Chapter 37 - To Trick the Devil

Meredith entered Thirst Bar, immediately looking for Jackson. Only a few hours remained before she needed to give Lucifer an answer, and she still had no idea what to do. She spent a restless night, tossing and turning, but every plan required Jackson’s help, help he refused her. She would force him to help her, refusing him any other option but to help her. The only other choices she had were either trying to kidnap Seraphine or returning to Hell, and neither of those were options she even wanted to consider. First off, how in the hell did Lucifer expect her to kidnap Seraphine? Besides, don’t you kind of have to be dead to go to Hell? Seraphine was very much alive, had been for no one knows how long, and showed no signs of aging or slowing down. How do you kill someone who seemed immortal? And if she didn’t kill Seraphine, but rather took her to Lucifer alive, what would he do to the woman? He lived to punish evil-doers. Seraphine was anything but evil. What did he want with her?