New day, New life

Second chapter of this fic. I hope it's good and again please review or PM me about anything you want to know about it or errors you might find.

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or any of its characters, only my OC.




Blake stirred from her deep slumber the next day feeling incredibly well rested, she seemed to have fallen asleep on the couch but she felt better than she had in months.


Life in the wilds wasn't luxurious by any means, most of the time their base was hidden inside a forest and while she had some more amenities due to her somewhat high rank, it still wasn't the best way to live.


All in all, a couch inside a house was definitely an upgrade.


She pondered about what had happened the day before while her sleep addled mind became a little more aware of her surroundings, noting vaguely that there seemed to be something covering her body, keeping her blissfully warm.


'I could get used to this.' In the end, she decided to get a little more sleep time and snuggled into her pillow, it was incredibly soft and its heartbeat resonated in her second pair of ears, which made her relax even more. 'Wait… heartbeat?'


Eyes snapping open the first thing she could see was the back of the couch, turning her head a little, Blake immediately blushed from the roots of her hair to the bottom of her neck after seeing exactly why her pillow had a heartbeat.


At some point of the night Violet must have fallen asleep too while watching the movie, and the two of them had managed to move themselves into quite an embarrassing position.


Blake's head was lodged smack dab in the middle of Violet's rather ample bosom, her right cheek pressing onto the girl's right breast, which explained how she could hear her heartbeat so clearly.


Glancing down while trying shift her body as slowly as she possible, Blake saw that what was covering her, was in fact, an array of fox tails, draped over her body like a fluffy blanket.


The most important part were the arms around her frame, incredibly well toned arms, keeping her close to the other girl's body.


Simply put, Blake was being spooned, Violet was spooning her, quite eagerly too. And Blake felt only slightly guilty over the fact that she was not entirely opposed to it.


Blake was still thinking of a way to get out of the situation without rousing the sleeping girl when the form behind her shifted a little.


Violet had been sleeping calmly when her internal woke her, the static she could hear behind her told her that she had fallen asleep on the couch. Immediately after this she noticed that there was something pressed against her front which seemed to shift a little, activating her aura vision let her see the shape of what she was holding and that incredibly beautiful color let her understand the situation pretty quickly after that.


Both of the girls knew the other was awake at this point, but neither of them was sure how to address the situation they found themselves in.


Finally, Blake decided enough was enough and broke the silence.


"So…it seems we fell asleep before ending the movie" was the first that came to her mind.


"Indeed" was the short answer she got.


There was only silence after that.


Truthfully both girls were content with their current situation, one more than the other.


Blake felt torn about it though, on one hand she was feeling incredibly mortified about doing something like this with what was almost a stranger, on the other hand, Violet had quickly wormed her way into her heart the day before and it made her wish for them to stay like this for a little longer.


Violet however, wasn't having as many problems, she had decided yesterday she wanted to get to know Blake better, which was part of the reason she decided to give her a place to live, besides, being so close to the girl relaxed her so she wasn't in a hurry to let this end.


And so ten minutes passed, both girls enjoying the warmth the other offered.


Letting out a sigh Violet decided to ask Blake about her opinion. "Is this making you uncomfortable? Do you want to get up? I can make breakfast after taking a bath."


"…Are you uncomfortable?" asked Blake back.


"Not really, to be honest being so close to you feels soothing for some reason" said Violet.


Blake blushed at the blunt answer but couldn't help but admire the other girl a little, she was always honest with how she was feeling and what she was thinking. She didn't bother mincing her words for others and didn't care who she was talking to, it was incredibly refreshing.


"In that case…could we stay like this for five more minutes?" asked Blake quietly, feeling incredibly embarrassed the moment she asked, but she also couldn't help feeling a little giddy when the girl holding her just tightened her arm around her a bit in response pulling the black-haired girl deeper into the warm embrace.


About 5 minutes later Violet glanced at the wall clock and decided it was time to start their day.


Disentangling herself from her rather cuddly companion, Violet stood up and stretched her limbs, sighing happily when she heard a few pops here and there.


She said nothing and simply stood up and went upstairs to take a shower.


Blake was left to her own devices sitting on the couch for a few moments until she decided it was as good time as any to go upstairs and start unpacking her things.


Stepping into her new room she looked around, noting that the room looked somewhat bare, which she guessed was normal as it was a guest room, surprisingly the bed was queen sized under the window, 'must have been for couples if any ever visited.' The only furniture in the room was a bedside table and a wardrobe.


Looking out the window she saw a small backyard behind the house, wooden walls separated it from the street. She looked at the people passing by early in the morning for a moment before turning back to do what she had come here for.


Putting what little clothes she had inside the wardrobe after changing into her usual attire sans her bow, she looked down at her backpack which still had all her books, there was nowhere to place them so she left the inside and placed the backpack near her bed.


Stepping outside the room her ears twitched at the sound of a door opening and turning she saw Violet stepping out of the bathroom, she was fully clothed too. Same black gloves and combat boots as yesterday, she wore a white wool sweater and light blue jeans. Her blindfold was a stark white color today but her eyepatch seemed to be the same.


"Do you need anything for the room? It has been a while since someone used it." Asked Violet.


"Not really, I don't have many clothes, most of the bulk in my backpack were from my books and I left those inside it for the moment" was Blake's answer.


The other girl just hummed and motioned for her to follow downstairs.


Reaching the first floor the girls went to the kitchen and Violet started preparing some light breakfast while Blake just sat there watching, just like yesterday, Violet's tails grouped together and went towards Blake who just went along with it and started petting them.


"I have noticed something strange about your tails you know? Other fox faunus I have met don't have tails this long, yours are twice as long as normal and sometimes I feel like they stretch even more, like when you…used them to restrain me or when you hit those bullies and they seemed to harden, like a spear instead of a tail."


Violet chuckled at this and separated one of her tails from the bundle in Blake's hand. "My tails have always been longer than usual, besides the obvious fact that there are more than there should be. When I was young they caused me many problems, I used to trip on them a lot and some kids called them deformities and taunted me because of it. Supposedly their number and length were caused by a mutation while I was in my mother's womb, or so said the doctor."


Blake had suspected something like that might have happened to her, society tends to shun those different from the majority and kids can be extremely cruel.


"As for how they seem to do things they shouldn't be able to…that would be my semblance. It grants me an extreme control of my tails and their movements, I can also harden and control their length and thickness at will. It's quite useful for close combat and day to day activities, like having nine other arms, arms that can do things normal arms can't."


As if to prove this, the tail that she had separated began to extend until it circled Blake twice and its tip moved to tickle her under the chin, making her giggle, before it returned to the bundle in her hands.


"It only consumes aura when I make a change but maintaining that change doesn't consume any, it's also incredibly cheap on my reserves after so many years using it constantly. There is also the fact that my reserves are enormous, ten times larger than the usual person and my aura is also extremely dense, more than it usually is for other people, the doctors couldn't tell me how that happened and the only aura expert I know of that could shed some light into it lives in Atlas, And I'm not touching that kingdom even if I had a teen feet long pole."


Blake blinked a little at the last part, there was anger in her voice and even though she wanted to ask why, she decided to let it go for now. Instead she decided to tell her what she thought about her semblance. "That sound like an incredibly useful semblance."


"I have been told that before, I guess I got lucky with it. What about yours?" asked Violet.


"How do you know I have a semblance?" asked Blake instead of answering.


Violet's hands stopped moving before she turned towards the black haired girl.


"While investigating for anything related to Adam I came across rumors about an apprentice of his, following that clue I found out that the princess of Menagerie had followed Adam after the White Fang changed leaders. I looked more into it and managed to find some stuff about you, like your weapon and the fact that you could clone yourself but there is nothing specific about that last part"


Blake considered her words carefully, there was anger in her voice when talking about Adam, but not when talking about how she got information about her, which reassured Blake that yesterday's incident wouldn't happen again.


In the end, her anger towards Adam was probably justified, knowing him, he probably deserved it, it was comforting however that after explaining her story, all that anger was no longer directed at her as well.


"I can make a clone of myself that replaces me wherever I'm at that time, it can be used to dodge attacks and if I add dust to it I can give it diverse effects. Lately I have trained so that I can use it to boost myself mid-air."


It was said that semblances are influenced by the personality of their user, Blake often wondered what a semblance made only to run away, leaving only a shadow of herself, said about her.


"Sounds useful, gives you more defensive options to for defense and evasion" said Violet.


"It's better than nothing, although it's hard to get dust in my situation so I can't use that part of it much." Said Blake.


"We can go some dust for you later, we need to get a bookshelf for your room, and I can imagine you don't have ca great deal of casual clothing either so we could look for something while we are out."


Blake looked blankly at her housemate at this and responded blandly. "I have no more money today than I did yesterday, you know?"


"I know, that's why I will pay for all of it" answered Violet.


Blake's blank expression turned into bewilderment after hearing this and she couldn't help but ask for confirmation. "That's probably going to be thousands of lien, even more now that dust prices are going up. Why would you offer this for me?"


"Well the bookshelf I had been thinking of buying for a while anyway, as for the rest…you are my friend now, helping you in any way isn't really a problem, I have lots of money too."


Violet turned around once more to continue making breakfast, leaving a stunned Blake looking at her back in wonder.


It had been years since someone had been genuinely kind to her, in the White Fang everyone gave her a wide berth due to her status and the ones that didn't do such thing simply ignored her. Adam certainly wasn't kind with his teachings and actions.


A bit lost and overwhelmed, Blake simply decided to hug Violet's tails to her chest. If the girl minded she didn't say anything about it.


After they finished eating breakfast, Violet decided it was a great time to go out and buy the stuff they wanted around the city.


For hours, they wandered around, looking to the rest of the world like two friends having a day out, one has happy and outgoing, the other was quiet, reserved and had a weapon on her, but somehow, they found something to talk the whole time.


The first place Violet brought Blake to was a little dust shop called From Dust Till Dawn, Violet frequented the place and always went there to buy wind dust, the only kind she used, Blake wasn't sure what for, as far as she had seen, the girl didn't own a weapon.


After a lengthy argument, Blake agreed to let Violet pay for her dust and clothes but she wouldn't budge in the matter of the bookshelf.


From there they went to a clothing store, near the upper class district, you could even see some of the forever fall forest from there.


Blake had to stop the other girl from buying too many clothes, in the end she bought a couple of jeans, a pair of t-shirts and a new jacket, a black and purple leather jacket, it was a good thing Violet couldn't see normal colors so she didn't get any weird ideas, at the same time it saddened Blake, it must be hard to lose your normal vision, even if it was a self-imposed restriction.


Lastly they went to a furniture store near the central part of the commercial district. Blake decided to buy a slightly big bookshelf, so that it would let her place plenty of books in the future.


As agreed by the pair, Blake paid for it. Only after buying it did she notice a problem with it though, they had no way to bring it home. Usually people buying furniture had a vehicle to move it or paid someone to do so.


So the situation both girls found themselves in was particularly interesting, they had to move a big box which had the parts of the bookshelf inside, half across the city. Sincerely, Blake didn't have the faintest idea of how they were going to do it.


As if reading her thoughts, Violet walked up to the box and brought her tails forwards, she then surrounded the box with them and lifted it.


Blake could only gawk at the other girl, 'she doesn't even look bothered by the weight!'


Bringing the box behind her and lifting it upwards so it wouldn't bother other people, Violet simply started walking, unaware of the attention she was bringing to herself.


She made it a few feet before she noticed Blake hadn't moved an inch.


"Blake? Are you okay?"

"How are you doing that? That must weight a lot and it doesn't look like it bothers you one bit." Said Blake.


"The box? I'm boosting myself with aura, plus my tails are very strong naturally." Was Violet's honest answer.


"I have never seen being able to boost themselves so much though. Is it because of what you told me before?"


"Well, yeah, I can boost myself much more than other people, and my semblance seems to passively boost my tails' attributes."


"Huh." Really, Blake didn't know what to say to that.


"Well let's go."


Blake followed behind her, a little too closer to her than usual. 'She is probably trying to not attract attention to herself' noted Violet amusedly.


Violet understood that her strength, mostly her tails' strength, was much higher than what people could achieve, she wasn't always that way unfortunately. 'it would have saved me from much heartbreak and trauma' though Violet somberly.


The girls continued walking through Vale for a while. Blake was distracted, she was thinking about what to do from now on. She didn't need to get a job anymore but she didn't want to stay permanently in Violet's house without repaying her somehow.


Violet broke her out of her thoughts. "Do you like ice cream? There is a place near home where we could go after dropping this."


'Ice cream, huh…' Blake thought wistfully, "I wouldn't mind; it has been years since I last tasted some ice cream." She answered.


Violet stopped walking after hearing that and turned her head towards Blake "You poor girl, that explains so much." Blake could see the amused quirk on the girl's lips.


Blake's eyes narrowed and gained a playful shine. She advanced quickly towards the other girl and brushed her hand through the fur of one of the tails not holding the box at the moment, then she continued towards the house, smirking slightly at how the other girl had frozen in shock.


It was something most faunus with tails shared, in a relaxed environment with people they trusted their tails sent pleasant sensations when petted. Luckily adrenaline made this effect null when in combat.


She could hear her companion grumbling about roaming hands, it only made Blake's smirk grow, usually she was the one getting flustered by Violet's honest personality so this petty revenge was something Blake could enjoy.


They continued towards the house, lightly talking about everything that came to mind until Violet made a question that Blake had been wondering about before.


"So, what are you planning to do now that you have a place to call home? I don't mind having you there forever, but somehow I imagine you would want to do something productive."


That was true, even if Violet let her stay however long she wished for free, it didn't sit right with her to do so.


"I'm not sure…all my life the only thing I have done is fight, fight for faunus' rights when I was young and then fight against humans and beasts while in the White Fang, it's the only thing I know how to do well enough."


The girls arrived to their home in silence, each lost in their own world.


Violet put down the box in Blake's room and went back to the living room, where Blake was seated on the loveseat looking down at her hands.


Being lost in her own head, Blake didn't notice Violet approaching her from behind silently until it was too late.


Suddenly two arms wrapped around her from behind her shoulders, giving her a good scare. Blake felt a head land on top of hers after that and her cat ears twitched when Violet murmured something so close to them.


"I'm going to be a huntress, you could come with me to Beacon, the exam is in a month, the second week of march. I heard that everyone gets a partner during initiation, it would be great if you could be mine."


'A huntress? Me?' Blake had never thought about that in years. She, like many kids at some point had dreamed of being a hero and slaying monsters, reality however was harsh and she learned much too soon that heroes were nothing but stuff from legends and fairy tales.


She had to abandon those dreams and in their place she took a sign and went out to try fight for the rights of her race, years later when peaceful ways didn't work she started using more forceful methods, like the rest of the White Fang had done.


Somewhere along the way, she had forgotten those childish dreams of adventure and heroism but perhaps…


"Would they even accept me? I was a terrorist until yesterday, I don't believe they would appreciate those like me near someone normal." Blake's voice was tinged with a bitter sadness while saying this.


"Don't beat yourself up so much, you weren't a fanatic or anything from what little I found about you, and your main expertise were espionage and infiltration so your hands are clean, besides…even if the headmaster rejected you I have a way to change his opinion, but I doubt I would need to use it." Said Violet.


"A way to change his opinion? How?" Blake couldn't help but ask, confused about the girl's words.


"That's for me to know, and for you to find out~~" was the playful answer Violet offered.


Blake just slapped one of her hands lightly for that.


"One day, I hope you tell me." Said Blake.


"One day, I will tell you everything." Answered Violet.


Blake knew the girl meant she would tell her more than this mysterious way to sway Beacon's headmaster. The girl probably meant her past and her connection with Adam.


They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, Blake was thinking about Beacon and Violet was simply content with being close to her.


Finally, Blake came to a decision. "I think I will go with you to Beacon. In a way, it's a chance to redeem myself and as a huntress I could help the faunus too." Her voice was one that spoke of a strong determination.


Hearing this, Violet tightened her arms around Blake and planted a kiss on top of her head, between her cat ears. "That's great!! Thank you so much!!"


Blake blushed profusely but didn't push the other girl away.


"You sound way more excited than myself." said Blake.


"Well, of course I'm excited! My best friend is going to be my partner at Beacon!"


"Your best friend?" Blake was surprised by this, of course.


"Well…you are my only friend so that makes you my best friend by default, besides, you are great person so I couldn't ask for a better friend than you, at least that's what I think." Replied Violet in her usual honest manner.


Violet fell silent after that and continued leaning on Blake while the she processed what she had just been told.


Blake wanted to wait a bit to ask Violet why she didn't have friends but decided to do it now, the girl was very open with her and she doubted it would offend her somehow.


"That's surprising, I would have pegged you as someone with lots of friends, you are a sincere, brutally honest and open kind of person, that's the kind of person many would like to be friends with."


"That might be true but I'm always training or at home or both, so there aren't many chances to make friends, nor I have ever been the best at making them. Some people call me rude and never speak to me again. But that's not a problem anymore." Violet then lowered her face and nuzzled Blake's neck. "Now I have you, that's all I need."


Blake stiffened at the contact, it seemed like the girl didn't have a problem showing affection.


"You are a very touchy-feely person aren't you?" said Blake.


"Only because it's you."




"Well yes, I told you this morning, being close to you feel soothing to me, perhaps because I'm more in tune with my aura thanks to using it as one of my senses for so long, I wouldn't know."


She had indeed said that, when they were cuddling on the couch.


The thought brought red to Blake's cheeks again, more than anything because she enjoyed these moments as well.


Violet's tails wrapped around Blake's figure as well, covering her body like a blanket once again and Blake decided it wasn't that bad to stay like that for a little while, like in the morning, it was a rather enjoyable situation.


They stayed like that for close to ten minutes, Blake being cocooned by Violet's tails and her neck being nuzzled by the girl before she decided it was time to continue with their day, it was early in the morning but if they continued like this time would fly away without them noticing.


Besides, Blake had been promised ice cream and she was eager to try it put after so long. Luckily the winter was ending and the temperature around Vale had always been mild this time of the year so eating ice cream on February wasn't a strange thing.


"Let's get going Violet, you wanted to bring me to that ice cream place, remember?"


"Do I really need to move?" murmured Violet into Blake's neck, sending pleasant tremors down her spine when the girl nuzzled deeper into in.


"It would be kind of impossible to go if you don't move yes."


"I could carry you there."


That brought red back to Blake's face, really, this girl and her ideas and actions were going to be the end of her one day.


"Please don't. I'm sure you would enjoy it but I would die of embarrassment" Said Blake dryly.


"Aww such a shame, you are very cute when your face reddens like that you know?" whispered Violet into Blake's ear.


Blake decided it was better not to answer the girl, lest she gets more embarrassing words for her troubles.


The black-haired girl disentangled her new favorite blanket from her body. 'If I tell her that, I will never hear the end of it.' And stood up, gathering her weapon and going for the door, stopping in front of it and turning back to the other girl. "Let's go already."


Blake exited the house followed closely by Violet and let the fox faunus take the lead and guide her towards their destination.


It didn't take long to arrive there as the ice cream parlor was just three blocks away from their home.


Once there Blake looked around for a while before going to the blackboard that had all the flavors written on it. She inspected it top to bottom but couldn't really decide what to get, the only flavor she remembered was stracciatella.


"Blake!" Turning, Blake saw Violet already before the owner with what looked like a vanilla flavored treat. "Have you decided yet? I'm about to pay."


No she hadn't decided, but she also had no idea what to get so the only option was the safe one. "I don't really know any of the flavors besides stracciatella so I want one of those."


"It's okay, I'll let you taste mine." Said Violet before turning and giving the owner some lien.


After Blake grabbed her ice cream both girls took a seat near the window.


"So, we need to start training our teamwork in preparation for Beacon, tomorrow I will show you the training room back home." Said Violet between licks of her ice cream.


"There is a training room in that house?" Asked Blake in a surprised manner and the door near the stairs flashed in her mind.


Violet nodded and said. "I'm sure you noticed yesterday but there is a door near the stairs, it leads to the training room. It's great actually, very well equipped. My father had it built years ago and he renovated it when we moved here to Vale."


Violet smiled sadly when she mentioned her father so Blake decided not to ask about him for the moment, she would wait until the girl decided to tell her herself, it was the least she could do.


"Anyway! Let's swap flavors!" Before Blake could react, Violet swapped their ice cream with lightning fast speed while the cat faunus was distracted, and before Blake could do anything about it the other girl was already licking away at her own half eaten ice cream while Blake was left holding Violet's almost untouched one. 'Did she leave most of it so I could taste it?' it was something she could see Violet doing for her.


Blake ate her frozen treat slowly, enjoying the moment, there was once again a peaceful and content silence between them. It was something she could get used to, after all she had done during her life, having these moments with someone like the girl in front of her was like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert.


"Let's take today as a lazy day, tomorrow we will start training after breakfast." Said Violet who had already eaten her ice cream and was smiling at Blake.


Time passed, and after going back to the house Blake decided to read one of her romance novels while Violet didn't have anything better to do so she plopped on the couch as well, her legs hanging from the armrest, and her head ended up on Blake's lap, humming a tune.


It was some time later that Violet grew a little sleepy, and deciding it was early enough that it wouldn't affect her nightly sleep she turned her head and buried her face into Blake's exposed midriff, getting a little giggle in return when her breathing tickled the cat faunus.


Deciding she liked the sound, Violet exhaled some hot air using her mouth, this of course made Blake's plight all the worse if her increasingly louder laughter was anything to go by.


"S-stop it! I'm trying to read here." Said Blake between her laughter, grabbing Violet's head in the process and separating the girl from her stomach.


Looking down at the grinning girl Blake couldn't help but narrow her eyes and with a slight grin of her own she flicked Violet's nose which made the girl whine cutely.


"Don't start whining now, you had that coming." Said Blake, before letting Violet's head drop onto her lap. "stay there looking pretty and let me read."


The shit eating levels that Violet's grin gained made Blake realize what she had just said and made her cheeks glow red.


"So you think I'm pretty? That's pretty flattering coming from you." Said Violet.


Blake looked down quizzically eyebrow raised. "Coming from me? Whatever do you mean by that?"


"Well… I told you already, but it seems I will need to tell you again and again until it sticks in your head I suppose." Grumbled the girl before burying her face into Blake's stomach yet again, this time breathing softly so as to not bother Blake. "Your soul is incredibly pretty, really, the prettiest I have seen and I have seen a lot while traveling years ago. What I can make out of your face with my aura sense doesn't give a bad impression either."


Blake didn't really know how to answer that so she went back to reading, one of her hands went to pet Violet's head on her lap however, making the already half-asleep girl purr in delight.


Some hours passed like that, both girls content in basking in each other's presence.


The day went by fairly peacefully, after lunch Blake continued reading and Violet was always near, never straying far or leaning on her while being lazy, which was rare for Violet as usually she spent the day training in some way.


After another dinner with its main dish being fish of some kind. (Blake didn't know it but Violet was trying to use her stomach to win her heart). Violet decided to be a bit bold and ask for something.


"Say…Blake, would you mind watching a movie tonight too?" asked Violet with the most innocent expression she could muster.


It didn't fool the black-haired faunus however, both girls knew exactly what Violet meant with that. Surprisingly even to her, Blake agreed and they went to the couch and settled for the night.


Thus neither of them was surprised when morning came and they found themselves in the exact same situation as the day before.



Well this is chapter 2. Hope everyone likes it and sorry for it coming out so late. Things went crazy because of a blizzard in Spain and college took even more time to sort out daily.