"She's not waking up." the voice whispers. "Why isn't she waking up?" What could the person be talking about? I try to open my eyes to see what's going on, but they seem too heavy to open. My throat feels dry like I've not had water for weeks. I try moving my body, but it is stiff. I scream but my mouth doesn't move, and no sound comes out either. Is this a joke? Am I dreaming?

"Cover her, she's burning up." a male voice speaks this time. It sounds like Rémy. Are they talking about me? I can't remember how I got here. I can't remember anything.

"She's supposed to have woken up by now. What do we do?" The terrified voice speaks again. All I can see is darkness, but I can hear them talk. I'm awake guys. I'm here. Please help me. This is a nightmare. Why can't they hear me? Please hear me. Please, please, please. I start crying but I can't feel tears running down my face.

"Sshhh. Do you hear that?" another voice says. There is total silence until the person speaks again. "She's sobbing. Do you guys hear that? She's awake. Come on, drop the potion in her mouth again." not long after that I feel warm liquid sliding its way down my throat. My eyes flutter but it's so hard to keep it open. I'm trying my best but it's so heavy. I see Rémy, Siobhan, my mom and dad surrounding me. Where am I?

"Chanel, can you hear us?" my dad asks. My mouth still can't move so I blink. They sigh in relief.

"You fainted a while ago. We don't want you to worry, okay? Just relax." my mom says. I blink again. Did I faint? But why can't I move my body? Why can't I speak?

"There's something we need to tell you." Rémy starts before pausing to release shaky breaths. He sounds frightened. Oh no, it must be bad. Bad for Rémy to be scared. "There's dark magic running through your veins. It's in your forearm right now and it is spreading. We don't know how you got infected, and we need to stabilize your temperature first because you're burning up yet shivering at the same time before Siobhan can siphon the magic out of you." I blink again.

"You'll be fine." Siobhan says but I can tell she's been crying because her voice is as shaky as everybody's. My head is so heavy, and I am thirsty. I crave water more than anything right now. Looking up, I see darkness pulling me towards it. Its force is so strong I can't deny it, so I allow myself to be engulfed by it.

It seems like I have been sleeping for years in the desert. My throat feels like it's on fire. At least this time my eyes open without lot of struggles. My family's still here, gathered around me with worried looks on their faces.

They are whispering to each other, but I can't make out what they're saying. I am awake guys. Talk to me I'm right here. Dammit, if only they can hear me. This is so frustrating. Rémy walk up to me and place his palm on my forehead. He instantly removes it as though he got burned.

"Her temperature is worse." he says then roll my sleeve up my arm to inspect my forearm. "The dark magic is spreading too fast. What do we do? Oh shit what do we do?" he's panicking now.

"Get a cloth. Tie it on her arm very tight let's see if it will slow down the spread. If it won't, Siobhan will have to perform the spell immediately regardless of her temperature." my mom says. Oh, God. This cannot be happening to me. I feel a cloth going around my forearm and it is very tight it hurts. Why is this happening to me? What could have gone wrong? What could I have done wrong?

"It's still spreading." my mom announce. "Shiv, get ready to perform the siphoning spell. You'd need a vessel to put the dark magic when you've drawn it out of her."

"I'd get a tight seal can. Do you know where she has her chalk and candles?"

"In her closet. You'd see a shelf behind her box. We will need to clear the room so she can work but the door will be open in case you need us." says Rémy.

I hear retreating footsteps. I wish I can tell them that Shiv isn't strong enough to perform a spell of this magnitude. It will drain her magic but my stupid mouth can't open. This is the worst day of my entire existence. Being paralyse sucks. Shiv comes back and starts casting a circle, drawing several triangles inside then place candles on each end. She sprinkles powder outside the circle before lighting the candles and picking up an empty paint can. I can feel her nervousness from over here. Shiv, please connect with me and know that this is dangerous. Read my thoughts, this will kill you! She takes a deep breath then close her eyes.

"Magia oscura Magia oscura que reside Donde no pretences sal de Ella Ahora y encuentra tu Hogar en Esta lata Donde pretences Magia oscura Magia oscura que reside Donde no pretences, sal de Ella Ahora y encuentra tu Hogar en Esta lata Donde pretences." she walks to one end of the circle facing the north, "Ancestors del Norte, les llama" she moves to the other end facing the east, "Ancestors del Este, les llama" and then the other facing the west, "Ancestors del Oeste, por favour vengan" and then the south, "Ancestors del Sur, escuchen mi súplica Porque Ella es una elegida" she moves to the middle of the triangle and faces me. "Magia oscura Magia oscura que reside Donde no pretences, sal de Ella Ahora y encuentra tu Hogar en Esta lata Donde pretences. Magia oscura Magia oscura que reside Donde no pretences, sal de Ella Ahora y encuentra tu Hogar en Esta lata Donde pretences. Magia oscura Magia oscura que reside Donde no pretences, sal de Ella Ahora y encuentra tu Hogar en Esta lata Donde pretences."

The fire on the candles goes off, the door slams shut and open itself again with a loud thud, but my friend doesn't stop chanting. My bed starts shaking, her hand is shaking too, and blood is running down her nose and the corners of her eyes. Please stop Shiv. Whatever this is sucking the life out of you, please stop. Somebody, make her stop. I cry and cry, but nobody can hear me. Rémy, mom, dad, somebody, please. At that moment, mom rushes in and pull Shiv out of the circle before she finally collapses on my mom's body but not before saying, "I'm so sorry. I thought it would work." then her eyes close. This is a waste of time. Whatever's inside me is stronger than any force or magic my mom has ever come across making her all the more frightened. If only I can move my body or remember any spell at all, I'm sure I can help but my head is blank. I don't remember anything.

The darkness comes again and pulls me into its embrace.

My eyes open for the umpteenth time.

Speaking of time, I don't know what time it is. Are we still on the same day? Are we on to another day? As I lay there limp, my life flashes before my eyes, everything I've done and things I hadn't done and didn't do. I mentally examine and judge myself because I have no idea how much time remains for me. I hear everyone whispering around me about how the magic is spreading slowly now and maybe the siphoning spell worked a little. Siphoning spells don't work a little, they either work or don't work at all. But at least it's not spreading rapidly anymore, right?

The entire time, I fall in and out of sleep. Whenever I'm awake, Rémy and Shiv take turns in coming to read to me or tell me a story or remind me of a memory just to keep me company. Whenever I don't see them for a while, I realize it is probably night and they are asleep. That's when mom or dad comes in to stay with me. I hate being this much of a burden to them. I don't think Shiv has even gone home since whatever this is happened. I feel so weak and drained like I've been running an endless marathon.

"You awake, Nel?" Rémy ask placing his palm on my head again. I blink. "Good," he nods." I know you are scared and confused but I'm right here. You're going to be fine, okay? Mom is consulting with a lot of witches and we're going to beat this. Just be strong. Hang in there a little more."

I blink twice. I don't know how much longer I can be strong. I'm tired. I'm so tired. I feel so weak yet heavy. I don't think I can fight this battle anymore. It has consumed me.