"I said we're going to Williams's house for dinner tonight." my mother glares at me.

I am so tired of my mom trying to live up to the standard of Chanel's parents who by the way aren't even trying to be friends with anyone. Everyone in the city knows they are the richest yet the nicest down to earth people unlike my mother who's not even half as rich as they are but so snobby and a big prude. When I offend my father, he always says I got my unspeakable attitude from my mother. My parents are separated but they still live together because they don't want their rich friends to find out and stop inviting them to brunches, lunches, dinner, parties and whatnot. Outside the house, they are the most perfect lovers but inside, it takes the intervention of the servants for them not to kill each other.

"I already said no, didn't I? If you want to go there and act like you are not? You are free. But I am not going. I see Chanel every day and I spend most of my time with her anyways. I'm not in the mood to watch you embarrass yourself this night."

She slaps me across my face. "You stupid child. You will not speak to me in that manner. I am your mother for shit's sake. You are so unwise at times I doubt I was the one who birthed you. My daughter would have found a way to snuggle up to William's son by now, get him hooked so he can take care of you. He's not good for nothing like your damn father."

Tears well up my eyes. I thought I was used to this by now but do one truly get used to being abused and insulted by her parents? Both physically and mentally? I am going crazy in this house. I can't take it anymore.

Just so she wouldn't hit me anymore or drag this topic, I agree to go to dinner with them. Shit on my life a thousand times it will still be better than having these deadbeat people as my parents. As an only child, I'm the only one at the receiving end of their frustration, anger, failed investments, name it. I have to bear it all. Not once have they asked me how I am truly. They don't just give a hoot.

I've thought about running away but there's nowhere for me to go. I don't have grandparents or aunties and uncles; I don't know anything about my parent's family, so I'm stuck here. I quickly put on my black cargo shorts and black hoodie. I don't care if she hates my outfit.

Chanel is dressed in a sundress and low heels, looking Porsche like the daughter of a president. Well, I don't care. I manage a smile and greeting at her mom and dad as we take our seat at the dining table. Instantly, my mom starts talking about the weather and the latest happenings in New Orleans. Rémy looks bored out of his mind while Chanel looks neutral, not here, not there. Somebody, please shoot me already.

"Will your family be attending the film festival this year?" Mother ask Chanel's mom.

"Unfortunately, I won't be around, but the kids always go so I'm sure they won't miss this year's event." she replies. Rémy, Chanel, Siobhan, Kourtney and I have always gone together all through the years and I'm so looking forward to this year. New Orleans love a reason to celebrate so everyone looks forward to all festivities. We're not allowed to go to all though but the ones we attend, boy do we attend. I smile remembering all the fun we always have partying into the night.

"Such a bummer. This year's event would be the talk of the town for months. I am one of the planners." my mom says taking a large gulp of her wine. Alcohol is next to my mom and my mom is next to alcohol. They're like 5 and 6. How pathetic. They continue their small talk while my dad and Chanel's dad remain mute. It doesn't take a genius to know that they don't like my parents. My parents are loud, vulgar and attention-seekers, the complete opposite of these very lovely people. My mom knows this but still, she pretends they are friends just because Chanel and I are best friends, and her parents adore me, so they use this as a gateway to force a friendship with one of the richest family in the city. Pathetic.

Once dinner is finished, I excuse myself to the patio to take fresh air and a break from my mother. Sitting on one of the lounge chairs, I take out my already rolled pot and light it. I take a short drag coughing before releasing the smoke through my nose. William's patio is as big as a living room. There's a pool just outside the patio fence with another set of chairs surrounding the pool. The pool is as big as some person's room and it has led lights beneath that changes every two minutes. The pool and its area remind me of a freaking resort. The water is dark blue, almost the shade of Royal blue, but when you look closely at it, it's light blue like the ocean. Even their water is rich.

Rémy sits beside me smiling at me. I have no idea when he came in here. "Can I take a drag?" he asks. We used to share a joint anytime we are around each other. He doesn't encourage my smoking habit but he joins me in hopes I wouldn't feel lonely. Rémy and I are very close sometimes but other times, we act like strangers. I'm weird like that. I push people away all the time.

I pass him the joint. "Don't let your parents catch you though. They'd kill me."

He chuckles placing it in his mouth. I watch him take a drag and another and another. I drag it from him. I don't want him getting hooked on this kind of stuff. He's too pure to be tainted. "How many of this makes you high?"

I eye him suspiciously. "Why? Thinking of getting high?"

He smirks. "Maybe. Someday. College can be frustrating sometimes so a source of escape is needed."

"I can't wait to go to college though. You'd be in your final year when we get in. At least you'd be there to help us settle in."

"Yeah. You'd meet lots of boys, irresponsible and responsible ones. But I'll be there to chase off the irresponsible ones before I leave."

I chuckle punching his shoulder lightly.

We sit in silence after that just passing the joint to each other until the first wrap finishes. I bring out the second wrap and he looks at me in surprise. What! I'm not lightheaded. It takes like two to three of this bad boy to get me high besides, this is just the regular stuff. It's not like it's mixed with anything extra or stuff.

"So, Kourtney yeah?" I break the silence.

"Yeah. You think we would work out?" He asks me.

I shrug. "I don't know. I believe anything can work out if you want it to. Besides, you guys are too young to be thinking of forever so as long as it's a new thing, why not. Just don't make her cry cause brother or not, I'd castrate you and feed your man part to the dogs."

He laughs out loud. I join him. Feels good to laugh. That's one of the reasons I like Rémy. He's easy to be with, easy to love, easy to talk to and he cares a lot about people around him. He's good people. Chanel comes to sit with us. She frowns when she sees me smoking. I roll my eyes at her.

"When are you going to quit smoking, Lin? It's going to kill you someday."

"Better me than you, princess." I give her my fake smile.

"Don't make me the enemy here. I'm just looking out for you. Come on, let's go to my room there's something I want to show you. Kourtney texted also, says we need to go shopping for our senior year uniform tomorrow." whatever. I can't wait to finish high school, college is my ticket out of this hellhole. The girls and I plan to apply to the same University in New York so we would always be together, and lord knows I need it because I'm not that big on change.

After passing the joint to Rémy, I allow her to drag me upstairs to her room. Just as we pass the living room, I feel eyes on me. It makes me shudder.