Chapter 36 - To Trick the Devil

Jackson wiped down the bar, taking out his frustration on the wood with how vigorous he worked the bar towel over the top. He felt tricked himself with the way Meredith kept the fact that she knew all about his past. Then, she had the audacity to ask him to help her trick the Devil to save her skin. The balls on that demon. He growled as he tossed the rag into a bucket under the bar, making Web cock an eyebrow at him.

“You doing all right?” the man asked as he slid a beer in front of Basgi. Did that brownie ever work?

“I’m fine,” Jackson said, with a huff of breath. “Just had an annoying morning, that’s all.”

The front door of the bar swished open as if a storm entered, and everyone turned as Alizon blew into the bar, heading straight for Basgi. “You little piece of cow poop!” she screamed as she crossed the wood floor. “What the bloody candy dish do you think you’re doing telling people my chocolate is cheap?”