How to be Gods

"I guess we'll just have to figure it out when we get there." Samael said as we suddenly started ascending together as one whole entity. and then the room we were in just completely shifted from less of a creepy attic in the middle of the forest to the silver city that I remember reading about once and Samael just scoffed it off, we felt in our soul. But even so after a brief period of conversation I eventually ended up winning that argument so we were off to explore heaven. And let me tell you it was actually rather bland with nothing really all that exciting on the flat rock and then Lucifer said this "this is boring, come Samuel we are leaving" and I agreed because there was no defined rule book to being gods so why not do it from earth and I said that to him "why can't god rule from earth" and then Lucifer had a great idea "so wait a minute you think that we can rule from earth" he said as we took what could have either been a left or right hand turn on I-95 and then Lucifer stated this "then we'll give it a try and we may only screw up the world on a slight scale" I had a thought of 'yes!!!, I managed to persuade him not to be the same as his father' and then with a boom we were back at my old house "I heard you the first time but I can't just keep supporting people who do nothing with the money they make" I heard a familiar voice say, the voice of Charlotte