Chapter 84 - Blood Shadows

Deana poured herself a cup of coffee before joining her grandfather out on the back porch. She spent the evening talking with him, trying to get him to understand that there were other ways of thinking, but Walt Abbington was relentless in his viewpoints. Every time she broached the subject, he shut it down, refusing to even discuss it. The entire evening caused her to spend the night tossing and turning until she finally surrendered, threw the covers off, and headed for the couch and reruns on the television. At some point, she fell asleep, only to be woken by her grandfather thumping around in the kitchen. Luckily, it was Friday, and she had no clients to worry about, just some files to go over.

“I’ve always loved coming here,” her grandfather said as he lifted his cup to his mouth. After taking a sip, he licked his lips, lowering his cup back to his thigh where he rested it. “Black Hollow’s been a peaceful town.”