Seeing Chanel who is so powerful go through this unexpected situation has me so frightened. I don't know what to do, I am just a siphon witch meaning I don't possess that much power and even when I tried syphoning the magic out of her, it almost sucked the life out of me. Whatever is in her is so powerful. I don't know how else to help. I call my Nana and even she has no idea as to what runs through Chanel's veins.

I start getting mad at myself and my powerlessness. If only my mother didn't die in the coven raid. When the demons attacked the ancestors and the ancestral lineage in the coven, my mother was among the unfortunate that didn't make it out alive. Yes, I am older than Chanel, way older, but I don't look it because before my mom died she hid me and put a spell on me that kept me a baby until my grandmother found me. The spell didn't wear off for a few years. If only she didn't die, I'm pretty sure she'd have taught me how to activate more abilities.

I rush home to change into my uniform before returning to the William's mansion. Today makes it exactly four days since Chanel fainted. I don't know what to tell them at school when they ask of her. She's still on her bed and the magic is spreading rapidly now. The green veins have covered her left arm and are running through her right arm now. What the hell is this? Rémy offers to drive me to school, and I accept because Chanel who is always my ride to school is indisposed.

"What do I tell the girls when they ask of her?" I ask Rémy.

He quickly cast a glance at me. "Tell them she's sick."

I feel so bad for Rémy. Chanel and I are close because we are witches, from the same coven, we attend the same school and she's almost like royalty so I must protect her but with Rémy, it is different because he is her blood, and they are closer than anything. They have been joined to the hip immediately after Chanel was born and haven't separated since. I can't imagine what he's going through right now.

He drops me in front of the school trying to make a quiet exit after but unfortunately, Kourtney and one other girl whose name I cannot remember are standing in the parking lot discussing. As soon as she sees Rémy though, she almost bounces on him so I quietly take my leave. Chanel's mom called the school earlier to explain Chanel's absence, so all I have to do is take down assignments for her and possibly do them. I avoid everyone in the hallway as I drag myself into class. This feels awkward. I always attend classes with Chanel because both of us are in art class while Alina and Kourt are in science, but we do have some classes together like elective courses.

I manage to go through the first half of the day sad. My eyes were always on Chanel's empty desk in front of mine. I hope she's getting better. Please let her be getting better. I don't know what I'd do if something happens to her. After losing my parents, my adopted dad became a deadbeat father until he finally up and left so I became so dependent on Chanel and my Nana. My Nana is pretty old, and Chanel is dying. What a lovely life I have. I groan.

The bell goes off for lunch and the students make their way to the cafeteria at once. I watch as they push past me, all struggling to get to the cafeteria first. If Chanel was here, nobody would dare do that. They all gave us space to walk but I guess that's the thing about her, she commands respect even without speaking. Like I said earlier, Royalty. She doesn't know this though, she thinks they do that because of the school's hierarchy system but they don't show Alina, Kourt and I that much respect.

The girls are already seated at our table, I guess Kourtney brought lunch for us because there are several takeaway packs on the table. I walk up to them and sit where Chanel usually does.

"Yo! What's up? Where's Chanel?" Alina asks?

"She did not come today. Her mother called the principal and said she's sick." I shrug. If only they know how heavy my heart is right now.

Their eyes widen in shock. "Ohmygod we're such bad friends. We need to go check on her after school." Kourtney says.

I shake my head nervously. "No, we can't. Her mom said what she has is contagious so she's in isolation." I open a pack of noodles as I bite the inside of my cheek. I am such a bad liar. The noodles taste so good. "Your chef cooked this?" I ask Kourtney.

"No. Rémy brought this a while ago. I wonder why he didn't mention it to me. By the way, what were you doing in his car this morning?"

I try not to roll my eyes. What the hell? "He was giving me a ride to school. I always ride with Chanel but since she's sick, Rémy had to take me. Stop acting so territorial. He was our big brother before he became your boyfriend."

She pouts. "He is not my boyfriend. You need to learn how to drive. What seventeen-year-old doesn't know how to drive?"

"A lot."

Alina clears her throat. "I invited the soccer team to sit with us today. The food Rémy brought is plenty so why waste it."

I sigh already exhausted. "What's your real reason, Lin?"

She smirks. "That new boy, the very hot one, he tried out for the soccer team and got in. I want to get in with him." Besides the new boy, Newton, we got another transfer student.

Kourt and I scrunch up our nose. "That's plain gross."

Just as she was about to reply, five of the school's top soccer players inclusive of the new boy charge for our table, dragging chairs from other tables to ours to make it sufficient. God, they are so noisy. Besides the rich kids, soccer kids are the only ones that get as much respect and get treated specially in school regardless of if their parents are rich or not. They are famous for being hot and almost every girl wants to get with them but they're also players, heart breakers. They play on and off the field.

"Howdy, pretty ladies." Derek the striker says.

"What took you guys so long?" Alina pouts. Why is she being girly? Alina is never girly.

"We had practice, so we had to hit the showers before coming."

Kourtney bites into her bread acting like she didn't see any of the boys. I guess she's saving herself for Rémy. I take a mental note to ask her about their relationship. I mutter a hi to them and continue eating my food.

"We have a party this Friday. You girls have to come." Marvin the goalkeeper says.

Alina flings her hair backwards like she always does whenever she wants to make herself noticeable. "Definitely. Text me the address will you, Tristan? We're not supposed to come since you guys didn't attend ours but we're forgiving people." she says this with a smile. Tristan is the new hot guy. He looks nervous sitting with us. He hasn't said a word since they joined us. Granted, Kourt and I haven't said anything either but don't boys like to flirt?

Derek runs his finger along her jawline. "We had a game that day that's why we couldn't make it, but we promise to be at your next one. I heard yours was fun though." He smirks.

"Count me out," I announce to no one in particular. Alina is about to have my head. "I have a boyfriend and he doesn't appreciate me going to other guys parties."

Alina rolls her eyes, steam coming out from her nose and ears. Forgive me but I can't disrespect Jarett like that. Derek, Marvin and Andre, the center back burst into laughter.

"Sorry, Shiv but I don't know what you see in that dork. You can do better." Andre says in between fits of laughter and sizing me. They have no right to give their opinions like we are friends. We are not friends. We've spoken a few times and hung out together at some parties but that doesn't give them the right to talk bad about my boyfriend.

"That's a very rude thing to say, Andre. Especially since you don't know her neither do you know Jarett." Kourtney scolds him. Thank you, Kourt, for always having my back. That killed their laughter. I don't why everyone is always complaining about Jarett and saying I can do better. He is my boyfriend and I love him. He may not be hot, rich, muscular or famous but he takes care of me in the little way he can. It's usually the little things that matter. Thank goodness the bell goes off I don't have to sit here and go through torture for another minute. We clear the table and everyone heads to their different classes.

I tolerate class for another half of the day before catching a cab to Chanel's place. Her dad is at work so it's just Rémy and her mom that are around but I find them asleep in the living room upstairs close to Chanel's room. I drop my school bag on the couch quietly before walking to Chanel's room. She's still in the same position I left her. Her face looks so pale and her lips are parched. The dark magic has spread to her neck, climbing up her face. She's struggling to breathe. I let out a scream. She's dying. My best friend is dying.