A bond started to form between sung-ho and seo-yun

ji-ho told him how family abandoned him

and now he was living with his friend

then ji-hyun told him

it's not like how he was thinking and explained that they have no other choice

our father was also infected and as he lived at home for this long time so they thought that what if they infect you also

so unwillingly they had to do that

don't blame them anymore

ji-ho how he knew all this

then he explained some of his power and how he can use them

ji-ho was thinking in his mind

about those rumors that he heard at school

and finally found that they all were all false with no base

and was thinking how he behaved at that time and was regretting it all

ji-hyun told him not to think too much

but there was still a question

ji-hyun asked him how did he got infected

did you got injured somehow

ji-ho replied with a doubtfully voice that he have no ideas

ji-ho asked him where he was living all this time

he replied that he don't need to worry about him

and to just go home as it was too late already

but he asked him to come with him but he rejected

and said that he have some work to do

now he was not an ordinary werewolf

he have some duty and his power were also much greater than that of ji-ho

he asked for some tips

how to increase his power

but ji-hyun told him not to focus on those things and to just go home

said they would meet again with goodbye

as he was on his way he meet sung-ho

he asked why he was late then he told him about the girl he meet at school

he was thinking that he had meet her but don't remember clearly when

sung-ho asked him did he had dinner

ji-ho was also hungry so they decided to at a restaurant that day

they went a nearby restaurant and had spicy noodle there

talked about so many things

after finishing they bought two ice cream which they finished on their way

next day sung-ho went to school

and found that seo-yun was already there

arranging the benches ,he tried to help her but he told him to stop

he asked about the books

she gave him his books

but he didn't checked them

after some time class began

first class was of history which he hated the most

so he felt asleep during the class

when seo-yun this she tried to wake him but couldn't

fortunately teacher didn't find that during the break time she gave him a juice box and thanked him for helping him

he replied it was not that much she don't need to buy him that

but then accepted and asked her if she needed anything else

ji-ho was at his work, thee was no customers so he got bored

so he thought of trying his power how and what they were

he started with lifting objects

at first he tried it on a chocolate and was successful

then he tried to lift heavier object but suddenly owner of the shop came so he couldn't control his power and created a huge mess

all items was of the floor, most of them were broken

owner got super angry and fired him

ji-ho asked him not to do that and apologized many time

but he had created a huge loss so his boss was so angry so immediately fired him

he was upset and was blaming himself why he did that now he is jobless again

and had no way to earn money

that day he got home with a sad mood , and there sung-ho asked him what's wrong with him

so he told him about the mess he created

he comforted him and said don't worry, we will find a new one soon

after dinner sung-ho started his study and found seo-yun diary in his bag

at first he didn't want to open it

but that didn't stop him and he opened the diary

it was quite funny , there were short story of her daily life

then he found a special page which was different from other

when he started to read them he found she also had no parents and she lives with his grandmother

he felt bad for her then stopped reading

but now he was hesitating how he would return it to her

next day when he went to school she asked him if he had seen her diary

he wanted to gave her that diary but couldn't and said he has no idea

she said thanks and asked him if he see a blue color diary then please return it to her

she checked whole class but couldn't find

she was very sad

there were not so many friends of her as she was a new student so she didn't knew that much about the school

she was sitting on rooftop alone with earphones but she was not listening to anything

it was so that no body would disturb her

sung-ho saw all this and couldn't control himself so he went to her

and asked why she was sitting there

she was in a sad mood so she told him to go and don't wanted to talk with anyone

he come to class and put her diary in her desk

after the class was over she found her diary while packing her bag

and got happy

it was all because that diary contained so much things which were precious to her like a photo of her parents

sung-ho was also happy to see that she was happy

so he went to her and gave her a candy and asked if she wanna try it

they left for home together and then he asked her to be friend with him

it was the first time for seo-yun that someone had asked her to be friend so she was so happy that she didn't even talked for a bit

sung-ho asked what happened

she replied noting, i was just happy

let's be friend