Welcome to Nightmare (03)

'So, uh, how do you touch a cloud?' Alban was pretty unsure how to go about this. He wasn't shocked, nor surprised at the fact that Inspect didn't tell him much. It was only level one, after all...what kind of scam would he be caught up in if it could just automatically identify anything? Maybe, there was some semblance of logic in the world after all.

Of course, he thought all that while reaching his hands to take a chunk out of a cloud. For consumption. Alban is very grounded in reality, if he wasn't he wouldn't even be pondering the juxtaposition between his actions and his thoughts...or at least that's what he told himself.

As he reached out to touch the cloud, he couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of apprehension. Maybe, he was making a mistake? Maybe, the Inspect is broken? Or maybe, his hand is already in the cloud? It's the last one by the way. Pulling out a chunk of cloud, he was surprised to see it slowly turn into a bead. The bead was translucent, seeming as if it was filled with water. Not wasting his time to inspect it as he knew it wouldn't do much, he popped the bead into his mouth.

As he bit hard into the bead, he then instantly felt as if life was worth it. He didn't know how but it tasted like cream soda. As the nostalgic taste filled his mouth, Alban couldn't him but shiver in happiness. 'This is a miracle...,' he thought, '...I can have all the soda I want without having to worry about getting fat!" Sometimes, it's the little things that stick with you.

{Rewards: Acknowledgment Function Unlocked, Title Function Unlocked, Beginner Tutorial Unlocked, 2 random stats}

<+2 Strength>

'Hey, a tutorial? I guess it makes sense. If I was on the reliance system, I'd probably get quests that guide me through it. Now I gotta listen to this and puzzle it out.'

Alban pondered briefly before thinking that he wanted to experience the tutorial. And like a magic trick, the panel appeared right in front of him. It was a bit it different than usual...hold up. Is it playing a video? Alban started to wonder where the system got its internet reception.

"Hi there! If you're seeing this, you're alive! Good job. Really, you deserve a cookie. So, bake me one when you find out how to."

Annoying. That was the first thing Alban thought of that voice blaring out of his previously and much preferably silent panel. The voice was thick and seductive, the kind of dull tones you'd associate with someone taking advantage of you. And it really did sound like it was taking advantage of him, Alban hated that overblown arrogance in the voice's tone. Unable to tell if it was a girl yet, he resolutely put her at the top of his "Public Enemy" list. That he just made up, right now.

"Ahem. Anyways, welcome to Nightmare! As a puny human, you must be very confused. That's good! Keep asking questions, that's how you know you exist. Just don't go all solipsistic here, I can assure you that everyone else here exists as well. Let's lay down the ground rules.

In Nightmare, death is not the end. Not for anyone but the unlucky, at least. You see, everyone in Nightmare has a randomly designated number of resurrections. Sometimes, you get lucky enough that the things you kill stay dead. Sometimes? You don't. It is therefore a good idea to come up with many ways to kill your opponent!

But, good news for you. You're in the Beach of Infancy. Those sands repel adult monsters, they're so effective that even young adults are forced to evacuate the area. Yeah, it's a little too effective. Any monster that leaves the Beach of Infancy cannot return. Unluckily for you, you're a human. You can return at any time you wish. But don't worry, everything else has it's own way of balance.

The Beach of Infancy is also a lovely place to familiarize yourself with mana, and vastly improve your frail human physique. Those low clouds are actually composed of a condensed mana that anyone can ingest, as it is very mild. Those baby monsters out there too should serve as good combat experience, as the strongest baby out there is about the slightly above human strength.

One last thing. I'm obligated to teach you meditation. Just go sit somewhere quiet and breath in and out for like ten minutes, okay?Anyways, your 'Nightmare for Dummies tutorial is coming to an end. Have a fun time surviving!"

'Fun time surviving? What a load of shit.'

Nevertheless, Alban went to grab some more Eimharr Clouds. He would need to try this meditation thing soon enough, otherwise it wouldn't be part of that tutorial.