"Chanel! Chanel! Wake up. Wake up."

"Can you hear me? Stay with me. Follow the sound of my voice. Don't close your eyes, come on you can do it."

"Oh god, please Chanel, focus on me."

The world is slowly becoming a dark place and their voices are fading in the background. Is this what dying feels like? Knowing you're leaving this world but there's nothing you can do to stop it. You become powerless. My heartbeat slows down as everywhere around me becomes serene. There is no stopping this. It has become inevitable.

The dark magic has managed to crawl its way up until my face. I can feel it climbing up towards my eyes. Could this be how I end? I won't even go to prom or have boyfriends? I haven't even had my first kiss yet. I don't want to die please! The universe, listen to me! I'm not ready. Someone is sobbing beside me and yelling that I'm dying. I am not ready, please universe, don't take me now.
