Chapter 79 - Blood Shadows

Miles tossed his cup in the trash bin as he made his way to Thirst Bar. The S.P.A. meetings usually only lasted an hour, so Deana should be free, or at least, close to being free. He could slip in, hide in the shadows—like a coward—until she was free to talk. He sighed. Why was he so afraid to just talk to her?

Slipping his hands into his pockets as he walked, he knew the answer to his own question. Talking to her about his past made him relive it, and he would rather do anything else but relive that weakness in his life. Korea sucked. What he did back then sucked. He spent the last seventy years trying to forget it, as well as atone for his actions. Ralph Frampton was the last person Miles ever turned, the only person he had turned in centuries. The question was, would that matter to Deana? Did she hold the same prejudices as her grandfather? Miles couldn’t bring himself to believe that. Not the woman who strove to help everyone she met.