Joe looked at the wall clock. 'He was supposed to be here five minutes ago,' she thought.

"You okay?" Kenji asked her.

"You should have not borrowed his car. He is still not home and it's raining too hard," Joe scolded.

Kenji chuckled, "I'm sorry I had to then. Now, I see that you have favorites," he teased hoping to lessen her worries.

"Hey… that is not what I meant," Joe responded defensively.

Kenji smiled at her, "I know… I was just joking. Don't worry about him, they have a bus. He will be here before you know it. Joe nodded and then the door opened, "See?"

Joe stood up and was happy to see David. But was a bit surprised when Christine walked in and like David, she was soaking wet. Joe suddenly felt a jolt of pang in her heart.

Kenji stood up worriedly as well, "What happened?"

David looked at Joe, "Can you help her dry off?"

Joe looked at Christine. The latter smiled shyly. She looked back at David again and nodded.

David looked at Christine, "You can leave after you dry off. Thanks for the ride," he said and walked upstairs to his room.

"Do you have any dry clothes with you?" Joe asked her.

Christine shook her head.

"I'll tell the maids to prepare hot lemonade for you. We don't want you to get sick or anything," Kenji said and walked to the kitchen.

"You have to take a shower. Will a shirt and a pair of shorts, okay? I'm afraid I don't have anything that fits your style," Joe asked her as she led her to her room. "I also have some new undergarments if you want you can have them."

"Thanks," Christine said. "By the way, I'm Christine Wei. We were not properly introduced yet."

Joe gave her a small smile, "Joe Chen."

Christine opened her lips to reply but sneezed instead, "I'm so sorry. Excuse me."

Joe immediately took a new towel from her closet and gave it to Christine, "You have to hurry before you catch a cold. I will leave the clothes on the bed, okay."

Christine nodded, "Thanks a lot," she answered and walked in Joe's bathroom.

Joe sighed. 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?' She took the clothes from her closet and placed them on the bed. She heard Christine sneeze again. 'I hope you don't get sick.'


David was reading a book when his door flung open and his best friend walked in. She sat on his bed and turned on his TV.

"Do you mind? I'm reading," he said.

Joe did not listen but continued to watch the random show on TV. To make matters worse, she put the volume higher. He knows very well that she is a bit angry about something. He stopped at what he was doing and sat beside her. He tried to take the remote from her but she put it in her other hand and placed it away from him.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

Joe looked at him, "Is she your girlfriend?"

David looked at her and seeing that she is too serious couldn't help but chuckle.

Joe glared at him and put the volume on the TV even louder.

"Quit it. She's not my girlfriend. I'll tell you what happened."

Joe turned the TV off and looked at him.

"She just gave me a ride."

Joe scrunched her forehead. "You don't ride in girls' cars. Particularly those that publicly announced they like you."

"Well, the bus accidentally left me. She was our new team manager. She offered a ride, I ignored her… the rain poured…. I was walking away… She stopped me… begged me to ride with her… knelt down and said she would not stand up until I agreed… I walked away…"

"What?!!! You left HER!!!! It's raining!!!! And she's kneeling down!!! What kind of a man are… ummmphhh…"

David put his hand over her mouth, "Let me finish, ok? I turned around… she was still on her knees so I walked back… lifted her up and agreed," he said and let go of his hold.

"Ohhhh…." Joe said slowly.

David smirked and put his arm on her shoulder, "Why are you so angry? Are you jealous?"

Joe looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "You're so way over your head," she answered and stood up. "I'm out of here," she added and was about to walk to his door when he blocked her and leaned on the door.

"Why are you so angry then?" he asked. He's not going out of her way until he gets a convincing answer.

Joe's heart was beating so fast. But, she has to calm down. She rubbed her nose, "I was not angry."

"The TV? The volume?" Joe looked away.

'You're about to lie, aren't you?' David thought and smirked.

"I… I just want to watch TV," she reasoned unconvincingly.

"That's a lie! You always put the volume way too loud when you're angry. Plus you rub your nose when you're about to lie," David argued. He already knew Joe all too well.

Joe crossed her arms and looked at him, "Fine!!! I was angry."

"Why?" David smirked, obviously enjoying the moment.

"Because…" she raised her voice "if you're going to have a girlfriend, wasn't I supposed to be the first to know? You promised me!!!! And then suddenly, you brought a girl home,".

"So, what you are trying to say is, after she drove me home, I should have just shooed her away even if she might have caught a cold?" David teased. He likes it so much when he wins an argument against Joe.

"That's not what I meant… you know what I mean and stop playing games with me, David Ji…" Joe knows him too well.

"So, did you help her?" David changed the flow of their conversation

'OW,' she thought but nodded at David's question, "She was still able to look girlish after I lent her some of my clothes."

"She's in Fashion Design, what would you expect?"

"You remembered…" she replied. 'OW again.'

"So she left?" he asked curiously. His face showed gentleness.

Again, OW. She nodded, "After Kenji gave her a cup of hot lemonade."

"Thanks," David said and moved away from the door.

Joe turned the knob to get out of David's room…

"WAIT…" David called.

Joe turned around, "What?"

"I forgot to give you something…" he said and took a bag.

"You don't need to pay me back for taking care of your girlfriend," she retorted, although the word "girlfriend' coming out her mouth is somewhat painful.

David chuckled, "She is NOT my girlfriend and I was supposed to give you that the other day… but I forgot."

Joe scrunched her forehead and looked in the bag. She looked at him after seeing its contents.

"I heard you singing with Kenji. I thought you had the most beautiful voice so I hoped that you could sing again… this time to make yourself happy," he said and smiled.

Joe smiled at him before she walked out the door. 'No wonder I love you!' her thoughts cried out but never her lips.