will kill you myself" he heard Jimin scream on top of his lungs as he continued to chase away the bugs unfortunately the fire was going off soon "fuck" he breathed and looked back only five steps he will reach, with a strong turn he ran off to the others just in time he jumped out and unfortunately on top of Jimin who was even happier to hold him "haaa haaa" he pant hard as Jimin held onto him "you made it" he congratulated him as Jungkook managed a smile, the bugs couldn't get out because of the bright light outside "before your romance goes any further you have to look at this" they heard Jhope's voice who was distracted to the sight he was looking at right now.

Jungkook helped Jimin up and turned to look at where they were currently in "whoah what jungle is this?"
