Class Choosing

As Alban opened his eyes like many times before, the sky seemed to unfold before the moonlight. Crimson rays seeped into the air around him, coloring the Eimharr Clouds a grisly red. Alban noticed that he wasn't dead. From the times he saw those snakes revive, they never revived in the same place...and judging by the vines that lay on the ground, he indeed hadn't died.

"User has reached a threshold. Would the user like to take a class? Please note that until you take a class, you will no longer be able to level."

'A threshold...I'm not sure what you mean by that.'

"A threshold is the limit placed by your soul. In order to break it, you must feed nourishment to your soul by choosing a class. This will make your soul stronger and allow you to attain new abilities.

Once a threshold is reached in the base level, a new class can be gained. After every threshold is crossed by gaining a new class, the level is reduced back to 0. As the user continues to cross thresholds, it will be harder to reach level 1. Each threshold brings about a qualitative change, pushing the body further to evolve. Levels become worth more, and stats add a bit more to your base capabilities. Unfortunately, humans do not have very much potential to evolve in Nightmare, so your gains will be a bit lower. Would you like to see what classes you qualify for?"

'Give me a bit...I need to process this information.' After hearing about humans and their evolution potential, Alban's thoughts drifted back to the only Exclusive Quest he had. He thought Necessary was pretty odd, but he started to understand it. If a human's evolution potential is limited in Nightmare, staying as one would make him weaker overall. Although Alban had a lot of questions, he focused on he found most important.

' do I give up my humanity?' Alban felt conflicted, how was he supposed to do something that he didn't even have a clue to? He didn't feel good about not knowing what to do...but he felt comfort in the fact that humanity seemed to be uniformly weak in Nightmare. Wait. Humanity? There are other humans here?

"Query detected. The user is correct, however, the user will not be able to interact with them. Due to your reliance on others creating the Loneliness System, the system has given you the aura of a monster."

'Oh. So I won't be able to be with them anyway. That's good...I should rely more on myself anyways. I don't know what I'd do if I had someone offering me a civilization again. What if a monster invades the town and kills us all because we are weak? I guess I'm ready to stop being human, there's no real reason to be one anyways. Question is, how?'

{Steady Mind has leveled up twice. Steady Mind is now level 3.}

After that timely alert, Alban snapped out of his daze. He then prompted the system to show him what options he had for a class, as he wanted to progress further. Maybe he would even be able to use all that mana he has?

"Acknowledged. Classes the user is eligible for:

Mage (F-)

Warrior (F-)

Because of your activities, a new class has been unearthed. Due to your high mana without the capability to use it and your strengthened body, you may now become a Hunter.

Hunter (F)


{Basic Mana Technique: Flow}


{Wild Childe}"

'Hey, why are only the Hunter skills shown? And what's that letter next to the class?' Alban thought the letter was evident, but he asked just in case. Anything can happen now, after all.

"Authorized query. The letter next to the class is a class rank. Each class has a different rank, and these are the only classes available to you now. The Hunter class is the only class that will add something other than basic mana control, so its skills have been shown. Please make your selection."

Well, there was really only one choice. Who would settle for less in a situation like this? Not Alban. He saw that there were more skills available as a Hunter so a Hunter he will be. After choosing the class, he noticed the air around him turning into a deeper shade of red. Before he could process the reason why though, the air rushed towards his body, settling around his neck. Feeling the sensation of choking, Alban struggled and attempted to duck under the air.


Alban was still alive, miraculously. But he felt as if his neck was burning...he touched it and felt nothing but the same skin he always felt. Noticing nothing, he couldn't even see the tattoo that settled around his neck. All he could do was use Inspect on his skills.



{Wild Childe}

Alban felt pretty impressed at the last two skills he gained, but they were really just icing on the cake. The main dish was clearly Flow. He could finally use mana!