The power within my core is so great I can feel it from the small corner where my soul has been kept. I gave up my body to Odette and the second spirit I haven't named yet. For us to be able to defeat the ancestral demon queen, I had to surrender my body to them, give them total control to use me while I watched from inside my body still.

Tobi's grams stagger a bit as the powers from my palm hit her. With a spend I never thought possible, I see my self rush to her, grabbing her neck and lifting her up in the air. I can also feel the power radiating off the demon queen but it still isn't a match for Odette and her partner. I fling her, throwing her to the other side of the field where she hit her head badly.

"Oculi mali ad te spectant, cito exstinguuntur. flectere ad voluntatem. accipere poenam ab universe."