Why god, why

'Is that Charlottes voice' I had thought right before she opened the door and saw me "Sam, is that you!" She then went in for a hug while I was more concerned with the fact that she looked and sounded more mature and also rather big breasted "I've been waiting for so long to see you and!" she said with tears rolling down her cheek and also while being super flamboyant. "Yes it has, how've you been." I replied within the same mild manner I had introduced to her when we had first met. "With me being unaware of how much time has passed nor how old Charlotte had gotten but it was at that moment when Lucifer suddenly made us fly away "wait,please don't leave me again" I was curious as to what he was thinking until he had explained "Sam are you even aware of where we are?" Lucifer asked me in a self concerned tone "earth right?" I asked him in a tone that could have been misconstrued as fear when in all actuality it was excitement. "no, as a matter of fact we're not even in the right universe." Lucifer started to say until I yelled out "no, why god, why."