Chapter 38

“Sorry I was so late.”

“Goodness, from how long you took, I thought you weren’t going to show up!”

“I already apologized. You came at a bad time and I wasn’t presentable enough.”

“Oh well, the treats you had ready for me were really good, so it’s alright!”

I’m appalled.

The woman before me with brown hair in a cute bob cut and orange eyes is Lady Sabrina Tiana Jasper.

The second-born daughter of Marquis Jasper.

She’s supposedly Rosanna’s close friend, at least according to Vivian. Close enough to call each other by specific nicknames.

They met at the academy when Rosanna was fifteen. It seems the first to approach was Lady Sabrina and through friendly conversations and constant requests to have tea together, they became very friendly.

Even after graduating, they have been in constant contact. Going to Salons together, or shopping together. Lady Sabrina seems to have also constantly visited the Garnet’s estate at the Capital a good number of times.