Chapter 65 - April's Fool

April unlocked her front door and then turned to face Wyatt, suddenly not wanting the night to end. Things picked up after Patrick put an end to Sedwick’s morose mood, and the small group spent the next three-plus hours laughing, downing drinks, and sharing stories from the road as Reina and April hung on every word. The entire time, April held onto Wyatt, not wanting to let him go, his worried look from earlier still deeply etched in her mind. It was good to hear him laugh when he managed to get lost in the conversation and stories, but it never really lasted long. She didn’t blame him, of course; it was hard to put something as traumatic as someone wanting your family dead out of your mind. April wished she had an answer to his misery.

Placing her hand on his chest, she gazed into his eyes, a soft smile playing at her lips. “I had fun tonight,” she told him. “You have some amazing friends and family.”