"These cookies are perfect!!!" David exclaimed as he took another piece and ate it. The cousins were at Kenji's room.

Kenji looked at him and smirked, "Really?"

"Yup. I don't know you baked cookies," David said once more after eating another piece

"I did not bake them," Kenji replied.

"Where'd you buy them then?" David asked cluelessly.

Kenji tried his best to hide his smile. "I'm not the one who bought them, either."

"Too bad, do you know if I can talk to the person who bought these?" His cousin inquired again.

How dense can his cousin be? "That person would be ecstatic," he responded. Hook

"Good. Tell me his name." Line

And sinker. Kenji smirked, "Christine Wei."

David stopped chewing and glowered at his cousin, "It's not funny."

Kenji sighed and chuckled, "I did not force you to eat them. I placed them in that platter so I can have a snack later on since you pretended you don't like cookies. I don't want good food to go to waste," he teased.

"You could have told me before I took a bite," David answered back.

"You did not ask."

David scoffed, "I can't believe you. Whose side are you anyway?"

"Why would I take sides? Anyways, Christine Wei wouldn't know that you ate the cookies so what's the big deal?" Kenji reasoned. He knew he had a point.

David put the cookie down, "I'm not interested in her. I do not want to give her hopes or anything."

"Poor girl. Trapped in David's charms," Kenji couldn't help but to tease his cousin continuously.

"You can date her if you want to," David said.

Kenji crossed his arms, "She really looks beautiful. Way prettier than the girls I played with before. But then again, I think my preferences changed."


"Why don't you give her a chance?"

"I dislike stalkers and girls who are capable of public display of affection."


Christine would always appear where he is. She's literally everywhere. She will be at all the places he is in: the library, the store, in front of his classroom door, cafeteria, restaurants, bar, and currently, in front of him… again. They just finished their basketball practice.

"Christine Wei is going to be our team manager," their varsity team captain announced.

David could not help but shake his head in displeasure. However, most of his teammates cheered as the others whistled, "Nice one, captain."

It looked like all of them were ecstatic except him, of course. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Thank you for the warm welcome," Christine began, "…I will do my best," she said and looked at David.

David frowned and looked away.

"Very well then, practice is over and I'll see you all next Thursday." The basketball players went to the shower room after they were dismissed.

"The bus will leave in ten minutes. Make sure you are there especially if you don't have a ride," the captain called.

David walked to the showers fast. Kenji borrowed his car at the moment since the former's car was not yet there. Weather reports said it is going to rain that day so he needs to get on the bus. However, for some odd reason, he was the last to get in the shower.


"He told me he'll ride with me," Christine lied to Eric, the basketball captain.

"Okay then, so we'll go ahead," Eric replied.

Christine nodded, "I'll take good care of David Ji. Don't worry. I'm the team manager, right?" she said and smiled.

Soon enough, the bus took off. Christine quickly went into the gym to pretend to fix some basketball stuff. She waited for David to come out. The latter after five minutes did.

"You're still here?" she acted not to know.

David ignored her but walked out.

'Just as I predicted.' She followed him, "They left already. We thought all of you were there," she lied.

David looked at her. He knows she is lying. He looked at the skies and it began to rain. 'Good riddance.'

"I can give you a ride if you want to," she offered her voice laced with fake innocence he knows so well.

'So that is her plan.' Without looking at her, he began to walk away.

Christine gaped. She did not expect that. Then, the rain began pouring harder and harder. She looked at the man worriedly. 'He's gonna get himself sick.' "David, wait!!!" she said and ran after him covering her head with her hands.

David did not stop walking. Christine was able to catch up with him and pulled his jacket to stop him from moving. When he didn't she ran then stood before him with her arms blocking his way.

"I'll give you a ride. The rain is pouring harder, you'll get sick if you continue to be like this," she said.

David was about to step forward but Christine grabbed his arm and knelt down, "I beg you please. Let me give you a ride," she said.

It was David's turn to get shocked! His eyes widened at the woman's gestures. That was the first time someone knelt down before him… not to mention that he knew the rain pouring was hard on her part. Still, he shrugged off her hold.

"I will not stand up until you ride with me," she persisted.

'Stupid.' He began to continue on his way.

Christine closed her eyes. She was deeply hurt. However, she decided to be firm. She did not stand up.

After many steps, David stopped and turned around. Christine was still kneeling down. He sighed, "Stubborn girl." His conscience kicked in so he walked back.

Christine was about to cry when she felt someone lifted her up. She looked and saw David took off his jacket and use it to protect the both of them from rain, "Where is your car, stupid girl?"

Christine smiled. That was the first time he talked to her. "This way," she said and led him there. It pays to be a fool sometimes when it comes to love.