Chapter 44 - To Trick the Devil

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Meredith asked him for the fifth time.

Jackson just smiled at her as he slipped his jacket over his shoulders. “Yes, I’m positive. I even closed Thirst for the festivities, so no one would have to work the bar.” He shrugged. “They’re used to me working it while they go to Seraphine’s parties, so I didn’t want them to miss out just because I decided to live a little.”

Meredith wrapped her arms around him, kissing his chin. “Well, aren’t you the generous boss?” Then she pulled back and stared at him, a sadness in her eyes that pulled at his heart. “But Lucifer made it clear you weren’t to be around when he shows up to claim Seraphine.”

Jackson shrugged. “So, I won’t be around. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the beginning of the night with my lady and have a little fun, right?”

Her worried expression turned into a smile as she squeezed him. “Your lady would love that.” Then she cocked an eyebrow at him. “And are you going in costume?”