"What do we do now? Nothing is working and the day is dragging on so slowly. Tonight might not even be the full moon." Tobi says to me.

"I truly don't know. We are out of options. It's not like I can command the full moon to appear tonight. I wish I can do that, but I can't."

"I guess all we have to do now is wait." She shrugs. Yeah…

On a second thought, "But what if we can though?" I ask her. 


I frown. "No. Induce a full moon. Demons can do anything so why not witches? Why not me? After all, I am more powerful than any creature on earth."

"While I'm glad you are acclaiming your title, I don't know about that, Chanel. Never heard of this happen before."

An evil smirk appears on my face. "There's a lot of things we haven't heard happen, but I made happen. I will ask Odette what she thinks about this. Odette are you there? What do you think about it? Can we make this work?"