Welcome to Nightmare (Last)

<+1 Mana. +1 Wisdom>

30 minutes later, Alban finally unlocked the {Meditation} skill. He was a bit frustrated at trying and failing twice, but seeing as he finished his dailies, he wasn't in much of a rush. In fact, he felt much calmer, almost as if coming upon an epiphany in those 10 solemn minutes. He calmly used Inspect on Meditation, attempting to see if it could identify what he experienced.

{Meditation} (Active)

Alban was impressed, in fact, he wanted to ask for more techniques. But he came to the realization that if anyone could help him, it would only be himself and that Loneliness System. He wouldn't have even seen that tutorial without the two.

"User has completed a task on his own, and acknowledged that he did not need help. This has been recorded, and the player will be rewarded 10 Lone Points. User, please check your inventory."

Alban did as he was told, his recent enlightenment lowering his gripes. As he stared at his inventory, he saw two numbers, each denoting a currency. The gelds were at 0, and considering the fact that the icon looked like coins, he considered that the currency of this world. Next to it was the initials L.P., which had a 10 near it.

'System, what can I do with these points?'

"Necessary functions locked. Tomorrow, you will receive another quest card. Please utilize it in order to draw a new quest, as all current quests will no longer unlock any functions."

'Not even the Exclusive one?'

"Unauthorized query."

'Then what can I do with it' Alban asked, starting to accentuate his impatience that was seeping into his tranquil mind.

"5 Lone Points can buy a single stat point."

Well, he got his answer. Alban decided not to spend the points on his stats. It wasn't even an hour since that stupid tutorial or whatever told him that this was the most opportune place to train his body. He closed his eyes and attempted to get back to meditation.

3 hours later.

<+13 Mana. +3 Wis. +1 Int.>

18 cycles of meditation later, Alban finally opened his eyes and saw this panel. Impressed at his progress he started feeling a little cheerful. Perhaps to cheerful. He didn't want to get too excited and lose his cautiousness, after all, just because his immediate area was safe, it didn't mean it would remain so. Although he wasn't prompted, Alban started to work out. 100 push ups later, his panel lit up again

<+1 St. +1 Mana.>

Breathing a little deeply, he looked up and saw the notification laying right in front of him. The corners of his lips raised for the first time in the whole day. It seems training actually has an effect on stats. Seeing the mana increase as well, the cobwebs in Alban's mind was cleared faster than a child hiding his dirty clothes under the bed. That was to say, pretty quick, but not quick enough to not get a beating. As demonstrated by the face-plant Alban aced by forgetting that his arms were getting a bit too shaky to support his weight.

As he laid there, face buried in the crinkly sand that smelled of burnt cigarette butts, he contemplated upon his discovery. 'That tutorial said this is the perfect place for training. My strength raised, and so did my mana. Perhaps all these Eimharr Clouds around the area is boosting my training efficacy. While I breathe in the thick mana as I train, it's almost like a metamorphosis. Yes, I should take advantage of this opportunity. With this, surviving alone may not be impossible.'

"Observed positive change in the user's mindset. Rewarded skill {Steady Mind}, 3 Lone points."

As Alban rose and stand up, he felt a sense of safety that he never thought he felt before. Although he couldn't remember anything specific, he never recollected a feeling of self dependence like this. It was a new feeling. It was enjoyable


'It seems like I can't have nice things, huh.'