Ji-ho meet his brother

as he has been alone for a long time ,he didn't want ji-ho to left so he decided to convince him to live with him

he called him but he didn't picked the his phone

there was only one place that come to his mind , that park

he got on bus and went there but he was not there

he searched few places near there

finally he found him and told him to go back

but ji-ho said that he has became a werewolf and he don't know what he would do to him in future

he didn't want to harm him

he told him what if one day i won't be able to control myself , just for my own interest i can't put you in danger

so please go from here , as fast as you can

but sung-ho didn't listen to him

and said what could be worse .more then z i will became a werewolf too

and i am okay with that, as long as i'm on your side i don't care about anything

so please come back with me

at last ji-ho agreed and they went home next day

they made a month plan about what they will do and decided to distribute their work

after which sung-ho went for school and so ji- ho for work

when sung-ho was on his way ,he saw a girl sitting next to him

she reminded him of someone but was not so sure about her

she was wearing the same school uniform

when he got to class

homeroom teacher come with a new transfer student

it was her ,the same girl he saw in bus

she introduced herself

hello everyone , i am min seo-yun

nice to meet you all

let's be friends

and then went to a vacant seat at back

it was behind that of sung-ho

teacher asked him to share his books with her so she can cover the syllabus easily

in break time he introduced himself to her and gave him his book and asked to return them by next day

he also asked her to feel free to ask about anything

he also gave her his phone no.

and asked to contact him if she needed any other notes

when ji-ho was coming home

he saw a strange person who looked like his brother again

he tried to catch him

but failed

then he go to home

when he was about to sleep he heard the same strange sound which he heard every time he saw his brother

but this time he got some sensation which were directing him towards something

he followed those direction and at last he meet his brother

he was surprised to saw that it was really his brother

he asked him where he was all this time

at first he didn't say any word

he was silent

because he had no idea from where to start

he said listen carefully

don't be shocked

but tell me first how did you find me her

ji-ho explained him how he followed those direction and at last he found him

ji-hyun whispered it can't be possible

it's was one of the power he had

and there's no way ji-ho have them cause he was not a werewolf

ji-ho told him that after his death he started to feel some strange things

and at last i found that became a werewolf

but you tell me how you are here

ji-hyun told him about the history

that he became a victim of werewolf

one day he went to a bar there he meet a girl

she was very tall and pretty so he tried to be friend with him

after that they started to meet time to time

they were at a stage where he loved her so much that he could even die for her

but he didn't knew that it was that she wanted from him

she seduced him and after made him fallen in love deeply, she used him to get a moon stone for her

as it was a stone which would provide so much power

but that stone work only if someone who truly love her picked it for her

after her work was done with him she showed him her true self and frightened him to disappear from there so that no body could find him

if he didn't do that then he would never be able to see his family members again

but he was soo foolish at that time and was crazy in love so he decided to stay by her side

no matter wherever she goes he followed

she gave him warning too but he couldn't think of anything else

and at last she drank his blood , took it to increase her power

and he also got infected from

at starting he was out of his mind

he roamed around streets and behaved like a mad person it was all out of his control

this was all because of the power he was gaining and the changes occurring in him

when hi came to his senses there was no way for him to go

he couldn't go to home because he was badly infected and had became a full werewolf

he didn't wanted to harm his family members

so he decided to control their minds

and made them believe that he was dead

it was the only option with him

if he didn't did that then they would file fir for finding him and do their best to find him

they would go through so many hardship which he didn't wanted

but i cared about you too much

and i missed you so i came to check on for time to time

when you thought that it was hallucination ,it was me

ji-ho then replied

you were always there but it was me who didn't recognize you

i am sorry brother

ji-hyun asked for forgiveness for hidding all this from him