Chapter 2 Life

As I traveled to the first universe, I go the planet called "Earth." To see what's there, they say it's popular to gods because of "humans." Yes, "humans." These apes are like the neutral ones so far, they are somewhat. Selfish, idiotic, despairing, puny, rude, arrogant, greedy, lustful, wrathful, gluttonous, lazy, jealous, and so much negativity there. I decided to go there and it was... something else.

I have no words. It was the plains itself look so beautiful. So many things I have never seen like all I see is nothingness, but this made me... No, not possible for you to be attached to this. I observed the humans they seem so interesting, just like the other species as well as felt like they belong here.

Although there some who hated each other for a thoughtless reason like, lands, racism, and more obvious reasons.

It just felt so disgusting. So does every species, they're all the same.

Thinking that they are "justice," and they are the "devils." In the end, it's meaningless what choice they had to entertain themselves.

I go down since I floated in the sky and walk through the land, go to the forest to look at something else in my interest, just how beautiful nature is? Then I heard a voice and they said, "Excuse me, kid?" A sudden one appears right before me, it is an old man with a warlike face of his, his clothes are purely plain, his condition is strong, and he looks so peaceful. "Do you need help, Are you lost?" The old man asked, and spoke in shock, and said "Dear me, I'm rude, aren't I? To tell a kid who doesn't since I'm a stranger, allow me introduced myself, my name is Leland Eldrede." He told me his name.

"I was exiled by the corrupted nobles that blame me for their evil deeds, the commoners defended me due to my good deeds, but the king didn't believe me, I guess that's live my life for, but forget all that, it's all in the past I'm telling a stranger my story due to me being old, guess that's what I am what's yours?" His eyes were filled with curiosity and sincerity towards me and sense made me a name of my own I created and- "Anti."