"Do you have anything to say?"
... My head hurts.
I wonder just how it came to this.
Kneeling in front of the Empress, who cared for me like her own.
My childhood friend helping me up from the ground.
A crowd of people sneering and whispering about me.
My fiance glaring at me fiercely.
And in his arms... Is an imposter wearing my skin.
I close my eyes slowly, willing my mind to grow blank and calm my chaotic nerves.
How did things come to this?
My mind returns to that night just a month back.
“There she is. It’s Princess Lillian-”
“Stop that. It’s Lady Lillian.”
“Don’t be like that. Everyone knows that it won’t be long until she is officially wed to his Imperial Highness.”
“She’s as beautiful and graceful as always! It’s a true shame that she doesn’t attend more events.”
“Well, she is the pure [White Lily of High Society]. As the name suggests, she’s as fragile as a lily flower.”
“She’s a hundred times better than the other flower, at least.”
I wonder if they know that I can hear every word they speak.
The venue for today's evening party isn't very large. At most, it is half the size of a regular Imperial ball. Though spacious, it is not wide enough that their muttering won't be heard.
It’s almost as if they think that I, like a flower, do not have any ear. Don’t they understand how unpleasant it is to hear one talk about them as if they are an object? They’re even badmouthing others by comparing them to me. How shameful.
And look, when I turn to face them, they’ve turned away like they’ve been caught doing something that warrants guilt.
Lillian Angelique Opal.
That is my name.
My hair is pure white like snow, my skin as pale as grace, and my eyes the color of pure gold. I am the eldest daughter of Duke Cloud Absolut Opal. My white hair is the symbol of the Opal Duchy, and they say that I am the very treasure of the family.
The favorite of the Empress.
The White Lily of High Society.
The future Crown Princess.
The Beloved of the Imperial Crown Prince.
This is how they all see me.
… thinking of it in this manner...
I have too many titles, don’t I?
Isn’t that too much? One is understandable, but with so many titles, it’s as though my own name holds no meaning.
As if my labels are what defines me.
No, it isn’t as though I dislike the kind of attention I receive. I feel honored that others view me highly, but it’s too taxing! It’s too much for someone like me!
After all, I am no one special.
It’s just as they say; I am as fragile as a mere petal. If handled wrong, I may easily crumble and tear.
“Ah-!” Like now.
I meant to move myself to a corner of the room, somewhere I can rest and regain my bearings- but my left ankle decided then and there to give out very suddenly.
I’ve only been standing for half an hour, and it seems my legs have already gotten exhausted.
I can easily imagine myself hitting the hard marbled ground of the beautifully decorated ballroom. Humiliated in front of the crowd due to my own shortcomings- more importantly, I can imagine the pain that would come with the impact.
Would it be a twisted wrist? Perhaps I’ll make it out of this fall with only a bruise to my shoulder? Or would this finally be the day where I dislocate a shoulder from one fall alone?
My imagination comes to a stop as instead of meeting the ground, I find myself caught in the strong warm arms of a familiar voice.
“Are you alright?”
Supporting myself with his arms, I look up, and I meet eyes with a pair of worried purple eyes. There’s just a small bit of sweat in between his brows, and his dark midnight hair shines from the chandelier lights. Even his lips have formed a frown.
Did he run to catch me? Or was he simply nearby?
“Prince Callisto...” I call out his name, just a little dazed after my near-tragic fall.
“If you have the time to be dazed, shouldn’t you at least answer my question?”
He did ask a question, didn’t he? Oh dear, I was distracted- how mortifying.
“I’m fine. Thank you, you’ve caught me just in time.” I give him a smile and am returned with one of his own.
Callisto Diamante Luminous.
The Second Prince of the Luminous Empire. The only Prince in many years who was born with black hair instead of the trademark blond. Though, that isn’t to say that he is not of Imperial blood. He inherited it from his father, the late Emperor Consort.
My childhood friend.
A kind and adventurous young man who has garnered the admiration of many. Yet, not to the point where people would call upon him like they would the Crown Prince.
"Lillian!" A different voice calls out, and I feel two hands on my shoulder.
Turning around, I come face to face with a handsome young man with blond hair and purple eyes.
The Imperial Crown Prince, Cyrus Diamant Luminous. The Grand Star of the Empire who shines bright as the future ruler that will lead us all.
My fiance.
We have been engaged for a very long time- since the day I was brought into the palace when I was five. Thirteen years have passed since then.
"Lillian, are you alright? I saw you fall- thank the Goddess that Callisto was nearby!" He frets over me as I gently let go of Callisto and move into Cyrus' arms instead.
This is the most proper and polite way to handle the situation. To take my fiance’s aid over someone else once he’s arrived to assist me.
I give Callisto a grateful look and wait for him to back off, before I turn my full attention onto my fiance.
"I'm alright. My shoes are new, and so it seems my feet got tired easily today." I explain to him. "Could you take me to the couch over in the corner? I'd like to rest my feet."
Cyrus nods his head, and he takes me to the corner of the ballroom.
He takes me to the small gathering of couches by a table. It’s somewhat vacant save for a couple ladies.
The ladies quickly flush a shade of red in the face of Cyrus.
"Would you ladies be kind enough to allow us a moment to ourselves?" Cyrus flashes a blindingly bright smile.
It was a smile that never fails to work.
Soon they're fumbling to utter a quick "Pardon us!" and “Take your time!” before they take off while speaking among themselves.
I watch with a small sense of amusement, but I make my way to take a seat, sighing softly from the relief of having something soft to lean against.
Cyrus takes a seat next to me, but I'm more invested in checking whether my feet have gone numb.
I can barely feel my toes... I wonder if they've gotten swollen from how unused I am to these footwear.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Cyrus sounds concerned.
"I'm wearing new shoes, and I'm still not used to them. I'm sorry if I worried you." I reply with a soft, reassuring glint in my eyes.
"Why wear something you aren't used to?" I hear Callisto's voice. I didn't notice that he'd followed us. "Show me your ankles." He demands.
"Callisto." Cyrus chides his younger brother softly. "This isn't the right place to ask a lady to show you their feet." He scolds.
"I'm not asking to have her show me her bare feet, she fell over, and I want to make sure Lillian isn't hurt. Aren't you worried too, Cyrus?"
"Well… Yes, I am."
"Then it's decided."
I give Callisto a small, fond smile. "I'm fine, Your Highness. I may have been holding on tightly, but that was because I was tired." I try to assure him, but Callisto's already kneeling in front of me and gently taking hold of my ankle.
I can't help it if my cheeks flush red at the sensation of his hands on my feet. In a place where people can see too!
I told Sally that I didn’t want to wear these shoes… I’m not used to them yet, but she insisted that it was the hottest trend and I must wear them for my own sake! So that others wouldn't look down on me.
She means well, I know she does, but Sally, look where this has gotten me! All for a pair of shoes that no one will even see under the layers of fabric that is my ball gown.
"… Your shoes get needlessly fancier with every ball, even if no one will get to see them."
My thoughts exactly!
But one shouldn't underestimate the power of a trendy gown or a beautiful necklace in this world. Not when such things are enough to sway a crowd. Fashion is an essential aspect of every lady and every woman, especially for a respectable woman of High Society.
"It's true."
"That doesn't mean you have to be so blunt."
My cheeks turn an even greater shade of red. "Your Highnesses, please…" I beg them not to cause me any more distress or embarrassment. "My ankle should be perfectly fine. I only need a moment of rest."
I'm happy that they care enough to sit by me and worry about me, but I wish they would think of how many eyes we've gathered. No matter how many years I’ve been under their scrutiny, it’s still unpleasant to garner so much.
"Then, Callisto and I will go gather some drinks," Cyrus says as he stands up with a smile, pulling his brother up as he does.
He takes my hand and gently leaves a small kiss upon my knuckles.
I watch them take their leave- Cyrus taking Callisto by the arm and giving him a stern look that clearly speaks of how they will certainly have a word in private.
Callisto looks helpless under the scrutiny of his older brother, but he glances at me and offers me a short wave.
I can't help but giggle at the sight of them. It was hard not to be fond. Still, I wave back before heaving a gentle sigh.
To be honest, I’m not as fine as I convinced them.
My feet feel as though they’re burning, my shoulders are stiff from the heavy dress, and I can feel just how much I've sweat even on this cool spring night.
All I've done so far is enter with the Imperial family, dance to one song and greet a few acquaintances.
And yet, I'm so tired that I'm sure I can sleep for a week, at least.
No. No Lillian. You have to be stronger than that!
It's still so early.
Let's last an hour more.
Yes, let's put in the effort to last a little longer. After all, the evening is still so young, and the party hasn't even reached its pea-
"Good Evening, Lady Lillian."
All hope to last an hour more has been splendidly crushed.
"Good Evening, Lady Rosanna."
The Rose has come to stab me.