Alina comes to my class to tell me that Kourtney has gone missing. She said the teacher announced that someone was waiting for her, and Kourtney never came back. Getting through the rest of the classes wasn't easy because we were scared and worried. Nothing entirely bad happens in New Orleans but still, it takes a second for everything to go change. Right after our last class, we rush over to Kourt's house, but she isn't there and her workers said she never came back home either. Kourtney isn't one to do wild things like skip class or something so this is frightening.

"Should I do a location spell?" I whisper to Siobhan.

"Alina would want to come with us and we'd look fishy if we tell her no. Or you go while I stay here. You can say your mom needs you." she whispers back.

Deliberating what to do, Kourtney enters the house with a big goofy smile on her face. Alina looks pissed. Very pissed. Ready to kill her pissed.

"Where the hell have you been, Kourtney Vaughn?" Alina marches to her angrily, we all think she's going to hit her but instead she grabs her by her shoulder and shakes her.

"Get your hands off me, Alina. Gosh. I'm sorry I worried you guys but girls, I had the best day of my life." she says the last sentence dreamily. "You won't believe it. I had the perfect day with Rémy. I don't know if it's a date or just us hanging out, but it was perfect. I love him even more now. And then I had to go to Alyssa's dress fitting. You know I'm the only other family she has."

Ewww. Did she go on a date with my brother? Disgusting. Siobhan tells us to go up to Kourt's room because the helpers were eavesdropping. As soon as we get to her room though, I pounce on her. "What do you mean you went out with Rémy? Are you guys like dating now?"

She eyes me. "I don't care if you have a problem with it, Chanel. You know I've always had feelings for Rémy, and he has finally noticed me so please as my best friend, be happy for me."

"It doesn't still make up for the fact that you left us worried. You have a phone; you could have dropped a text or something." Siobhan says.

"I'm so sorry girls. I wasn't expecting him. I got carried away the entire outing. He took me sightseeing, took me to lunch, city Park, the cemetery. It was awesome."

Alina hisses. "Good to know you were having fun while we were worried sick thinking the worst. I got to go, I have an assignment to turn in tomorrow. Who am I driving home?"

I feel so bad putting her down in her happy moment, but this news is unexpected. Siobhan and I follow Alina out of the house much to Kourtney's dismay. Alina doesn't talk to anyone all through the drive to my place. She drops me at mine before going to shiv's. Alina has anger issues, she's been trying to control it but sometimes, things get out of hand, and she lashes out at everyone. These days though, she tries to walk away when angry.

Kourtney spoke about her cousin's wedding. Oh no I haven't gotten my dress yet. I'm pretty sure my mother has forgotten also otherwise she'd be hounding me about going to get a dress by now. I have to write that on my to-do list.

Rémy is sitting in the dining room having dinner while typing on his phone. I drop my school bag on the table and take a seat beside him. He doesn't look up from his phone and this angers me even more. Sarah, one of the helpers probably my mate comes to ask me if she should serve my dinner. I tell her yes and face Rémy again.

"Are you dating Kourtney?" I ask him.

"Good day to you too, Nel." he replies nonchalantly.

"Please keep the formalities. Are you dating one of my best friends?"

"I don't answer to you. And even if I did, whatever I do, or whoever I choose to be with shouldn't be a concern to you."

Humph. He's so annoying. "I wouldn't concern myself if it is just some random girl. But this is my best friend we're talking about so you're going to answer me."

"Whatever, Nel. Eat your dinner and mind your business. She's not a kid. "

What? What? I'm shocked. I should mind my business? Rémy rarely talks to me like this. This is new. "In case you haven't gotten the memo, my best friend is my business. I don't want you to date her, Rémy, it's going to be so awkward. Please don't." he doesn't answer me. He carries his tray of food and leaves the dining room. Does this mean he likes her? Am I being selfish and insensitive? No, I'm not. I just don't want to have to share my brother's attention with anyone. Not even my best friend. This is crazy. Sarah comes in with my food just as my stomach growls. A whole day without a good meal, I deserve an award.

My head flings back, my sight becomes a blur, my pupils go inside leaving just my sclera. A vision is coming again. I see my mom sitting in the lounge chair on the balcony humming a low tune, her hand on her tummy. Her very big tummy. She's pregnant. There's no glint in her eyes like always, rather, she looks sad as she rubs her tummy.

My sight returns and the fog clears. My visions have never been wrong. Confusing, yes, but never wrong. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I jump from my seat and run up the stairs to find mom. What could this mean? Is mom already pregnant but hiding it? I find her in her closet trying to pack a bag.

"Hi, mom. Travelling?"

She turns and smiles at me. "Hi baby. Yes. I have a quick meeting in London, but I'd be back before you know it."

I nod taking a sit on her bed. "Are you pregnant, mom?" just dive in for the kill. No need to beat around the bush. She laughs at my question but stops when she sees the seriousness on my face.

"What's going on? I'm not pregnant. Why?"

"I had a vision, mom. Place your hand on my head and see what I saw." she places her palm on both sides of my head and close her eyes. I close mine too, opening my door of visions to her. It is painful to allow someone into my head to see my visions but there are some things you just can't explain. She gasps and removes her hand from my head.

"I am going to get pregnant? But why? When? I need to consult the ancestors."

"By the way mom, there's a new girl at school. She's from Nigeria, of the Yoruba tribe. I don't know if she's a witch or a demon."

"I want you to keep a very watchful eye on her. Watch her every movement, the food she eats, the people she talks to. I will investigate further when I get back. This past week, I've been having series of bad dreams but when I wake up, poof. It's all gone, I can't remember a damn thing. I think it's time I summon the ancestors so if something is coming, we can prepare."

As much as I try to not be scared by what mom is saying, I can't help it. I've never had to fight a serious battle ever. Mom has always protected us by cloaking us but with cloaking spells, you can never know when it will wear off. Fingers crossed it hasn't worn off. A good trip to my fantasy world would take this anxiety away.

At school the next day, Siobhan is feeling a lot better because Jarett is back to school as he is now in good shape. Kourtney is still feeling a little down because Alina is still giving her the cold shoulders and me? I'm just grateful for a wonderful night rest and the magical liquid called coffee. We have economics now then Spanish after and lunch. The economics teacher is talking about demand and supply, and all that boring stuff. Education truly is a waste of time. Kidding.

"Miss William," the teacher calls to me, oops caught daydreaming. "Please explain to the class what causes a shortage of goods and services to occur."

I stop myself from rolling my eyes as I stand up. Even a five-year-old can answer this. Pffft. "A shortage of commodity occurs when the buyer wants to purchase more than the producer wants to sell at the predominant price. This causes an increase in the price of goods in the market." a bitchy smile appears on my face which means, take that you... Star the rest of that statement, please.

"You're lucky you got it. Do not daydream in my class next time." like she can do anything to me. I'm not condescending but once you have money in this town, you hold the power and everyone else is afraid of you.

"Sorry, ma'am." I say because I'm not disrespectful. The bell goes off. Time for Spanish. At least a subject I enjoy. Kourtney and Alina take French while Shiv and I are in Spanish. Unfortunately, the Spanish teacher is indisposed so it's a free period.

"Look," Shiv taps me. "The new girl is also taking Spanish." indeed. She's sitting in the front seat going through her textbook. As though on cue, she closes it and put it in her bag then stand up and leave the class.

"We have to follow her, Shiv. My mom told me to keep an eye on her." we stand up too and follow her. She enters the bathroom. We wait a while before entering too. She's applying lip-gloss on her lips. Shiv brings out hers too and start applying while I touch up my hair. She doesn't acknowledge us. Either she's not a witch or she's pretending. I'm royalty in the coven so every witch and demon know Rémy and me.

I turn to her. "Hi. You must be new. I'm Chanel and this is my BFF, Siobhan." I stretch my hand out to her for a handshake. She seems startled I spoke to her.

"Hi. I'm Oluwatobi but you can call me Tobi. I just transferred here last week." she says placing her palm in mine. Light comes out of our palm once they touch, shocking us like we touched a naked electrical wire. She grabs my palm tightly, her pupils going inside. I try removing my hand from hers, but she holds tighter. "Something is coming. Something life-changing and you can't change it. They're coming for you. You need to be careful. They take on a different form now. You're powerful but your powers can only do little." she releases me with wide eyes. My mouth is wide open. What just happened?

Shiv rushes to my side. She inspects my palm, it is red and has like tiny rashes spread around but it isn't itchy. "You're a witch?"

"Yes." Tobi answers still looking confused.

"How come you didn't recognize me? Why couldn't I tell you are one?" I ask her.

"It's a long story but I'm cloaked. It's not the regular cloaking. I had no idea who you were until we touched. I moved here to start over."

"What kind of witch are you? I mean what are your powers?" Shiv asks her.

"I'm a herbs witch, time witch and vision witch. You?"

"I am a siphon witch."

"What about her?" she means me. I smile at her.

"Honey, I'm all these and more. I'm the most powerful witch in the coven. The last of the white ancestral line." her eyes got wider as realization hit her. Yep, that's me. She attempts to bow down before me, but I stop her. I'm nobody now. As long as I'm nobody, the demons would stay away. "What does your vision mean?"

"I don't know. I can't interpret this one." she shakes her head sadly.

"Don't worry. My mom can. She's an interpreter. You have to come home with me though after school."

She nods.