A soul for a soul

"You need me and another soul in order to bring back a different one" at that news Charlotte started crying saying that she doesn't want to give up her soul because then there would be no point while all I was thinking was that if I needed a soul then who were or how are we going to get one. until Lucifer said "well remember that you still have half of the contract to sign." he said as the rest of his contract appeared while he was cackling semi maniacally "okay then I'll sign the rest of your contract if it allows for me to save Charlottes brother" I said with my most heroic voice as I took Lucifer by the hand and then something else happened we merged so that I looked like him but he was my height so we both then shared properties with each other as well as the appearance of us both so there for I still had my matted black hair but my skin was also red as a fire that had yet to take in any oxygen to truly grow. I had almost lost myself in how I was right then and there until I heard something well it was actually more like two somethings 'clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap' it was Charlotte " whew that was fantastic" but there was also another noise of 'crying' I had to look around for a little bit to find were the noise was coming from but I eventually I did manage to find were it was coming from. There was a little boy and a slightly older looking girl hiding out in the corner. They didn't look human or at least not like Charlotte they were more like me poor, sad ,desperate beings who have nowhere to go so I said to them "are you two lost." Charlotte had no idea what I was even talking about because I heard Lucifer say "they are little more then ghosts so therefor they have very little time left on this world before they disappear forever" he said without any compassion in his voice "then we can't let that happen now can we" I said with certainty "we need to help guide them is what your saying" Lucifer said with certainty "yes that's exactly what we need to do".