Chapter 82 - Blood Shadows

“Pops, what are you doing here?” Deana sprang from her seat, moving over to her grandfather, who stood there, gawking at Ralph Frampton.

“What am I doing here? What the hell is he doing here?” Walt pointed to Ralph, who turned to stare at the old man, but otherwise had not moved. “He’s a killer.”

Deana stood between the two men, her lips downturned, as she stared at her grandfather. Disgust rolled off of him like a waterfall, and Deana took a fortifying breath to keep herself from being swept away with it. “No, he’s not,” she said. “He’s actually here to help Miles. He’s not the same person you knew back in Korea.”

“Pah,” Walt spat with a wave of his hand. “Neither is Miles according to you. Yet, I remember well what he did back then, the men he turned, creating his little group of pointy-teeth murderers. I witnessed the carnage he left behind as they fled. He’s worse than Miles.”