Well, here we go with my first story. I hope that this can become something interesting for people to read.
If you find errors and typos please let me know (English is not my first language and while I'm good at speaking and reading it, that's not to say it's perfect in any way.
This particular setting is kind of an AU, my OC as you will see is very powerful (kind of OP to be honest) Which means that there will be changes all across the plot and some little additions to it.
Finally, before diving into this, the fic will be categorized M for themes mostly blood and perhaps some badmouthing and because it gives me freedom to write whatever I want.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from RWBY, only my OC.
Blake Belladonna wasn't having a good time, admittedly it could be much worse just for the fact that she was alive after successfully escaping from Adam, but now she was tired, didn't have a place to stay, and the money she had on her wouldn't last long if she rented some random hotel room (she obviously wouldn't sell her books which were safely store into her backpack which also covered her weapon).
So here she was, drifting through Vale with her head pounding with a headache from just how much had changed in just a few hours, just trying to deal with knowing that she was free from Adam and his ways of leading the White Fang branch was proving to be difficult.
"Hey, animal!"
Perhaps, it was this headache what caused her to almost violently reach for her sword when she heard these words from behind her. It was just her luck that she crossed a racist of all people just hours after she had opted to drop her bow in an attempt to start anew without having to hide who she is behind a cute little bow or a grimm white mask.
Turning around against her best judgment she came face to face with three young men. And instantly came to regret it as she saw just what she was dealing with, really she had seen this setting many times before, these were bullies, racist ones too it would seem.
To the front of the trio stood a tall young man with burnt-orange hair, he appeared to be around her age, his hair was slicked back, sticking up a bit on the front, and it glistened with whatever product it had been applied with, his face had an expression that she had seen many times directed at her while she was young, naïve and hopeful, thinking that waving a sign twice her size would make a difference, his expression was one of pure disdain.
To his left stood a shorter young man with a shaved head and short lime-green mohawk, he appeared to be somewhat nervous from the way he fidgeted from time to time.
The last young man stood to the right of the apparent leader, combed back shoulder-length dark blue hair upon his head and a somewhat confident expression on his face, which his scared eyes betrayed to be a mask.
The leading one saw her turn and spoke with all the contempt that was reflected on his face. "Aah, this one turned around, it seems like this animal is the best trained one we have seen today so far.".
Whatever the other ones were going to say in response to that was cut off by her sharp and cutting retort. "Look, I don't want any problems and I'm not in the mood to deal with the likes of you today so I will be going." And with that she turned around once more to walk away hoping they would be distracted enough with her unexpected words for her to be able to leave.
Alas, it was not to be as the leading guy stepped forward and roughly grabbed her arm, making her hand twitch towards her sword again.
Preparing her semblance just in case she needed an easy way out, she turned her head to look over her shoulder at the now angry bully.
"And who do you think you are trying to talk back to your betters you damned ani-"
His words were cut short when another feminine voice sounded from behind the group with a tone that demanded attention. "I, think that she is whoever the hell she wants to be, and if I were you I would let go of her before this turns into a show none of us want to participate in".
Turning around, most of the group had to look up to see the face of whoever that voice belonged to.
She was very tall, around 6.6 feet tall if Blake had to guess, very slightly spiked dark magenta colored hair upon her head, which fell all the way down to her lower back. Her face appeared young and was heart shaped but her eyes couldn't be seen because of the black blindfold she wore, which covered both of her eyes, strangely, she seemed to have what appeared like a big eyepatch below the blindfold, which seemed to cover her left eye and her forehead before being covered by her hair. She had a small mouth with a little cold smile on it, her nose was straight and small, perfectly fitting the rest of her face, there seemed to be some scar tissue peeking from below the eyepatch and blindfold on the start of the left side of her nose.
Looking down, the young woman wore a hoodie which hugged her curves rather well and instantly charmed the trio of idiots with the vision it offered to their eye level. Blake had more decency and didn't let her eyes linger on her assets, instead she continued looking down to see hands covered in black gloves upon her hips and black combat boots with what seemed to be dark violet yoga pants below white shorts which again hugged some rather well developed curves.
'She's gorgeous' Blake could instantly feel her cheeks heat up at the thought and only because of this she tried to advert her eyes and caught sight of what was behind the woman.
Lazily moving through the air behind her were nine long dark magenta fox tails, their tips were, oddly enough, colored blood red and Blake couldn't help but wonder why that was before she focused on the oddity again.
Clearly this girl was a faunus but Blake had never heard of any species of faunus that developed nine tails and she had to wonder if the girl had been subjected to hate by her own race. She had seen it before, faunus treating other faunus like trash just because they had some strange features or their type of animal features matched the usual natural enemies of one another (as idiotic as this was, sadly all races had morons and the faunus were no exception to this).
So distracted she was by her thoughts that she didn't even hear whatever the bullies had said to the girl and only snapped out of them when the leading guy released her arm so he could try and place it around the girl's shoulders and it seemed that only the blue haired one had noticed that she was a faunus too and was trying to warn the other guy to no effect.
What happened next was almost too fast for her to see and if she hadn't trained most of her life to fight monsters and people she would have missed it.
The moment that the leader's intentions became clear three tails snapped out from behind the girl at such speed that Blake doubted she could have avoided them much less these idiots.
The tips of each tail hit one bully per tail and it seemed like the tails weren't only fast but packed quite the punch too because upon their impact with the stomachs of the victims all three fell down to the ground, clutching their stomachs and their aura, which was apparently unlocked 'lucky them, really' flashed for a moment as it tanked the hit for them so it wouldn't leave a mark, they had however, to endure the pain even if it was mitigated by their passive aura shield.
Blake was somewhat stunned by this development, and only when the girl's warm right hand grabbed her own left hand, sending a pleasant shiver up her spine in the process, she snapped out of it and she looked up to find the girl looking down at her with a somewhat expectant expression on her blindfolded face.
"I know a tea place not far from here, we could go there so you could relax a little" said the girl warmly. "I couldn't help but sense your anxiousness all the way from the other side of the road"
'Sense?' She wanted to ask what she meant, but she was tired from today's events and some tea sounded great right now. So she simply nodded at the girl before realizing that the action was somehow useless because of the girl's inability to see.
Her worries were apparently unfounded as the girl nodded back and started to lead her to wherever this tea place was, not once letting go of her hand which was still sending a pleasant tingle up her arm.
The girl guided her silently through Vale without difficulty, which again confused Blake to no end but she guessed the question could wait until they reached the tea place.
Five minutes later they stood before a two story building that seemed to be a simple café.
Upon entering Blake noted the warm atmosphere and she couldn't help but want to come back some other day.
The girl guided her to a small table on the second level where no one else was at the moment, which was to be expected she supposed. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was already going down so most people must be either finishing their job hours or already home.
Only when they were seated she took notice that she had yet to let go of the girl's hand, she didn't seem to mind but it embarrassed her slightly so reluctantly she let go of that pleasant warmth.
They ordered their drinks soon after getting seated, 'she likes the same kind of tea as me' couldn't Blake but think with some strange giddiness.
It was the girl who broke the silence, which looking back, was apparently the norm for the two so far. "So, how is it that you ended up in that situation?" was the first thing the girl asked.
Blake took a sip of the team and thought about the question. She knew the girl was referring to the bullies but she could help it but to think back at her entire life up until today.
She had been young and naive and had gotten swept up into the current that was Sienna Khan and her change in philosophy for the White Fang which seemed to work. In the end all it caused was problems for her, Adam had become a monster because of it and the humans that weren't racists before now fear them instead of respecting them. And the racists? They were still racists but now they had given them even more things to attack them with.
It was tragic really, but she guessed it wasn't a good topic to speak of with her savior who, so far, seemed like a kind and honest person. "A little impulsive perhaps too" she thought ruefully.
"I didn't do much, I was simply walking by and I had the bad luck of crossing some racists while I wasn't wearing my bow" was her final answer after some moments of silence.
"Your bow?" The girl sounded somewhat confused as to what a bow had to do with evading racists.
Blake took another sip of her tea before responding. "For years I have used a bow to hide my ears" She giggled her cat ears a little to make a point. "But some hours ago something happened, and I decided to leave it behind, to try and integrate myself in society without hiding what I am"
The girl hummed at this and Blake couldn't help but notice just how expressive and open the girl was, from the parts of her face that could be seen to her posture and tone of her voice, she could clearly see how the girl was feeling, and for a moment, she wondered and perhaps even hoped that she was the only one who could so clearly see such things.
There was a moment of silence before the girl finally asked something which caught her somewhat off guard. "Do you regret it?" She looked at Blake as thought she could see her. "Throwing your bow away and letting everyone see what you are?" added the girl as an afterthought.
Blake thought about the answer for a little time and decided to be honest with herself and her hopefully new friend. "A little, but that part of me who misses it is the part that wanted to take the easy way out and…" she paused here and thought some more about how she felt. "And I didn't want the easy way out. I wanted to start anew, completely letting the past be the past, and that meant letting people see all off me. And if they don't like it? Then that's their problem".
Blake was somewhat surprised with herself to be honest, she had known this girl for less than half an hour and she could feel herself be relaxed and honest in a way that she hadn't been in a long time. "I wonder what about her draws me in like this."
The girl seemed to ponder about her words before a warm smile lit her face and gave her a response that made Blake's cheeks light up a little. "I'm glad you don't regret it; your soul is so beautiful that it would be a shame to darken it with such negative emotions"
Besides leaving her a blushing mess, the girl's words made her remember about what she had wanted to ask before when the girl had rescued her from the bullies. "not that I really needed it but it's the gesture that matters I suppose"
"Now that you mention it, what did you mean by sensing me before? And how could you move so well through the streets while… well you know" Blake had started to lift her arm to gesture to the blindfold but stopped herself, seeing as it didn't matter.
The girls seemed amused at this and answered after chuckling a little. "As you can probably guess, I can't really see anything with this over my eyes so, I trained myself to use an aura manipulation technique that not many people know of" She took a sip of tea at this and continued. "Basically I use my aura as a radar of sorts, it lets me map my surroundings. It has the strange effect of letting me see the color of the aura of people, which darkens somewhat when their negative emotions spike, and the silhouette of the person, even if their aura isn't unlocked"
The girl continued after taking a sip of her tea, which was starting to dwindle at this point. "sorry about not helping you faster by the way. I sensed you and became somewhat enraptured with your soul, and only registered the bullies after they started getting rowdy."
Blake blushed yet again at her honest words and couldn't stop herself from asking. "How is it that you became blind? if you don't mind me asking." It was admittedly a somewhat insensitive question and she worried that the girl would not take it well.
The girl's smile lost some of her cheeriness and she became silent for close to a minute, which made Blake even more nervous and she was about to apologize when the girl finally answered quietly. "I'm not actually blind you know."
This obviously confused Blake to no end. "But…why would you use a blindfold if you aren't actually blind? You even had to learn a technique, which I'm pretty sure isn't basic at all so you could move around. And you could have avoided doing so, I don't understand why anyone would do that." Hopefully she didn't take offense in her words, but it was a very strange situation.
The girl smiled somewhat sadly at this, for some reason Blake didn't like that expression on her face at all. "That story isn't one I'm yet ready to tell. But what I can tell you is that after something awful happened to me I decided to use a blindfold, so that I could stop seeing the ugliness that covers this world. My left eye isn't a pretty sight thought, but it is usable" The girl looked up at her after this and added something that yet again made her blush.
"Although… perhaps someday I will pull it down, if anything just to look at you with my eyes and see if you are as beautiful as your soul." Really, at this point it was getting ridiculous how easily this girl was getting to her.
Blake decided to change the topic before her face combusted from the heat on her cheeks. "A-anyway, you haven't told your name yet. I would like to know who to thank for the tea"
The girl clearly caught her hurried topic change because she chuckled, but she responded nonetheless. "I'm Violet, Violet Oleander. It's a pleasure to meet you"
The girl's warm smile came back and as it was rapidly becoming the norm she asked something of her while giving her a compliment. "And what's name of such a beautiful soul?"
Really, she was going to feel her cheeks steam a bit at this point. She chuckled at the similarities between their names before giving the answer with a smile. "My name is Blake, Blake Belladonna"
This was apparently the wrong thing so say because the girl lost her smile and gained a frosty expression which quite honestly scared Blake. She had no time to dwell in it as the next moment Violet got up abruptly and surged forwards at great speeds.
She tried to back up on reflex but she didn't get far.
Thus, Blake found herself on the receiving end of those tails, in this case however they were restraining her. Two tails were firmly wrapped around each limb the last one hovered dangerously close to her head. And Blake couldn't be sure but the tails seemed longer than before.
Violet stalked forward towards her with the gait of a predator going towards their prey and a cold air surrounded her previous warm figure, which sent shivers up Blake`s spine, these shivers however were not pleasant at all.
She was still trying to gather her wits when Violet's cold voice cut through her thoughts, the contempt and fury in her voice was quite frightening but what froze her on the spot wasn't its tone but its contents.
"Funny, I didn't expect to find Adam's little companion here, much less alone. It is a shame that such a soul belongs to someone like you though. Tell me, what are you planning here in Vale hmm?"
Blake was quite honestly frightened to her core and didn't know what to say so she just said the first thing that came to mind. "I-I-I don't…there is no plan, I-I ran away, f-from Adam, from the White Fang, everything." She could feel the cold aura fade away at her words and she couldn't help but plead. "P-please, let go of me."
Violet seemed to start at her words and let go of her, so suddenly it was however that Blake fell to the ground, her nine tails coming back to weave lazily behind her and her expression became somewhat sad. "Sorry about that. Adam Taurus is a very sore topic for me and knowing that his accomplice was before me I reacted before thinking."
She looked down with an ashamed expression after saying that and extended her hand to her.
Blake took the extended hand somewhat reluctantly and Violet pulled her up to her feet. Violet didn't seem inclined on letting go of it yet and she was so disoriented but the rapid changes that she didn't bother with it.
Both girls stood there for a while until Violet broke the silence. "Let's go sit again, I'll go order more tea."
After Violet went to place the order and came back they stayed silently for a while until suddenly Violet took her hand in hers again and thought she flinched at it at first she didn't pull back. She seemed like a touchy person and it honestly felt quite good, even if it was somewhat confusing at the same time.
Violet apparently decided that the silence had been long enough again she spoke with warmness in her voice that had been there before the whole debacle. "Again, sorry about that, you had told me before that you had made a decision to start anew not long ago but I just acted without thinking."
Blake was content with the silence however so she stayed quiet, only focusing on the warmth coming from her hand and Violet's thumb rubbing the back of it.
Time passed and even thought their tea was brought and became cold none of them said anything.
Finally, Violet spoke again after what seemed like house but were probably ten minutes. "Tell me Blake, if you don't mind me asking, why did you leave the White Fang behind? Your parents were the founders after all, don't worry, by the way, about whatever you say and whoever you mention, I won't react like before." 'I better get myself together, she seems like a good person and her soul is so beautiful I can't seem to stop being drawn in'
Blake had been wondering how she knew about her, but it was clear that she had something against Adam and if she wanted to investigate him she would probably have found information about her somewhere.
She decided to answer her, if anything because she seemed to deserve some answers, seeing as she was somehow related to Adam or some action of his. "It's simple really, you could say that I was born into the Fang but after Sienna took control it has changed its methods and has become something else, something I don't like and Adam… Adam thrives in this new violent White Fang so much that he has turned into a monster much different to how he was when we were young."
She took a sip of the now cold tea before continuing. "So I left today, we had a mission inside forever fall, to rob a train full of dust, I just wanted to rob the train and be done with it, Adam however wanted to place explosive charges, which would kill the civilians on board. I waited until he was distracted and cut the connection between cars, fleeing here soon after."
Violet looked at her with a serious demeanor, but her warm smile was back on her face and looking at her Blake couldn't help but smile back.
She seemed to sense her smile because Violet's own smile turned even more beautiful and Blake couldn't help but blush yet again 'I need to stop blushing so much but that smile…"
So lost was Blake in her smile that she almost didn't register her next question. "What's your plan now? Will you go back to Menagerie?"
Blake desperately wanted to say yes but she couldn't, she couldn't face her parents after leaving all those years ago. "I don't know… I don't have a place to stay and my money won't last long so I was thinking of looking for a jab in some place like this and settling down for now to see if I come up with some idea for my future."
Violet seemed to have other plans however. "You could come live with me for now, until you decide what you want to do".
Blake just stared at her after that and as more time passed and she didn't respond the other girl seemed to become increasingly nervous.
Finally, she decided to answer and spare the girl the bad time. "Why would you offer me this? You know who I am and some of the things I have done I imagine so why would you offer me a place in your home?"
"well, you seem like a good person, and like I said your soul is very beautiful and it really makes me want to get to know better" 'that almost sounded like I'm asking her out ugh…' "besides I know a thing or two about not having a place to call your own and…well, I don't want that to happen to you."
Blake really didn't know how to respond to that so she thought about it while looking at their joined hands again.
A minute passed until she replied quietly. "Ok, I'll go with you then."
"Great! Let's go then."
Violet got up and dragged her with her towards the stairs which led down to the street level.
She seemed to have gained a great amount of energy just by her acceptance, which was quite cute to Blake.
Violet paid for their tea, even after Blake tried to pay for her own Violet was having none of it and it seemed she was a very stubborn girl.
She let the girl drag her around, pointing at places and shops they would apparently be visiting one of these days. She watched and tried to memorize the streets they passed by.
While Blake was busy trying to ensure a way to not get lost in the future, Violet was having a small panic attack 'I hope I didn't let any trash lying around last night after falling asleep with that movie, I should have checked before leaving today. It will a little embarrassing if that's the case.'
After some time walking around the city they came to a stop in front of a small two story house that was in between a couple of apartment buildings. It seemed somewhat old but it looked well preserved nonetheless.
"Why is it stuck between two big buildings? Hasn't someone tried to buy it yet to build another?" Was Blake's first question after looking at the situation.
"Yeah, years ago some businessman tried to buy it from my dad but he refused and seeing as how he had been a huntsman for a long time he apparently had enough money to get them off his back so it stayed there and has survived all these years."
"It looks kind of small for four people to live in though"
"You, me, and your parents"
The other girl let a sad smile at that and turned to her as if trying to look away from the house. "You don't have to worry about that, my parents… they aren't here anymore."
'Me and my big mouth augh' "sorry about that I didn't mean to make you sad"
"it's ok, you couldn't have known and the question was quite logical so don't worry about it"
They stayed out there for a little time before Violet took her other hand in hers and smiled down at her. "Well, let's get you settled in"
Entering the house, the first thing Blake saw was the living room. Most of the bottom floor was used to make the living room in fact. The kitchen was a modern open concept one with something like a bar separating it from the living room itself.
The living room itself had a homely vibe to it, it was clear that someone lived here. Interestingly there weren't any pictures to be seen, only small trinkets dotted the shelves and, oddly enough, a black cat plushy was seated on a love seat. Besides the love seat there was a big couch in the middle of the living room and a table with 6 chairs.
Beyond the living room, Blake could see a short hallway with a staircase at the end of it which she assumed led to the bedrooms on the second level, right before the staircase was a door, probably a bathroom or some sort of storage room.
While Blake was looking around Violet was busy gazing down at her, she couldn't see her of course, but just looking at her aura silhouette she could infer that the girl was as beautiful as her soul which, as she had said earlier, made her want to put down her blindfold, just to look at her properly.
After looking around for a bit, Blake turned her head to Violet just to see her gazing down at her and, for a moment, she wondered what it was that fascinated the girl so much.
The two stood like that for a while, looking at each other, a smile on their face.
"So, what do you think?" Violet asked with a slightly nervous voice.
"It looks nice." She paused for a little and looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed before adding in a quiet voice. "It seems like a place I could gladly call home."
Violet's smile turned so bright at this that Blake stood there, entranced by it until her new housemate started talking again.
"Are you hungry? It's quite late so I could fix something for us if you want."
"You can cook?" For some reason Blake was surprised at this.
"Well of course, I have been living here alone for years after all." She gave Blake a cheeky smile over her shoulder and Blake couldn't help but blush, it should have been a bit of an obvious thing after all.
"Take a sit wherever you want, it won't take long."
Violet disentangled their hands which had been joined for quite some time now and even though none of them knew it, both missed the sensation of it instantly.
The girl then went into the kitchen and started to prepare what looked like some kind of dish with tuna and another one with chicken. 'is she making that tuna because of me? That's quite thoughtful of her'
She ended up sitting on a stool at the bar, arms crossed and head on top of them. She watched as the other girl cooked for a bit before looking at her tails, they moved calmly through the air as if they had a mind of their own. 'It's probably instinctual like breathing' She thought.
They looked fluffy and very well maintained so she guessed that Violet groomed them quite often. She decided to be a bit bold and tried to touch one to see how they felt.
She waited for one of the tails to move near her and extended her hand, instantly after her hand started moving thought the fur of the tail, which felt quite good. Violet froze and all her tails stood upright.
Violet had been cooking quietly, thinking about her new permanent housemate and looking at her with her aura vision when she noticed one of the girl's hands going to one of her tails 'is she…' Whatever it was she was thinking stopped when Blake passed her hand through her tails fur and she could help but freeze as the sensation.
Blake retracted her hand fast after that and looked up to see Violet's head turned to her, her mouth slightly open, and her tails still rigid so she apologized and hoped she hadn't minded that much.
Violet looked at her for a bit before turning back to the stove and answering her. "It's ok. I was just surprised that's all. I don't mind if as long as it's you." She muttered the last part to herself but Blake's enhanced hearing caught it anyway. She felt happy when she heard that for some reason.
Violet continued cooking their meals but all her tails gathered together forming what looked like a single fluffier big tail that kind of split at its tip, which was the only indication that it was in fact more than one tail.
Said tail then moved towards Blake and she looked at it before looking up at the one they belonged to, she felt like she was inviting her so she tentatively started petting the gathered tails again and to her delight they didn't freeze and neither did Violet who just kept cooking.
Time passed this way, both of the girls staying in a content silence where the only things that could be heard were the sounds of cooking and…'Is she purring?' Blake focused on the sound and discovered that Violet was indeed purring quietly. 'So she can purr too. It's not as surprising I suppose and it's a very cute thing too'
Twenty minutes later both girls were seated in front of each other at the table. Violet's tails were back to their place except one which was rubbing Blake's leg affectionately. They ate quietly, and Blake couldn't help but savor both the delicious cooking and the warmth in her chest. It really was quite amazing how welcome this girl she hadn't known for long could make her feel.
"Do you want to sleep after this? Or do you want to watch a movie or TV or something before that? You must be tired if what you told me of today was anything to go by."
Blake thought about it and decided that relaxing and watching a movie before bed couldn't hurt. "Let's watch a movie before going to bed, if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind, silly, you live in this house now, you can voice your preferences and stuff as much as I do from now on"
Blake felt extremely grateful for this but didn't know how to answer so she stayed quiet.
Sometime later, after finishing their dinner Violet led her up the stairs to the second level where there were three doors, the one on the left was a gigantic bathroom, it was half the size of the living room and had bot a very big bathtub as well as a shower, it seemed to be like the Mistrali bathrooms of old that she had read about, there were showerheads and stools outside the normal shower and bathtub.
The toiled and sink seemed to be inside the bathroom itself but separated in their own small room.
The other two doors led to the master and guest rooms, Violet was using the master's bedroom so she went into the guest bedroom and left her backpack against the wall for the moment, she then took her pajamas out and put them on before going back down to the living room.
When Blake got down, Violet was already seated on the couch with some movie paused on the TV.
She sat down beside her and asked a question she had thought of while putting her pajamas on. "Say… I didn't think about it before but, you can't actually see the movie right?"
Violet turned to her and regarded her form for a moment before chuckling and answering honestly. "No, I can't see the movie, I can read from books and write however, because the letters form an extremely small mounds and holes which my aura vision can map out. Screens in the other hand are flat and thus all I see is its form. I enjoy movies anyway, using my hearing I imagine the images myself so don't worry about me"
Blake accepted the answer for what it was and took a set on the other side of the couch. One of Violet's tails immediately fell on her lap and she started petting it like before. It seemed like the other girl had liked her earlier ministrations.
They watched the movie silently. Violet was content basking in Blake's presence and Blake liked to look at her companion from time to time, just looking at her made Blake feel warm inside. Perhaps it should have scared her a little that she could feel like this just after less than a day of knowing this girl. So much had happened today however, and Violet seemed so genuine and had helped her so much that Blake couldn't help but to want to trust her.
A little more than an hour went by like this and Blake could feel her eyelids drop a bit more as time passed but she felt so cozy and didn't want to move at all so in the end she let herself fall asleep there.
The last thing Blake saw before falling into her dreams was Violet, who was looking down at her with her usual warm smile and she couldn't help but smile back before finally closing her eyes.
Blake Belladonna didn't know this, but her choices today had brought her something incredibly precious, something many yearned for trough their lives but few ended up getting. She, however, didn't know this yet.
So this is the first chapter, many probably can notice that I'm new at writing so please like I said at the start point out mistakes, typos and ways you think I could improve as a writer.
On the topic of update schedule, frankly I don't know, I would like to update at least once a week but soon college will start again and in three months I will start working for our last semester's work studies so that will take even more time, as such I can't promise anything more than doing my best to bring you a new update as soon as I can.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you stick around.
LilBoia out.