Chapter 2: The Unknown

I recommend listening too:

As he ran into his room he sweated at the thought of ending his life. He didn't want to stay in this world and everyone he cared for had already left him behind so there really shouldn't be a reason to be scared. He grabbed the blade in his right hand as he aimed it at his pulse in his left. About to end his life he stopped himself to remind himself.

"Why should I end my life? Is it because I'm that weak? Though I don't have anyone important I'm leaving behind."

Then he finally realized what he wanted to do. Not to end his suffering but to get his revenge on the people who did this sin. He was also disgusted at the fact of how a human can commit so much wrong.

He thought of what he could do and how he could do it.

"Well I should probably learn to fight and then I should focus on getting the revenge I want."

Just like that, he started working on the things he wanted in his life. Realizing what he needed to do he ran. He ran and ran until he enters his father's room where his life hanged. Nakashiko entered the disgusting room to find his father's gun and leave. He knew that his father was associated with people of higher levels and that they would be back to check on him.

He didn't want to be there for when it happened and wanted to leave this Hellish house he lived in. He ran into his room and started by grabbing clothes and a backpack. He noted that his hair had changed into a white color as his mental state depended on the pits of Hell. He thought it would stay like that for a while and decided to let it run wild.

Just like that he grabbed the knife he would have used to end his life and slashed the palm of his hand.

"I vow to rid the world of evil and even if I have to go into the pits of Hell to do it I'll gladly take the burns that go with it."

Like that his hand started its natural healing process as Nakashiko left his once beloved home and moved on into a chapter of his life he wouldn't forget.

2 Years Later

Nakashiko had left that town and traveled the world gaining experience and combat skills. The world was half magical and it seemed like Nakashiko was a part of it. Though getting magical training was the hardest thing one could do. One place Nakashiko traveled to was called The Unknown. This place was known as the darkest place in the world and had some of the most magical properties. The place is a forest filled with magical gems, beasts, and dark sorcerers.

Nakashiko had traveled there to see what it held and one could say he never came out the same. While walking through the forest he saw a building with moss overgrowing and it looked as old as dirt.

There is only one possibility on what this could be and it was a temple. Temples are a gift from God and they provide magical books and even majestic weapons. Though this didn't look like anything God would give. The temples were usually referred to as Sun Temples but this looked different.

It also had a different feel to it and a sinister one. Nakashiko didn't know what it was but decided on calling it, Moon Temple.

Nakashiko approached the building to see two thick wooden doors at the front and noticed that the doors seemed to have been there are centuries. Opening the two doors felt like fighting static and with that Nakahsiko made his way in.

The doors shut on their own and the temple started lighting up torches all on their own. Nakashiko seemed interesting as he walked through the dark temple.

The temple was huge and had gone down with there being rooms with all different kinds of stuff. Money, weapons, and a lot more but these were all things Nakashiko wasn't looking for.

As stated before sun temples are a gift and all sun temples have magical libraries filled with books on history, beasts, monsters, weapons, and magical spells. They are rare to find and because of that, most people don't end up learning magic. Magic books are some of the rarest things to find in the world and most people would do anything to get their hands on them.

Going through what now seemed to be a dungeon was a great experience for Nakashiko and as he traveled deeper and deeper he finally found it.

A magical library stood in front of Nakashiko. After days of going through the library, he had finally managed to find it and he would spend months reading all the books he found interesting. The first book he picked up was on the world. How it was shaped and dangerous locations never to visit. After hours of going through the library he found a book on spells.

He flipped open the first page and saw an instruction page on how to perform a spell.

It explained that each person can store 1 spell inside themselves and that the number increases when you become better and better at magic. First, you read the spell name and once you read it it'll be stored inside you. After that just chant the magic saying.

Nakashiko learned spells he found interesting until he found one that would become very useful. Besides Nakashiko was a black cloak with pointed edges and a white inside and the bottom of the cloak was cut into 3 pieces. Beside him stood a spellbook and on one page it read: Infinite Space.

Nakashiko chanted the magic saying and pointed at the cloak as the cloaks white inside gained a darker toon as the cloak had become one of the many magic items Nakashiko would own. The spell would be able to give him the ability to hide things within his cloak.

Nakashiko traveled through the evil library gaining the knowledge a God would know as the night deepened.

Days past as Nakashiko read a book on magical beasts but something seemed different. His eyes seemed weak and blurry. Reading books in a dark place surely couldn't be good for his eyes as he searched the library for a summoning spell.

He needed glasses and summoning one couldn't be that hard. He searched the seemingly endless library as he found one on Demon Contracts. He read into it and found out there is no such thing as a summoning spell and that if he wanted something he would have to make a contract with a Demon.

He gulped as he followed the instructions on the book. He slashed his right palm with a knife leading blood to drip down onto the concrete. He used that blood to create a pentagram and called into Hell for glasses.

Any sane person would have said he was crazy for going into the pits of Hell to find a pair of glasses but Nakashiko would have just laughed at them.

Nakashiko waited a minute until a Demon answered his cries for help and excepted his plea and granted him a pair of glasses. On top of the pentagram stood a white pair of round glasses with the words Sloth engraved onto the temple of the glasses.

Nakashiko grabbed the pair and put them on noticing his eye sight immediately got better. On the book on Demon Contracts stated that after a contract the Demon could ask or do anything they wanted. Nakshiko simply overlooked that statement and didn't care for the consequences.

Demons are evil and they would do anything to acquire their goal and the one that entered Nakashiko soul was no different...