So we’re Finally here

"We're Finally here" Lucifer said in a condescending voice "yes we are you bastard, so how do we do this" I asked Lucifer who said that we need humans here,at-least 6 to trade but who. I was wandering About what we do and how we do it "we kill them and take there limited power for our own and then transit it to those children and Charlottes brother," Lucifer said to me as he was lightly cackling between each word and then our combined body just started running towards them and just started ripping the boys apart. 'Die sinners' Lucifer said "are you sure there the sinners in this scenario? because I feel like we where the only sinners in this entire yard." Lucifer then said this "spirits of those dead children, come to me!!!" And then I saw three balls of light coming straight towards us "wow what are these things." I asked even though I was quite certain that I already knew the answer "the souls of those children and Charlottes brother." That is why Lucifer killed those people one of which was female so that actually works out well enough because only one of the three souls was female. "Now just to organize the souls properly and then boom." the lights disappeared and the dead bodies started twitching and then started moving "uhh why is it so hard to move" the boy in the group said" and then they started standing and then speaking and the males were doing there own ambidextrous

re-walking practice while the female gave me a hug squeezing my face in between her breast. It was warm as can be or at-least it was until Charlotte came and *slap* "just who in the hell is this" she said as though it were my personal mission to piss her off and then right as I thought that me and Lucifer un merged right as she said that and then they both grabbed my arms and hugged each of them, until one of the men said "big sister-is that really you."