Chapter 64 - April's Fool

Wyatt stared around the interior of Thirst Bar, still amazed at how the residents of the community could be who they were without fear of being hunted down and destroyed. Here he saw all sorts of paranormal beings—leprechauns, brownies, ogres, dwarfs, even a couple of elves from the circus—huddled around the bar and perched in booths, sipping drinks, and laughing as if they had no care in the world. It boggled his mind.

“You sure you don’t want to give karaoke a try, Wyatt?” Reina asked as she stirred her drink. “I’m sure Nunk and Ruck over there could use a stand-in for Gerst, who’s working at the bank tonight.” She glanced up, grinning. “Might be fun.”

Wyatt shook his head. Singing wasn’t on his list of things to do even when he wasn’t worried about his grandfather; he definitely wasn’t up for it now. He just shook his head as he lifted his whiskey to his lips.

Reina giggled as she copied the motion, sipping her rum runner.