So we’re back to another universe

"Ok so if we are in another universe then how are we going to get back to the original reality that We're both from." I asked Lucifer very worriedly, and I was about to continue until Lucifer shushed me "take a nap for at least a short bit while I think about it." Lucifer suggested to me, and then I flopped down onto the ground as my eyes closed and Lucifer made our wings ruffle into my back as we soon would be on a whole other adventure and then many others fallowing that one.

The next day we were in a completely different place almost like New York but not quite. For one thing there was almost no living being around except for one feminine humanoid like creature except for the fact that it looked almost as-though she was melting and so I decided that I needed to run over to her just to check on her just to see if my eyes had deceived me and this is what I had to say "is there something that I can do to assist you?" I said rather sternly and then she wrapped her arms around me and I was just flabbergasted until she exclaimed "I am a vampire and I'm melting!!!, please do help me." After she had explained that my wings immediately 'popped' and then I flew us both away into a building shattering the glass of a window in-toe.

"Wo,what are you though" the girl asked in a tone that I had not experienced in any of the universes Me and Lucifer have been to so far "my name is Sam and we're the newest of god's." I said proudly and with the certainty until she said "dum who do you mean again when you say god because I'm a vampire and I've never seen the point." Then I had a thought that if she was a vampire then "does that mean that if you bite me then would I become a vampire because if so then please bite me? Not in a weird way" I asked ——— "hahahahaha hahaha well there is a way but it would hurt like hell." She said with a certain level of sureness that I would not take that offer, but she clearly has never met me or Lucifer before "of-course I will, I have nowhere else to be" right as I finished saying that the the girl named Rachel bit into my neck and I felt extreme pain ,yes I have felt quite great pain before but for me it was almost euphoric, what with the subtle pain I felt that dull pain which was slowly rising all the while I was spasming out on the floor. And she was praying to me of all the things that I survive the whole horrid ideal. But while I knew I would have been fine regardless I felt myself slowly slipping away to another universe. Until I thought 'I refuse to just pop into another world, Not now not ever again.

"So, it's nice to see your finally awake my king" I heard from someone of in the personal bed of a queen and then when my eyes had finally completely focused I realized that I was in a glamorous piece of bedding with a naked woman right next to me until I realized exactly who it was I was talking to "remember me I'm Rachael, and you're my new boyfriend she said with absolute certainty "my parents were royalty you see and so it'd be natural that I find myself a strong king to fight by my side" And then I was just like "okay, wait what, where even are your parents" I had asked Rachael. But then she just started sobbing out of nowhere "I'm sorry for asking that , -but if you don't mind my asking are they dead and if so does that make you a queen?" It turned out that I was right about her being royalty but not the circumstance that royal status had came under because what I didn't realize is that she was engaged to another. A real ass hole who's been treating her like a dog, as i would soon find out he was otherwise known as Beelzebub.