Chapter 78 - Blood Shadows

Deana watched as the last person walked through the door of Thirst Bar, her heart sinking a little that it wasn’t Miles. She needed to talk to him, to find out his side of things. While her grandfather was an empath, he still held to some strong beliefs against the paranormal world. One of those was monsters don’t create more monsters. Of course, Deana knew it was more than that. Walt had been fooled in his eyes. He should have been able to get a reading on Miles, feel his emotions, know that Miles was, in fact, a vampire all along, Empaths cannot read vampires, because vampires aren’t really alive in the truest sense of the word. The fact her grandfather could never get a reading on Miles should have been the first clue as to what Miles was. Still, somehow Miles had managed to keep his vampirism hidden Not a small feat, considering he didn’t receive Alizon’s Daylight Stone until he reached Black Hollow.