You Have Reached A Threshold (Last)

Grabbing the vines, Alban pulled the floratine to him, and then proceeded to wrap the vines around the snake's neck, attempting to asphyxiate it. Holding on fiercely for dear life, he absolutely refused to let go of the writing creature in his palms, knowing that its escape could mean his death. Sitting there in the fierce struggle, after what felt like hours had passed, he received a notification panel.

<+15 Health. +6 Mana. +3 free status points. Your existence has grown stronger.>

Alban immediately invested all of his free status points into vitality, bringing it to a 10. He felt his cells squirm for a bit, brimming with liveliness. He felt a lot hungrier than he had ever before, but he wanted to take care of the floratine first. Looking down at his hands, all he saw were two vines...and not the body.

'I guess that revival thing really wasn't bullshit huh? Maybe I was just lucky the first time...' Alban was seriously considering the ramifications of his actions. Yes, the consequences of this were so dire in fact, that he bumped all floratines to number two in his public enemy list. Yep, he was going to hunt down every single one he sees just in case.

Sitting up, Alban bit on a Eimharr Cloud Bead, feeling energized. He felt better than before, although he still felt a bit of a sting on his stomach. Getting up quickly, he checked the time. 4:09. 'Still some more daylight to kill. I'll start operation snake-bait right about now.'

Wandering for a whole hour, Alban killed every snake he came across. He collected a nice even 10 vines throughout his travels, yet failed to find any floratine that looked like it knew of him. Thinking for a bit, he looked at his status.

Name: Alban

Race: Human

Age: 17

Level(s): 9

Uniqueness: None.

Health: 50 (1/hour)

Mana: 41 (3/hour)

Strength: 9

Agility: 8 (+1) = 9

Dexterity: 8

Intellect: 10

Wisdom: 10

Vitality: 10

Stat Points: 0

Estimated Attack: 5~8

Estimated Defense: 6~9

Estimated Speed: 3~5

Estimated Mana Control: 3


At the level of an athlete with a higher regenerative factor than most. Suitable monster food.


'Monster food?? How brutal...I have feelings too y'know?' Another complaint to add to the list. Despite being a bit frustrated, Alban was looking forward to the day where whoever did this could face his ranting. Which he was going to do, even if it took him a week straight to spit out all his complaints at whatever idiot designed this system. Looking at the time, it was around 5:30. The sun was still up, but he felt the rays growing a bit dimmer as time went on. Alban really wanted to find that snake he killed before the sun went down, he desperately wished for it.

Ask, and you shall receive apparently. There was a hissing sound behind him, and before he could even react, he felt a fibrous texture smacking against his back before falling over. It hurt way less than it did the first time, and if it was just that, Alban would've found it quite manageable thanks to his newfound defense. The problem was, the snake didn't let up.

2 lashes. 6. And now 12. Alban struggled to get up and rolled forward, distancing himself a bit from the snake. While backing up, he checked his health, and it was at 18/50...yeah he felt like that was about right. Half of his ribs felt like they broke, and his left arm wasn't in the best shape would be rather difficult to pull off the whole grip em and rip em strategy he had been using the whole day.

Still, it wasn't like he could give up. His legs were in a bit of a shabby state, but they could move just as well as earlier. Strafing the snake's wild thrashes, he retrieved the Tajaran Shard from his inventory. Holding it in his right hand, he felt like it would be sharp enough to pierce the floratine's hide, should he be able to get close to it. Looking for an opportunity, he allowed a vine aiming for his head to get close, not outright dodging it. At the last second, he rolled under it and ran towards the floratine with the thought that it was now or never.

As he ran up to the snake, he quickly squatted down and held its mouth shut with his beaten up lefty. Seizing the moment, Alban and the snake took advantage of each other's blind points, respectively. As Alban stabbed the shard into the snake's head, the vines stabbed directly into his lung, depriving him of the air he needed to finish the job. The vines would've retracted at this point...but the snake was dead.

He won. He might die now, and it might be permanent, but at this moment he won. Relief settled over him as he fell backwards. As the vine slipped out, his eyes closed, but not before seeing the panel he was becoming familiar with one last time.