Chapter 2

Rosanna Carmilla Garnet.

With red hair that glimmers, and green eyes more vibrant as jewels, she’s the daughter of Duke Merlot Bastian Garnet. She, too, is the eldest daughter of her family and a leading lady of high society.

Many rumors surround her past the beautiful jewels she adorns herself with. Rumors stemming from her active ways in society, but more so from her attitude.

Beautiful, prideful, and with an attitude that borderlines arrogance. She is the type of person who demands respect from the very way she stands.

As such, people call her [The Red Rose of High Society].

And for as long as I can remember, she doesn’t like me.

I really don’t know if I’ve somehow offended her in the past, I’ve no recollection of doing anything to insult her, harm her, get in her way, or antagonize her.

I’ve even spent effort in befriending her, but her gaze is always the same.

Even now, with part of her face hidden behind a foldable fan, she approaches me with a certain level of mocking mirth. A wine glass is balanced within her other hand, the dark crimson liquid swaying inside in a calm manner.

I really would rather avoid her tonight… It’s just too tiring to have to talk to her when she so clearly dislikes me.

“My, are you tired already, Lady Lillian?” there she goes. “To be honest, I was shocked to see you arrive with Their Highnesses. Didn’t you just recover from another bout of illness?”

It’s true.

Both of her statements.

I’m tired, and I had just recovered from a fever a few days ago.

It wasn’t anything new. I’ve always been susceptible to sudden bouts of illness. I was born weak and I was never as healthy as other children are. Running in itself is a struggle to me, and in worse days I cannot even get out of my bed.

Even now I’m already tired after dancing once and standing around with new shoes.

“I’m grateful for your concern, Lady Rosanna.” I finally reply, praying to the Goddess that she leave me alone after I give my answer. “Thanks to the efforts of the Imperial doctors and the kindness of both Her Imperial Majesty and the Imperial Princes, I have recovered enough to join today’s festivities.”

I don’t like using Her Majesty, nor the Princes as my shield. But as I’ve already said, I don’t want to deal with Rosanna. Not today. Not while my feet are aching and not when I’m starting to feel just a tad light-headed.

Most people will leave me and my illness alone so long as I express how the Imperial family took an active interest in my recovery.

“... They care for you a lot.”

“I am grateful for their kindness.”

“Did his Highness visit you?”



“Did. His Highness. Visit you?”

Rosanna’s emphasizing her words phrase by phrase, but I can’t help but frown.

Surely she knows that there are two Princes within our Empire.

“I apologize, but I will need you to emphasize-”

“Must I spell it out for you?! His Highness the Crown Prince!”

Oh? Oh… Well, why didn’t she just say so? I can’t help wonder why she didn’t just say so.

“He did, when he had time to spare,” I answer with a small smile. After all, I’m genuinely grateful that they, Her Majesty and her sons, would take time out of their busy schedule to come see a sickly lady like myself.

Besides, Cyrus is my fiance. Isn’t it simply courtesy that he visits me when I am ill?

“Did he come often?” Rosanna asks, and I can’t help but notice an edge to the tone of her voice.

“... I already said that his Imperial Highness came to visit when he had the time-”

I couldn’t finish what I was trying to say.


Suddenly, from the top of my head and to the skirt of my gown, I feel something wet.

From the tips of my hair that I can see in front of me, I spot a red liquid drip down to stain my skirt even more than it already is. Through my nose, I smell the distinct scent of alcohol.

Wine. I recognize almost immediately.

Looking up at the culprit, I see her pretty face has scrunched up into a sneer.

Rosanna just poured her wine on me.

“Don’t be so arrogant!” Rosanna demands, and I am at a loss for words. “Who asked you to brag?!”



You asked me those questions! I just answered them!

Oh, how tempting it is to simply throw those words at her. To stand up and yell at her in the same way she’s currently yelling at me.

But no, Lillian. Calm down. Think of the consequence of doing so. Would it be worth it? Would falling over breathless be worth standing up getting in her face?

No. It wouldn’t.

What worth does self-satisfaction have when you collapse?

So breathe in, and think clearly.

I don’t understand why Rosanna is so wound up right now… But I shouldn’t let her get to me. I need to be mindful of my surroundings- look more clearly at what is happening around me. Just as I’ve been taught during my lessons.

I’m sure her yelling has gotten the attention of all the people around us.

And sure enough, though I keep my eyes mainly on her, I know that we’ve garnered quite the attention. Why else would everyone grow quiet when they’ve been chatting so lively?

I don’t care about the wine that stains my clothes and my hair. But I feel terrible for Sally (who worked hard to style my hair for tonight), and towards the seamstress who made my dress. The eyes that turn towards me don’t bother me in the slightest. I’ve done nothing wrong, after all.

Yes. I’ve done nothing wrong.

So what if she poured wine all over me? Did I do anything to deserve it? No.

I haven’t done a single thing to be ashamed of!

The lady in front of me isn’t even worth the effort to stand up from where I’m seated.

“... I don’t understand what you mean, Lady Rosanna.” I start with a calm voice. “Brag? What part of what I said sounded like I was bragging?”

“Don’t play dumb. You were practically shoving it in my face that the Crown Prince favors you!”

I’m appalled.

“You asked me a question, and all I did was answer.” I tell her with a slight tilt of my head. “So I don’t believe I’ve warranted this sort of treatment.”

“What a farce.”

I agree. After all, you were the one who approached me, asked me questions, and pour wine all over me!

“Lady Rosanna, I will apologize if I did offend you, but if you would kindly-”


I was going to ask for an apology over my ruined clothes and perhaps ask her to reimburse it- but the familiar voice of Cyrus cut me off.

Looking past Rosanna, I spot both Cyrus and Callisto rushing towards us.

Cyrus practically shoves past Rosanna to reach me. “Lillian-” he pauses, and I see the shock on his face as well as the disbelief. “Good God…” he utters as he removes his outer coat and puts it over my shoulders.

I’m grateful for the coat- but I see his fist shake, and so I smile at him just to assure him that I’m alright. “Your Highness, I’m okay,” I tell him as gently as I can.

But it doesn’t seem to be enough.

He hardens his gaze, and he turns to Rosanna, standing in front as if to shield me from her. “Have you no shame? What right do you have to humiliate my fiancee, the future Crown Princess?!”

Looking over past him, I see Rosanna’s eyes blown as wide as saucers; her grip on her folded fan is tight, and she’s trembling.

“I’ve done no wrong,” Rosanna says, her gaze refusing to meet Cyrus. “She insulted me, and I retaliated.”

“Lillian isn’t the type to insult anyone!” Cyrus defends me. “Unlike you, she wouldn’t torment someone for no reason!”

Standing up, I reach out to hold onto Cyrus’s arm. “Prince Cyrus.” I stop him before this can escalate further. “Please stop.” I request from him.

I didn’t want to ruin the party any more than it already has. There was no merit in condemning Rosanna in an event meant for leisure.

“But Lillian-”

“She’s right, Brother.” Callisto finally speaks up, placing his hand upon Cyrus’s shoulder. He then turns his gaze to me, and I see the softness in them. “Are you alright?” he asks me.

I nod my head and offer him a smile.

“Why are you both so invested in her?! I am the victim of her insults here!” Rosanna suddenly cries out.

Cyrus frowns at her, moving to hold me as he stares at her coldly. “That is quite enough, Lady Rosanna.” to my relief, it seems he’s calmed down.

“If Lady Lillian had somehow insulted you, I’m sure she did not mean to,” Callisto says as he goes on to stand in front of his brother and approaches Rosanna. “And I’m sure you didn’t mean to pour wine onto her either,” he says, reaching out to her.

“Don’t touch me!” Rosanna demands as she smacks his hand away.

Two emotions overwhelm me when I see it happen.

First, I feel a twinge of anger well in my chest at her action. How could she treat him like that when he isn’t doing anything out of ill will. Not only is she being rude, she just harmed a member of the Imperial Family!

She just harmed Callisto!


“What is going on here?” an elegant voice that oozes with authority reverberates within the ballroom.

All gazes turn towards the voice, and even my own train of thought disappears.

In that direction stands a regal woman flanked by the Captain of the Imperial Knightage, and the Head Chancellor.

The silent crowd is quick to sink and bend themselves to the ground, giving way for her to approach- bowing at her Supremacy. Gowns pool along the marble floor as the women kneel, and the men keeps a hand to their heart to greet her with respect.

We, too, bow to the ground in her presence. For the time being, our strife holds no meaning.

Not in the presence of the highest figure within our Empire.

None of us dare to act differently… For the Empress has arrived.