Chapter 45 - To Trick the Devil

Meredith watched as Jackson moved into the darkness away from her, and she had never felt so alone in her entire existence. She didn’t think she could go through with this without Jackson by her side.

“Really, Luci, you act as if time is an issue for you,” Seraphine said as she stepped into the gazebo. Meredith moved to follow her, but the other woman stopped her with a glance. “This is as far as you go, Vanth.” Seraphine told her with a smile. The ancient woman then turned back to Lucifer. “I have one more thing to do tonight, and then, we will see about how disappointed you’ll be with me in your possession. I hope you don’t think this gains you what you’re panting for, because I have no intention of playing tiddlywinks in the pits of Hell with you.”

Lucifer grinned, and the sight made Meredith shiver. “Just do what you have to do so we can be on our way.”