Chapter 12

(Atlin's Pov)

I carried the corpse of this boy, I took that brat's soul so he won't cause a problem for me, basically, he's annoying as ever. I have the ability to grab people's souls and store them for the rest of eternity, but since he's a bounty I'll put his soul back, and then he'll rot in the dungeon cells forever.

"Now then, that's out of the way." As I put the corpse in the high-quality carriage I stole from a noble.

I said to that "thing." "Who are you?" I asked in an intimidating face so that they'll ask me. "Anti." The "thing" said their name is Anti. "What is this?" they are not scared of me, why are they not scared, is it because they are not surprised and afraid to look at me. I can't even think straight, as I put two hands off my face and hide it from them.

I can't even concentrate. "Umm... excuse me, now that I'm done introducing myself, how about yours?" Anti asked with an empty tone and has no life in their eyes.

I told them that if they already knew about my brothers and sisters, and they knew already since my brother Leland explain their background and our lifetime. I tell a story in a calm tone.

"I'm undead and very much likely a necromancer and an assassin. My body is normal as I look when I was 21 years old, it's when I was grabbed by the soul of the damned. The people of Vasaltion called us the "Undying."

"Long ago, when the world is filled with darkness, the mortals were left with nothing to defend themselves. But then, they saw a figure in the sky, and it's the Great One, his name is Mildes, he's a God of Life and Death, they are the balance of life and death itself." I continued.

"His great omnipotence and omniscience are godly and a blessing for the mortals and they saw the Great One as he goes down on the ground and said to the creatures with dark intentions. "Enough!" Said in a loud and strong voice that mortals can't stand and dares to raise their hands on him. "This kind of act is displeasing to my eyes."

The creatures have fallen to the underworld and are never seen again. Soon after the Great One said to the mortals. "I look upon thou mortals and I watched thou suffered greatly lost, but I will give thine life across you poor mortals. No man should see thee despair and among thy brethren. I gave ye mortals a Hero to protect thy weak and serve thy faith to me. I gave ye mortals a Saint to help thy lost ones and give thy love to me." Gave a warm smile among the mortals and said a farewell. "Now, let thy faith spread my love around the world."

And thus the religion called Vasaltion is formed." I finally finished the story and it's a lot.

"What do you think of those people there?" Asked Anti with an expressionless face.

"They are good people at least, good thing they're not fanatics and try to force religion to others, in fact, they are the most respectful religious people I find." I shrug to them that they are really like that in a way. To be exact, these people are likely to have a strong sense of justice and a sense of morality. They are good religions that every single one in the world loves that much. They also won't tolerate any evil and heretics. Before they act, they give chance for others to redeem themselves, whether if it's elves, dwarves, orcs, and other races, they welcome them in open arms. To someone like me, they offer me to join but I refused, and they respect my decisions, and they still good in me. These people deserve my time, if they are in trouble I'll try to do it for them."

"Huh, I'm such a workaholic aren't I?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "Indeed, you are," Anti replied.

(Kyra's Pov)

Damn, I almost got caught by this man, and he's not going to get away with that pervert, I need him so that I could not get my hands dirty, he literally obeys everything I desire, I won't let that happen.

A year ago before this happens, I was a commoner like the rest of them, but unlike them, I have renaissance green hair, black eyes, beautiful features, I was kind to villagers and everything was the same as always, nothing interesting happened, then this boy showed up, said that he loved me.

Ridiculous isn't it, this boy is obsessed with me, with those eyes as if he felt like an angel descended from the sky, so I decided that I had something interesting in my mind.

I decided to change my voice and appearance, and turn myself into a normal girl but with the same mental state, this boy had and acted like I'm in love with him in my disguise and when I'm not disguised I have to act like we're friends. We met in an alleyway.

And I knew the moment he pushed me away, he wouldn't be recognized it's me, I told him. "What if, I make the girl you love to turn your way?" I said with a smirk.

"Since I loved you after all, why don't I help you, you love her and I love you, if we basically have feelings for each other, why not make a deal?" I offer him my hand.

"And what do you suppose to think, that she'll look my way?" Replied with a glare and annoyed face.

"Basically, I'm not in love with you, I'm only here to help, I want you to do the dirty work for me." Said with an evil smile.

"If I do the dirty work, will Kyra look at me?" Said with a happy tone.

"Of course, as long as you do it, I'll tell her everything about you." "You better keep that deal alright." Said with a serious tone. I smirked and said. "Gladly."

We gotten out of the alleyway, he did everything I asked for, lie to people, blackmailing them, psychological damage in their brain, anything that makes them worthless.

This morning I saw a dead body on the streets and it was interesting, I hide my smile and acted as if I'm sick of looking at the body and then I acted. "Ahhh!!" I was the first to scream, and the villagers are in a panic and confused, as for the kids, they cried and the parents tried their best to calm them.

As for me, what great entertainment you brought to this world. The first crime I committed was exhilarating, the second one is that I blackmailed a bully brat to make him do my bidding, the third one is that I made them insane and as for the point and told them to kill themselves.

"What a fun game I live in aren't I?" I spoke to myself alone in the place where no one finds me, the ruins. I laughed crazily and I can't control myself anymore.

"It's funny, their despair makes me smile and they are so hilarious, idiots like them don't even know how the world works!" I smile and shouted myself.

"I can't even hold it anymore. I want more, I want more, I want more, I want more, I want more, I want more!" I controlled myself before I go insane.

"Calm yourself and think in your mind first." I calmed myself and think of the next phrase.

Now that's out of the way. I need to act as a heroine of this town and make them believe that'll save them from their suffering.

"If you think of that kind of way, people will think you are a fraud and try to use a lie detector." A figure stands before me and it's that thing again.

"Oh, you must be confused, I'm just a girl from the countryside and the most perfect figurine that everyone loves me, and I'm also... a god of this game." Said in an ambitious will and tone.

And back from reality, everything is ruin because of this idiot, he has gone rampaged because I had someone I want to manipulate and the plan was foiled by this boy.

I have no one and I can't make a group of my own, calm down there's still another chance and I'll try to go to another town or village and I'll make them my minions as soon as possible.

I'll try not to get caught of those two, they're different from what they really are, especially this child and I can't think about "them".

"Them"? why did I call them "them?" Not now, I'll think of that some other time.

I put on rogue clothes and make it look like I'm an adventurer.

Well then, let the fun begin.