Chapter 77 - Blood Shadows

Miles stared at the front of Thirst Bar, a cup of coffee in his hand as a war waged within him as to whether he should open the door and attend his S.P.A. meeting or skip it. After Walt dragged Deana away, there was no way the old man didn’t fill his granddaughter in on everything that happened during the conflict. Pah, conflict my ass. It was a fucking war.

Miles wasn’t sure he was ready to face Deana yet, not knowing how she felt about him after what he was sure Walt must have told her, especially in front of everyone who attended her weekly support meetings. He ran his hand through his hair, wishing he knew what to do. For decades, he tried to put that period of his life behind him, only to have it slam into him in the one place he should have felt safe, Black Hollow. Life sucks.