Intense Feelings and Training

As usual, I hope it's good and again please review or PM me about anything you want to know about it or errors you might find.

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or any of its characters, only my OC.




Violet was the first to wake up the following morning, the warmth pressed onto her front told her that her plan from last night had worked perfectly as right now she had her arms around Blake while the black-haired girl was snuggled into her. The position was the exact same as well.


Deciding to enjoy this as much as she could, Violet let her aura vision remain inactivated, letting the rest of her senses take Blake's presence in instead. She tightened her arms around her and controlled her tails to perfectly cover the other girl's entire body. Blake seemed to appreciate this because even in her sleep she let out a contented sigh which made Violet smile softly before she dropped her own head on the cushion she had been using as a pillow and put her chin on Blake's head.


It was rather incredible how this girl who she had met just a couple of days ago could make her feel so peaceful and happy simply by being near.


It was around half an hour later that Blake stirred awake slowly, feeling the same sensation of warmth around her and hearing the strong and steady heartbeat let her know what they had ended up just like the morning before, which didn't surprise her as she was pretty sure Violet had suggested they see a movie partly because she wanted this to happen, not like she was exactly complaining about it either.


"I had the feeling yesterday that this is what you wanted to happen when you asked to see a movie again." Said Blake.


Violet chuckled and pulled Blake even tighter to herself. "I was hoping it would happen, but I didn't force it and I wasn't sure we would end up exactly like this. I'm glad though, you feeling relaxed enough all night with my presence being so close means that you feel safe in my arms, even if it's subconsciously, and it makes me so happy that I might just not let you move for the rest of the day."


Blake blushed a little hearing this but thinking about it made her realize that Violet was right. For years she had been a light sleeper out of necessity, always alert in case something happened in the middle of the night, but here, in the arms of this young woman who so readily accepted her and tried her best to make her feel comfortable even when Blake herself didn't think she fully deserved it, she felt the safest she had felt in a long time.


Blake smiled and petted some of the tails that made up her blanket while talking. "I hadn't thought about it but you are right, I feel safe right here, and I feel content and warm too, so maybe we could eat breakfast a bit later today right?"


The black-haired faunus felt Violet's smile widen before the hands around her frame went upwards and pulled her head up gently, then Violet tilted her own head downward and planted a soft kiss on Blake's forehead before returning to their previous position, her hands trailing across Blake's stomach gently.


Such actions would have made Blake blush madly, perhaps even squirm in the embrace she found herself in, but for some reason, it only made her heart flutter slightly and her own smile widened involuntarily.


The atmosphere around the two was so calm and relaxed in fact that both faunus started purring, they didn't even try to hide it, too caught up in the moment.


Of course, Blake was no fool, she understood what was happening to her and what these feelings were.


Years ago when she was younger and Adam first entered her life while being part of the White Fang he had taken her as an apprentice of sorts, teaching her things about the wilderness and some basic combat training. It was during that time that she developed a crush on the older boy, it was a mix of childish idolization and a response to the kindness shown to her by him.


From this prior experience, Blake was able to identify these feelings she had. At the same time this seemed different somehow, as if the feelings themselves were stronger, which was strange to Blake as they had developed in a matter of two days, but looking back she understood how it was possible for it to happen. 'She is such a kind and honest person, and the fact that she shows affection so openly to me probably didn't help either' thought Blake wryly.


In the end, Blake could only hope that if these feelings of hers went beyond a simple, if rather heavy, crush, Violet reciprocated them. Although her hopes were high, the girl certainly wasn't as openly affectionate to others, even if there was nobody else close to her. 'She certainly seems intent on giving me praise when she gets the chance'


"Hey Blake, do you think you are at a good enough level with your theory for the written part of the admission tests in Beacon?" Asked Violet, breaking Blake of her introspection.


'That's something I hadn't thought about.' Thought Blake, trying to recall everything she knew about the curriculum in combat schools. It was something she had looked up in her free time some time ago while they were in Mistral's HQ for a joint operation with the local branch of the White Fang.


"I'm not sure, to be honest, I read often and sometimes try to learn stuff that is taught in academies and posted online but we should probably check past tests, just in case we need to cram in some last-minute information for the exam." Answered Blake.


Violet hummed in agreement. "Let's do that this evening, we need to go get a scroll for you too I assume, from what I understood of how the White Fang operates only burner scrolls are used in case they try to track them back to your squad after a mission."


Blake blinked in surprise before her eyes narrowed slightly. 'That's not common knowledge, where exactly did she investigate and why go to such lengths just to know about a single person in the organization?'


"You know more about the White Fang than someone with normal connections should, where exactly did you get this information from?" Asked Blake in a slightly suspicious tone.


Violet's fingers froze for a moment before continuing their gentle movements but Blake caught the action easily enough.


'Perhaps I shouldn't have said that but… If I intend to tell her the whole thing someday, something like this doesn't really matter anyway.' Thought Violet before answering with a sincere tone in her voice, as was usual for her. "Information brokers are very common in the capitals of all the kingdoms, granted I have only traveled through Mistral and Vale but they aren't that hard to find, and if they are big names they will have information on everything, for the right price of course."


"And you asked these people for information about the White Fang so you could know more about Adam?" Asked Blake.


"Yeah, well… about Adam and other people, but that's neither here nor there. For example, here in Vale there is a guy named Junior who deals with this kind of stuff, he has a club near the rich part of the city in case you need to know something and I'm not with you just tell him you know me, he will give you a discount, probably."


"Other people? From how you spoke about him I guessed Adam did something to you but he wasn't the only one?" It surprised the cat faunus a little.


'It makes me curious about what happened to her, but at the same time I fear what she could tell me.' Thought Blake.


Violet chuckled helplessly before she turned Blake around in her embrace so they were facing each other and cupped her cheeks gently, looking down at Blake directly, even if she couldn't make eye contact.


"Adam was neither the beginning of my hardships nor was he the end. There was a number of people in the past that hurt me, hurt me in ways I don't wish on anybody else, and for that, I have hated them so much that thinking about them attracts grimm to me like moths to a flame, but most these people are dead, either by natural cause or… by my hand. Now only two of them remain alive, Adam is merely one of them." Said Violet, her voice barely audible by the end.


There was a pause while Blake absorbed what she had just learned before Violet started talking again, all the while, the hands cupping Blake's cheeks remained unmoving.


"That's right, these hands of mine aren't as clean as yours Blake. I'm not a bad person, at least I don't think I am. The people I have cut down aren't few, they weren't innocent people of course, but I regret doing it instead of taking another path, a life is still a life after all." Violet then used her hands to move Blake's head so that their foreheads touched. "Tell me, Blake, does that make me a monster?"


Blake looked at Violet. Looking at this girl who had been so kind to her, so gentle with how she treated her, even now, the entirety of Violet's body language and actions had a gentle and protective undertone, the same that had attracted Blake enough to let her agree with Violet's idea last night. This time, however, Violet's voice was tinged with sadness and fear, fear of what? Blake didn't know, perhaps of being called a monster and of being left alone.


"For those people and maybe even for me in the past, you probably were a monster." Said Blake, and Violet seemed to wilt from her words, Blake's next words however gave life back to her expression. "But… to me now, after knowing you this little time and with my experience dealing with Adam who, looking back, became a monster on his own right I can say that you aren't one. The reason is simple; monsters don't regret their actions."


Violet's mouth fell open but no words spilled out of it so she simply grabbed Blake's head and pressed it against her chest while the rest of her body folded around the black-haired girl.


'I really was lucky to find someone like her.' Thought Violet.


Blake was a little confused but assumed that Violet was happy about her answer so she stayed still, snuggling deeper into the fox faunus.


The situation lasted only a few seconds, however, as suddenly Violet started trembling intensely and Blake worried something might have made her upset.


"Violet? Are You okay?" Asked Blake.


As if Blake's words had broken some kind of tether, the trembling became even more intense and Violet soon started openly sobbing. One of Violet's hands, which were holding Blake's head to her chest, moved up to her cat ears, moving them so that they were pressed to her head which muted Blake's hearing quite a bit.


Then Violet's sobs became wails.


The sound of Violet's cries was raw and intense, thick with the emotions she was experiencing at the moment.


To Blake, they sounded relieved and happy, so much so that it brought some tears to her own eyes. Furthermore, another thought came to her mind. 'She covered my ears… even at a time like this, she tries to care for my well-being.'


Blake put her arms around Violet, rubbing her back comfortingly while she let her cry for however long she needed.


They stayed like this for a few minutes while Violet cried like she hadn't done in years.


Finally, Violet's cries subsided back into sobs and then into nothing as she calmed down after the rush of emotions.


Silence however didn't return after this as Violet started purring loudly while she caressed her cheek with Blake's hair, -ironically- much like a cat trying to show affection.


"Thank you, I don't think you realize how much those words mean to me." Whispered Violet.


"It's okay, I was just saying what I thought, nothing special about it really." Answered Blake.


"Perhaps not for you, but for me, it's quite special that you don't hate me for my past"


Blake didn't answer and just stayed like they were, breathing softly and relaxed while embracing Violet for a few moments before deciding to start their day.


"Come on, let's get up, there is much to do today."


Violet pouted but didn't make things harder for them and simply unraveled her tails and untangled herself from Blake and got up before reaching up to touch her blindfold and grimacing a little.


"I'm going to change my blindfold, it's probably going to bother me to stay with this soaked one. Take some fish out of the fridge. Today I'll cook a deluxe breakfast just for you, you certainly deserve it." Said Violet before smiling at Blake and going up to her room.


Blake got up as well and stretched before going to the fridge and taking out some salmon.


When Violet came back down she was still in her pajamas but her blindfold was different, as was her eye patch.


Blake sat on her usual stool while Violet took her place inside the kitchen and started preparing the deluxe breakfast she had promised. Her tails bundled and went towards Blake like they usually did during these moments, this time, however, three of them separated and sneaked around, wrapping themselves around one of Blake's arms and legs.


Blake blinked at the appendages and thought. 'She doesn't seem like she's aware of it.'


Indeed, Violet wasn't aware of her tails' own behavior, she was concentrating on preparing the perfect breakfast for Blake at the moment.


'maybe I should try that recipe I heard on TV last week, the cook said it was delicious for feline faunus, especially cats.' Such were Violet's thoughts at the moment.


Blake took a book and started reading while she waited for Violet to make breakfast, it took a bit more time than usual as Violet was being extra meticulous.


When Violet stopped cooking she froze for a couple of seconds after realizing her tails' actions. She turned her head towards Blake even though she didn't need to do so but noticed she didn't seem to mind.


Still Violet retracted her tails as she went towards the table, breakfast in hand. After they were seated all of her tails went towards Blake again and wrapped loosely around her legs, one of them even running up and down her back, sending pleasant sensations through Blake's body.


"Your tails seem bolder today. " Quipped Blake lightly, a small smile on her face.


Violet smiled back brightly. "I don't hear you complaining."


"It's not a bad feeling." Answered Blake.


Time passed slowly for both girls while eating. Blake was enjoying her delicious food and Violet, having finished hers quickly, was looking at Blake through her aura vision, focusing on even the smallest details. A thought came to Violet's mind at that moment.


'I wonder what she will think of them…' Mused Violet, focusing on her own legs.


It would have been a strange thought for Violet to have if her circumstances were normal, sadly, they weren't.


"Violet?" Blake's voice brought Violet back from her thoughts and caused her to focus on Blake again.


"Hmm? What's the matter? Is the food bad? Asked Violet, somewhat worriedly.


"No, it's delicious, probably the best I have ever had to be honest." Said Blake. "You seemed kind of out of it a moment ago. Is everything okay?"


Violet didn't answer immediately and just looked at Blake through her special vision. 'I'm probably overthinking this.' Violet thought.


"It's nothing, I was just thinking about our training." Said Violet.


Blake didn't look convinced but let it be for now and decided to talk about said training. "What will we be doing today? Should we focus on teamwork? From what little I know about the academies, they supposedly place a great deal of focus on cooperation between partners, even more than between teams."


This was true, all four academies encouraged the use of teamwork above individual actions because while in the field two people could do much more than just one. All teams were required to train a specific amount of time together. Partners in particular often needed to be able to trust each other with their lives.


The creatures of grimm had many advantages over them. Only their superior cooperation let humans and faunus survive and thrive in this hostile world, hence why all huntsman academies grouped people in teams.


"Not today, we should first know each other's fighting style. I assume you focus on stealth alongside hit and run tactics but I don't know what your weapon does and it's always better to see something first-hand." Said Violet.


For a successful and lasting partnership between huntsmen or huntresses to happen they needed to understand each other's main way of fighting, be it how they used their weapons, how they moved towards and away from enemies, and finally how each other thought during and outside combat.


By knowing yourself and your enemy you could go into combat better prepared for any situation, however, when there is more than one person involved everything becomes more complex. A partner or a team even if it's only temporary can make things much easier or much harder for each other.


Violet wanted Blake to be her partner while they were studying at Beacon and hopefully, even after graduating, as such, she wanted to be perfectly in sync with her so that when they worked together in the future they could become more than the sum of their parts.


"So are we going to spar or do you have something else in mind?" Asked Blake thinking about all the methods she had used before with Adam, sparing was always his favorite to form bonds with people, be it Blake or the increasing number of new recruits coming to the White Fang's branch in these last years.


"Not right off the bat, first we need to talk about how we fight and what we use to do so, then I will give you some exercises to do every day from now on to strengthen your physical foundation and at the end of today's session, we will spar lightly to get a feel of each other's movements. We shouldn't take too long today, maybe a few hours tops." Responded Violet.


Blake was slightly surprised hearing that. Violet apparently had a much more comprehensive approach to partner training than what she was used to, hopefully, it would bring better results and forge a deeper bond between them. 'That's more of a personal reason though' Mused Blake internally.


The conversation stopped after that as both girls decided to talk more about it while in the training room.


Blake continued eating while thinking of how to tackle training later and Violet didn't mind the silence, because for her looking at Blake would never be boring.


After some time, a little more than Blake usually spent having breakfast because she was enjoying the food Violet had made, both girls got up and put their plates in the kitchen sink before making their way upstairs to change out of their pajamas and into something comfortable for training.


After changing into her usual combat uniform Blake went downstairs to find Violet but instead, she found the door near the bottom of the stairs open and sounds coming out of it.


Violet had said that the door led to a training room so Blake decided to go in and see if Violet was already in it.


The door led to a dimly lit hall which could even be said to be too dimly lit if it wasn't for her night vision making the poor light irrelevant. At the far side of the hall could see another closed door, so she went towards it and opened it.


Behind the second door was indeed the training room and Blake found herself stunned looking at it. She had expected a room around the size of the dining room with some gym equipment in it but while part of it was true, it could also not be further from the truth.


The room before Blake was gigantic, easily as wide and long as the entire house above it. The door opened to some stairs that went down along the right side wall, in the middle of the room stood an elevated area. 'Probably some kind of arena for sparring or practice.' Thought Blake while looking around as she stood in the middle of the stairs.


On the far side of the room stood some machines for gym exercises, they looked modern too. On the opposite side of the room were lots of boxes, both big and small, and if the tips of multiple furry tails poking out from inside the mess were any indication Violet was there. That side of the room was also the source of the noises that Blake had heard from outside.


Deciding it was enough of gawking around Blake continued her trek downstairs before going towards where Violet was. Blake needed to move around some boxes before she could get close to where the fox faunus was, when she got there, red traveled to her cheeks when she took in the tight long-sleeved t-shirt which accentuated Violet's tight-corded muscles and well-developed assets. Blake's eyes traveled downwards involuntarily but before she could appreciate the shorts the girl had chosen her eyes widened and she took a sharp breath when she saw Violet's legs.


Violet, having been aware of Blake approaching since the start, froze when she heard her reaction and waited with bated breath for whatever her next action would be.


For an entire minute, Blake stood gobsmacked while staring unblinkingly at Violet's legs. 'How did I not notice it while we were cuddling?' She thought grimly while finishing coming out of her stupor and she started observing them.


Violet's legs were as long as it was expected for such a tall individual, what made them unique is what they are made of. Metal, black sleek metal with white neon lights in the joints composed the entirety of her legs up to just above the knees where it met with horribly scarred flesh. 'Those scars look like they came from some kind of fire.' Noted Blake.


Turning stiffly towards Blake, Violet looked up at the girl as she spoke.


"Are those..." Blake trailed off, motioning to Violet's legs.


"Prosthetics? They aren't armor that's for sure." Joked Violet without humor in her voice.


Stunned silence was all the answer she received.


Sighting, Violet sat on a box before motioning Blake to sit with her.


Blake sat next to Violet and they stayed silent for a while. She eventually took Blake's hand in hers, Blake didn't mind it so she let it be.


"Do they make you uncomfortable? Asked Violet while she looked at their joined hands through her aura vision.


The question startled Blake out of whatever reverie her mind was in. "What? No, no! Of course not! It's just… it's the first time I've seen something like that in person. There were people in the White Fang that got hurt of course but I never saw something so… extreme."


"Not the prettiest sight you have seen either, I bet." Chuckled Violet.


"It's not that bad, just… shocking to see."


"Do you want to know how it happened?" Asked Violet lowly.


Blake looked at her for a while before she answered. "I will admit I'm curious about it but I don't want to make you uncomfortable so if you want to tell me sometime later or never at all then that's fine too."


Blake's curiosity was high of course but something so personal shouldn't be forced.


Violet's face gained a relieved expression hearing Blake's words. "Thank you. I don't want to hide things from you but I need some time to sort my thoughts and to find the right moment to tell you."


Blake smiled at her. "That's fine, whenever you are ready, I'll be here for you."


Violet positively beamed at Blake when she heard that.


"Come on, let's get this show on the road partner." The words rolled out of Violet's mouth in a happy purr as she got up and dragged Blake towards the arena, almost skipping instead of walking.


Going into the arena gave Blake a new perspective of it. The entire surface of it was flat and divided in a tiled pattern which varied from really big to as small as a flagpole and on the wall near a screen could be seen coming out of it, with a bigger one coming down from the ceiling.


Violet brought Blake to the small screen before starting to fiddle with it while explaining what it did. "The arena here has some technology my dad brought from Atlas -not that I know how he did it- and it lets the ground rise and fall so we can practice in many kinds of terrain."


As if to prove that point Violet stopped typing on the screen and the arena came alive. Chunks of the ground rose up, both big and small until the arena resembled some mismatched cubic terrain, perfect for acrobatics and balance training. More importantly, it was also the perfect kind of terrain for Blake to fight in.


Blake's kusarigama and semblance made her very agile and sneaky, which meant that in rough terrain like the one the arena had transformed into she could move three-dimensionally in a great number of ways.


Turning to look at Violet and seeing a challenging smirk on her face let Blake know that the girl was aware of her preferred method of fighting, even if she didn't know about all of her tricks yet.


"Are you making this easy for me?" Asked Blake while narrowing her eyes.


"Am I?" Violet's smirk widened even further as she answered.


Blake didn't continue the conversation, instead, she went towards the center of the arena, keen on showing Violet how she fought when she was at her best.


Violet chuckled and prepared a timer for the start of the match. Luckily she remembered the settings for the screen or she wouldn't be able to manipulate it.


Both girls prepared themselves, moving into an optimal fighting position and waiting for the signal. Blake unsheathed her sword and changed it into its kusarigama configuration while Violet brought her tails forward and changed their hardness and flexibility to the best for combat, something that she had developed after years of using the semblance as one of her main weapons.


At the sound of the buzzer, both fighters kicked into high gear. Violet's tails sneaked forward with incredible speed but Blake, having witnessed their prowess before, had used her semblance right at the start of the match so, when Violet's tails hit her, her real body was already on top of a pillar.


Blake's clone dissipated on impact but neither of the girls paid any attention to it.


Blend knew she wouldn't win in a straight-up fight so her only option was to make Violet surrender somehow. Before she could continue planning, however, she had to jump and dodge towards another pillar when Violet's tails came for her again.


The game of cat and mouse continued for a few minutes like that while Blake took potshots at Violet when she had a chance although they were reflected easily by the fox faunus.


Finally, after almost five minutes of dodging and shooting, Blake found the opening she had been searching for. Having been standing on the tallest pillar, Blake waited for the tails to come and when they were upon her she used a combination of her semblance and ice dust to create a slight resistance to hinder them.


All the other times, Blake had used the push her clones gave her to dodge away from Violet's range of attack, this time she did the opposite. She launched herself with all her might over the tails and towards Violet, intent on wrapping her weapon around the girl to immobilize her.


Of course, nothing could be as simple. When Blake tried to launch her weapon around Violet to wrap her up it was immediately deflected and something hit her, taking out a chunk of her aura and sending her skidding back.


Looking up, Blake's eyes widened when she saw the likely reason for why she had been hit.


Violet's right leg was raised in the air as if she had just finished kicking something, which is exactly what had happened. The important part was that the legs which previously had been smooth and not at all different from a normal leg now had blades coming out from behind that ran up from the heel to below the knee. Violet's clothes and hair were moving slightly as well.


"Did you think it would be so easy to win? You are not the first person I have fought with a fighting style like that Blake." Said Violet, lowering her leg to the ground.


"I found it kind of fishy but I had to give it a shot." Replied Blake. "That wind blade that hit me… was that how you use wind dust?" She asked.


"You are a very clever kitty, I like it" The seductive purr of Violet's voice wasn't lost on Blake, And the pleasant shiver it sent down her spine wasn't lost on Violet either if her smirk was anything to go by.


Blake's mind conjured many scenarios, a lot of them out of her spicy novels but now it was with her and Violet. That distraction in this case was a fatal mistake on her part.


Violet's smirk turned razor-sharp an instant later and before Blake could do a thing she was wrapped up by all of Violet's tails and a leg-blade was put at her neck.


"I believe that's my win" Violet's voice was definitely smug, and not entirely because of winning. She enjoyed the way her words could make Blake freeze like that.


Blake was a little rattled by the fast development but soon found her face flaming red when she realized what had happened. Still, Violet didn't release her even after she lowered her leg and moved to shut down the modifications in the arena.


Up the stairs was Blake hauled like a little doll held up behind Violet.


"Are you going to put me down any time soon?" Inquired Blake embarrassedly.


Violet hummed for a second. "Nope, I think I will stay like this for a while."


Blake knew there was no point in arguing with the girl so she resigned herself to endure her fate. It was rather incredible how she could discern Violet's intentions after so little time knowing her.


'It's not that hard though, she's really open with everything she tells me. I wonder if it's the same with other people.' The irrational stab of jealousy that went through her heart at the thought of Violet being as open with other people almost made Blake sigh loudly. 'I really got it bad for her.' She thought wryly.


Violet made her way up the stairs, aware of Blake's sudden spike of some negative emotion but didn't comment as it passed quickly.


Once they were on the second floor the girls separated, each going to their rooms to collect more comfortable clothing for the rest of the day.


They came back down some minutes. Like the day before they spent the rest of the day lazying around. Violet gave Blake some ideas of how to train, ideas which they would put to test in the coming days.


When night came and both girls decided to go to bed Violet didn't want to use a method like the last night's. Instead, she went with a much bolder approach and extended her hand towards Blake. "Sleep with me?" It was a question that could be misinterpreted in many ways but Violet made sure to convey the innocent intentions behind it. She had grown rather used to sleeping with Blake these after these couple of nights as she slept more peacefully than she could remember in years.


Blake closed her eyes for a moment and accepted the hand offered, letting herself get dragged into Violet's room and gently onto the bed before both girls positioned themselves as they had done before.


It didn't take long for them to fall asleep after that.


Well, here it is at last. It's been such a long time since the last one that I don't know if any of the first readers still follow this.


Anyhow, this took so long basically because of life, I now wake up at 5 am and get home at 9 pm every weekday, which gives me little time for other stuff, and when I tried to write something I got stuck.


The ending in this chapter may seem a little rushed, it is. I wanted to end the chapter because I got stuck on it, and as of the next chapter I will be using another approach with the POV's. I want to try and use singular third person POV's instead of general POV which changes between Blake and Violet but still is generally Blake's, it's weird and makes things hard to write, it comes from my inexperience at writing so I'm going to try and improve.


Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you liked this very delayed chapter.


LilBoia Out.