Chapter 81 - Blood Shadows

“Interesting choice of attire,” Lothaire said, as he stepped out of the lab area. “It’s like a cross between homeless and eccentric. However, I don’t think whoever that is out there pulls it off quite well. Any idea who our stalker is?”

Miles glanced over his shoulder at the other vampire and shook his head. “But there’s more than just one. I saw several down at the roundabout, all dressed the same way.”

“Maybe they’re here to see Cade about a new wardrobe,” Raelinn suggested. “At least we know they haven’t seen Alizon yet for her Daylight Stones.”

“We should probably have her hold off on making any until we see what these new vampires want,” Miles said, turning his gaze back to the vamp staring at them from across the street. “They’re risking their existence by prancing around during the day, which makes me think their intentions aren’t merely a case of mild curiosity.”